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What is wrong with the media?

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Registered User
I think of the liberals who bring up our history with slavery, the indians, womens rights, whatever else to serve their point. I then amusingly wonder if the same liberals just happen to forget about the history that towbubba mentioned...again just to serve their point. If we are to learn from history Its probably best to exclude the many thousands of sacrifices this country has made to the benefit of foreign countries. Peace, love and :icon_zbee cheers you hippy bastards.


pro-rec'd snfo
I can't help but think of an article from the other day in the New York Times that reminds me, yes, this newspaper does just like to print articles just to have a laugh at non-New Yorkers... but you know what? It's FUNNY.

For 28 Cows and Precious Water, a Man's Got to Sit in Jail
By Charlie LeDuff
Published: May 9, 2004

WILLCOX, Ariz., May 4 — "Sometimes a man has to die for what he believes in before anyone knowed he truly believed it," said Wally Klump, a 70-year-old rancher who sits in jail because he refuses to remove some cows from federal land.

Mr. Klump has spent the last year behind bars for repeatedly thumbing his nose at a judge's order to remove 28 cows from the Dos Cabezas mountain range here in southwest Arizona, land owned by the Bureau of Land Management but ranched by the Klump clan for 100 years.

Last week, Judge John Roll of Federal District Court summoned Mr. Klump from solitary confinement and asked him again if he had had a change of heart. Mr. Klump said he had not and was returned to jail. Now Mr. Klump promises to spend the rest of his natural days behind bars in canvas shoes instead of on the open range in cowboy boots.

"It's a land grab and a water grab," Mr. Klump said. "The government's trying to steal my land."

Mr. Klump acknowledges, however, that he and his family do not own most of the land, but have the common-law claim to the use of nearly 500 square miles of it. He said he believed he would lose his claims to the coveted groundwater if he did not have cattle drinking it.

At the heart of the dispute, Mr. Klump says, are liberty, water and preservation of the Western life that he will not idly watch evaporate.

"I want to show the American people how to live," he said in the visitors' room of a private jail in Florence, a two-hour drive northwest of his ranch near Willcox. The Klumps own about 50 square miles of land.

Government agents have decided not to round up Mr. Klump's livestock as they have done in the past, since he has threatened to shoot them dead. While this is impossible from behind bars, his family remains on the land and the government prefers not to provoke them.

Mr. Klump said he had never been in jail before. He has never been to New York or Los Angeles or even Amarillo, Tex., for that matter. He is tall, his body without a trace of excess. His face is severe, his hands soft from disuse, and he walked about the jail with a defeated shuffle.

"Ownership by the government is tyranny," he said. "Ownership by the rich is feudalism. The people become slaves. I'm talking about land and liberty. I'm doing this for the people. Not for me."

And here he wept, drew a laborious breath, wiped his nose in disgust at himself and said, "Shoot."

...and so on and so forth...


Registered User
If that wasn't a liberally biased article, I don't know what is... could they make the gov't look any worse? Although seeing as how it's the NY Times, I really didn't expect any better...


is out to lunch.
gorpwarp said:
"Ownership by the government is tyranny," he said. "Ownership by the rich is feudalism. The people become slaves. I'm talking about land and liberty. I'm doing this for the people. Not for me."

WOW, if that isn't liberal, what is?

Jolly Roger

Yes. I am a Pirate.
gorpwarp said:
So... the enemy of our enemy is our friend(?) Just because Bush talks dirty about Al Qaeda means he has been effective in quashing them?

And I have to wonder also about what bravery is... those of you going Navy probably know that you will not actually face combat.. unless you are piloting a helo or are a corpsman or are going Marines, what danger are you imminently facing? I don't mean to knock the honor or discipline of the Navy, but I have to hand it to those guys who know they are going to be in the line of fire..

And finally.. The only media sources that aren't biased are the ones you already agree with.

The Devil's Advocate
(And yes, I am a Yankee)

Hold on, your contradicting yourself, first Bush is the enemy of the enemy, then he is a paper tiger in your next sentence.

What makes you think Kerry will do better? I have not seen anything in Kerry's record or anything that he says that leads me to vote for him over Bush. All I have heard is, "Unilaterism, unilaterism, go to UN, go to UN", forgetting the member nations of the "coalition of the willing" or that Bush did try to solicit help from the UN. He has not really laid out any plan to for Iraq or the War on Terror, except to go back to the previous methods of using the legal system to stop global terrorism and repeal the Patriot Act, now we are back to the status quo antebellum. I may disagree with Bush's domestic policys, but I will still vote for him over Kerry or Nader.


Super Moderator
bunk22 said:
You might want to do a little more research as to whether or not any ANG units served in Vietnam.

