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2011 accp


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I'm so confused.

I try to avoid patently offensive phrases. I substitute "you are one dumb mother fucker" when I'm exasperated enough to say "JFC." I now call people twatwaffles instead of miserable C-bombs. If I can make these sacrifices, surely you guys can as well.


In transition
To get ever so slightly back on topic:

By shit bags, I meant slackers, not necessarily scary bad aviators. Just guys who bail on going the extra mile to get the work done right and rely on the hard chargers to do all the work. Not all, but most of my friends that went two seat after being single seat were shocked. There really isn't anywhere to hide in a C or E squadron so you'll generally get crushed for trying to be a slacker.

Front office is key to life for anyone in the unit, but probably the most for DHs.

While I appreciate A4s commentary, experience, and perspective, I will respectfully disagree. Airlines are not "The Show." Military aviation is the pinnacle of flight. But that doesn't mean it is where you want to stay forever.

The Chief

To get ever so slightly back on topic:By shit bags, I meant slackers, not necessarily scary bad aviators. Just guys who bail on going the extra mile to get the work done right and rely on the hard chargers to do all the work. Not all, but most of my friends that went two seat after being single seat were shocked. There really isn't anywhere to hide in a C or E squadron so you'll generally get crushed for trying to be a slacker. Front office is key to life for anyone in the unit, but probably the most for DHs. While I appreciate A4s commentary, experience, and perspective, I will respectfully disagree. Airlines are not "The Show." Military aviation is the pinnacle of flight. But that doesn't mean it is where you want to stay forever.

Would respectfully diagree, it is/was on topic. When you have Officers in public using disparaging language based somone's race, religious beliefs, gender, and soon sexual orientation their unit could suffer. I agree we have seen this on the forum before but that does not make it right. Unchecked it will destroy discipline. While some do not care and see maintenance of good order and discipline as the job for someone else, a close look at their persona would probably reveal very poor leadrship qualities, and probably a poor performer in other areas as well, in my humble view of leadership.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Concur. I have a pretty thick skin as far as offensiveness goes. Others don't. While people should be expected to put up with a reasonable amount of coarse language and general ribbing, they shouldn't be expected to put up with talk that is blatantly, and more to the point, is gratuitously offensive. Being completely blind to that fact is indeed bad leadership. Do you honestly think some deeply religious E-2 is going to have the ability to call bullshit on you when you talk like that? No, he doesn't. Do you think he's going to give his best effort for you if you openly shit on his beliefs? If your attitude is that it's his problem, you're wrong.

The military is a people business. People are all different, and you can't tell all of them to be just more like you and not to be so damned sensitive. Very few of us lack at least one value, idea, religion, principle or whatever that could not be tweaked if someone knew the right combination. Most are just lucky enough not to have someone poking a stick at it.

Do I swear? Yes. Do I have a bright red line I can draw delineating which language is merely salty and which is truly offensive? Absolutely not, but what I do know is not to crap all over people's values just so I can show how tough or irreverent I am. Audience matters, and once someone tells you that he is offended by something, generally you should take your cart of BS somewhere else.

Situational awareness. A pilot's and an officer's friend.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
Trolling ??? Who's trolling ... ??? Me ??? Here's hoping I just misunderstood you, for when have I EVER "trolled" this website ???

I'm just trying to give whomever wants it benefit of 45 years worth of thought, life decisions, good times, not-so-good times, and hard won experience. You're getting this "cheap".

You may not "like" what I have to say regarding the relative benefits of USN VS. The SHOW. But it is what it is --

I just hope I'm not 'trolling' Naval Aviation threads 30 years from now, dreaming about how great it would have been 'if I'd only stayed in' ... 'cause I'm happy -- I've been to The SHOW.

I've been unplugged for a little while - see I'm at "the show" too - underway flying and waving day and night. A4s, I'm not sure if you care about my opinion, or that of anyone else, but not everyone wants to fly for an airline - its that simple. Maybe that makes us can't-hack-its or chicken shit - whatever. You made your choice, congratulations, I'm glad that you enjoyed it - it bought you a nice house with a great view of the Olympics - you have much to be proud of - but the chest pounding and parochialism has gotten a bit unbecoming.

I clicked on this thread to see where the conversation about the bonus had gone in the last few weeks and I find its devolved to this (Christian this, Muslim this, rah rah airlines, training command's all ef'd up). One this is true though A4s...the more things change.....


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator
I know of six guys in zone for it and 5 are not taking it. 4 of the 6 are Hornet guys the other is a P3 Bubba. Havent talked with any helo or or EW dudes. The one guy taking it is a Hornet guy.


Uncle Pettibone
Are the detailers still being hoared out to sell the snake oil with the"here's how much you actually make" presentation? This was going on 02-05 in TRACOM, when the gates to FEDEX/SWA/Delta were wide open. No bonus inthe world would have kept my friends in, homesteading and being a professional instructor would have kept many.

I’m pretty sure the same folks would continue to suck dick for beer money, bonus or no bonus, some because they love it (living on ships, landing broke dick jets day and night), some because they are scared of outside prospects and are lazy (me), some because they just can't handle the idea of not having someone salute them.

On the religious thing... Had a atheist, downright anti-religion USMC major working for me, he saw any reference to religion as an affront to his right to not hear about religious things... stemmed from a bad experience being forced to sing in the choir at a young age (hell, maybe he was molested or something). There are a few religious troops on the team, not outright proselytizing or anything, but his abrasiveness and lack of respect for them made him un-followable and unrespectable...

He gets paid to lead, and couldn't earn his pay.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Your show is different than my show, as far as I'm concerned the airlines is as far from "THE SHOW" as it could ever be. Until you've flown every type of flying that is out there, your show can never be "THE SHOW".
That's good because as a helo driver with no significant multi-engine fixed-wing time, you're not getting there anyway.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
What the hell is going on here lately? It seems like a lot of regulars, including a lot of mods, are hitting each other below the belt.

Am I missing something, or is my sarcasm meter broken? Sense of humor failure?