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2011 accp


*pssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttt* ... WHY ARE GUYS GETTING OUT AFTER >10 YEARS ... ??? (*whisper* ... come to the airlines, guys ... a.k.a.) THE SHOW ...

You too, can have a 'life' & a viable career AFTER the 'kiss my/suck my whatever' PC organization than the "modern" USN has become ...


Or keep thinkin' ... until you're an ol' man, DEAD man ... "what might have been ... "

(*whisper* ... And, for the record ... I LOVE the USN. Always have, always will ... )


Registered User
Super Moderator
Somehow, I don't see myself trolling airline threads 30 years from now, dreaming about 'what might have been'. I'm happy, this is 'the show'.


Somehow, I don't see myself trolling airline threads 30 years from now, dreaming about 'what might have been'. I'm happy, this is 'the show'.
Trolling ??? Who's trolling ... ??? Me ??? Here's hoping I just misunderstood you, for when have I EVER "trolled" this website ???

I'm just trying to give whomever wants it benefit of 45 years worth of thought, life decisions, good times, not-so-good times, and hard won experience. You're getting this "cheap".

You may not "like" what I have to say regarding the relative benefits of USN VS. The SHOW. But it is what it is --

I just hope I'm not 'trolling' Naval Aviation threads 30 years from now, dreaming about how great it would have been 'if I'd only stayed in' ... 'cause I'm happy -- I've been to The SHOW.


Jesus fucking Christ.

You just can't keep your word, can you ... ??? I really didn't think you would.

And another road we've been down before -- I consider your use of the phrase "Jesus fucking Christ" to be patently offensive and conduct unbecoming of a USN Officer.


Out to Pasture
Wouldn't winging a guy and FNAEBing him later cost more?

I am not saying that some of the bottom feaders don't get FNAEBed but...

The number cruncher/budget dudes will tell you that spending the extra money/time to get a guy up to speed is cheaper than training a whole new guy and waiting for him to fill the gap. Extreme example...if a guy takes 25 ETs in training to finally have the light come on, it is cheaper to fly those ETs than take a whole other widget and push it through the whole pipeline...plus the time dieference to fill the fleet seat is quicker for the ET guy.

Basically, they have accepted a longer training timeline for the slow kids.

Don't break the rule bubba: Never make fun of the slow kid. If we did, there would be a thread dedicated entirely to Otto.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
You just can't keep your word, can you ... ??? I really didn't think you would.

And another road we've been down before -- I consider your use of the phrase "Jesus fucking Christ" to be patently offensive and conduct unbecoming of a USN Officer.

Ahh, the good lord works in mysterious ways. He can even reform the likes of you. :)


The Chief

Care to expound for those of us who may or may not be Christian?

I am not sure I understand your question, but I will give you my thoughs on the subject.

I am not nor have I ever been an Commissioned Officers. As a Master Chief I used to teach what I believed was that Commissioned Officers were more refined, in command of the English language to the extent that they need not resort to language such as that, but I could have been wrong all these years.

If you truely do not understand why it is offensive to some, Christian or non-christian alike, then run, do not walk and sign of for some diversity training, you need it. I understand it is availablel.


So much for the good old days of Naval Aviation. It's all fun and games until your bull gets gored.

Jesus fucking Christ.


Cereal Killer
Awesome- So all that BS talk about how the Muslims need to chill about the comical depiction of Allah or Mohammad or whomever was okay, but say Jesus Fucking Christ and you get all up in arms.

Last time I check we don't fight for our religion, we fight for our country.

Edit: As far as diversity training goes: I'm way more tolerant than most people on this board. Pretty much the only thing I don't tolerate is anyone pushing their religious views on me. Telling me I can't say something because it offends you and your religious views (that you think I should have to begin with) is pretty high and mighty. Get over yourself.