I did and discovered that I made the mistake. Four complete and two partial ANG units deployed to Vietnam in the spring of 1968, serving for several months. They were all F-100C units and served in combat roles. What I was going off of was what I had read about the F-102 units deployed to Vietnam. They only had a handful of ANG volunteers. No excuse for making blanket statements though.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake Bunk and my apologies. I hate it when people get the facts wrong and this time it was me.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Flash said:
I did and discovered that I made the mistake. Four complete and two partial ANG units deployed to Vietnam in the spring of 1968, serving for several months. They were all F-100C units and served in combat roles. What I was going off of was what I had read about the F-102 units deployed to Vietnam. They only had a handful of ANG volunteers. No excuse for making blanket statements though.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake Bunk and my apologies. I hate it when people get the facts wrong and this time it was me.

Been there done that as well. I just happened upon the ANG units reading about the current Political situation with the President a couple of weeks ago. On top of the F-100 squadrons, there were 3 tactical recon squadrons and two tactical transport squadrons.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Lacking bravery? I think not....

gorpwarp said:
And I have to wonder also about what bravery is... those of you going Navy probably know that you will not actually face combat.. unless you are piloting a helo or are a corpsman or are going Marines, what danger are you imminently facing? I don't mean to knock the honor or discipline of the Navy, but I have to hand it to those guys who know they are going to be in the line of fire..
Mention that to the crew members of the USS COLE. Tell that to the sailors manning the rail in the Washington battlegroup, a big target in a little body of water. The boarding crews in the carribbean and the med, junior officers, chiefs and sailors doing dirty risky work on a daily basis keeping us safe. The helo pilots running anti drug, clearing mines, and supporting overland in the gulf. The reservists that got recalled to man the TSCs/JOCCs/MOCCs in forward areas, the suppos/intel, seabeas that are there to make it happen. The strike guys flying their tails off into harms way, the E2 guys keeping all of us safe overhead, and yes the P3 bubbas driving a slow inviting bus to the party. I can't even go into what the sub guys, and the specops types do, but they are out there every day.

Before you make a categorical statement like that again, take a look at all the sailors lacking "bravery" and not in harms way, the current status of the Navy:


P3 Pilot
350+ combat hours (green ink in the log book) flying the warpig


pro-rec'd snfo
ya okay.. Sorry, I was a little out of line there last night.. but I stick by my admiration for those guys that are seriously there to go face-to-face with 20 feet from the enemy, having to look at the guys they gotta kill.. and who are trying to kill them.


is out to lunch.
gorpwarp said:
ya okay.. Sorry, I was a little out of line there last night.. but I stick by my admiration for those guys that are seriously there to go face-to-face with 20 feet from the enemy, having to look at the guys they gotta kill.. and who are trying to kill them.

Is that more dangerous than an aircraft that may or may not want to fall out of the sky? How many accidents kill people in the military? Like 1/3 of all killed in Iraq are results of accidents. Just because you aren't face to face with the enemy doesn't mean you dont face danger.


pro-rec'd snfo
Okay... here I go.. [sorry it had to get political]

Kerry went to Vietnam, yeah, but you know what? AFTER he came back, AFTER he had seen what war was about, he VOLUNTEERED for a second tour. Not that I think he's a viable alternative for pres, BUT.. attacking his military service will get you nowhere..

As for what bearing military service holds as a qualification for Commander-in-Chief.. having been in a war would make you more qualified to run one. And Bush! man, aren't you guys embarrassed that the guy can't form sentences? I am.. Even when I was still for him (I voted for him in 2000), I would wince whenever he had to improv a public statement. And yet, I cheered for Bush and defended Bush, not really knowing why, toward the end, all the way up until my bro (a corpsman) came back from Iraq and told me what was going on down there, and that Bush was not actually very liked down there.

I am a female; as such, I probably won't see combat.. I am also a tech- and air-junkie, thus my choice of NFO. I love my country, and I come from a military family. (My earliest memories are being run out of kindergarten on an army base in Seoul for tear gas drills, so yea I wanna get the bad guys too.) And I love the guys on the front lines ("'Cause they stand on a wall. And they say 'Nothing's gonna hurt you tonight. Not on my watch.''"--A few good men), and everyone who fought for what I have today. I don't envy them, but I love them, because they are fighting to protect the rest of the country, even though that includes the fat-bastard welfare cases or corporate bums that live comfortably and don't even know why they have what they have. You can bet that if I'm ever called upon as an NFO to help my country, I will be there.

Now.. VetteMuscle and Shoo24, the article I attached wasn't written by the NYTimes to make the government look bad.. Read between the lines. NYTimes is totally making fun of Mr. Klump there.

Oh, and yes, you all have huge c0cks. (There, I said it. Happy?)


I couldn't disagree more with what you have to say. (NFOs and ECMOs do indeed face combat albeit air combat not ground combat. There's still MF'ers out there shooting at them.)

But this quote was freakin hilarious. If there were an AIRWARRIORS QUOTE LOGBOOK, this would definitely have to go in it. I think I might indeed spend the rest of the day laughing my a-s off.
gorpwarp said:
Oh, and yes, you all have huge c0cks. (There, I said it. Happy?)

Oh yeah... and the "Few Good Men" stuff was pretty funny too.
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