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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Throw me in the bucket
23 Male
July boards
My recruiter is putting me in for Supply/SWO/NFO/Pilot
3.53 GPA B.B.A Finance
5/6/5 52 ASTB
5 LORS - 3 former employers, 1 non-profit, 1 from college honors program manager

Good luck everyone! My fingers are crossed.

Should be hearing something soon...
I know I am cutting it close with the date, but my package is on the Commodore's desk getting his signature for my CO's Recommendation.

29 Male
Approved SWO Age Waiver
Active Duty, IS1, 11 years
3 - NAMs, 1 Combat Action Ribbon
IDW/EXW/SW/AW warfere designators
3.85 GPA BA in Homeland Security
47 OAR
4 LORs - 1 INTEL O6, SEAL XO O4, AMO LDO O4, Intel O4 OIC,
5 Interviews - different Intel O6, Intel O5, SEAL O5, SWO O5, Supply O4

Tell me what you think...


Well-Known Member
My application has been submitted since May
24 Male
Prior Corpsman, still in the Reserves...
7/8/7 59
3.7 BS Business Management
6 LOR's ranging from former CO's, SEL's, helitack supervisor, and triathalon coordinator who I volunteer with regularly.
Physical complete

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I know I am cutting it close with the date, but my package is on the Commodore's desk getting his signature for my CO's Recommendation.

29 Male
Approved SWO Age Waiver
Active Duty, IS1, 11 years
3 - NAMs, 1 Combat Action Ribbon
IDW/EXW/SW/AW warfere designators
3.85 GPA BA in Homeland Security
47 OAR
4 LORs - 1 INTEL O6, SEAL XO O4, AMO LDO O4, Intel O4 OIC,
5 Interviews - different Intel O6, Intel O5, SEAL O5, SWO O5, Supply O4

Tell me what you think...
Extensive. I am a non prior w/ no officer recommendations. OAR is a little low for me personally but your background is amazing. Good luck at the board. I hope you get there in time.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
My application has been submitted since May
24 Male
Prior Corpsman, still in the Reserves...
7/8/7 59
3.7 BS Business Management
6 LOR's ranging from former CO's, SEL's, helitack supervisor, and triathalon coordinator who I volunteer with regularly.
Physical complete
Doubt you will have a problem with the board. What are your thoughts on my package?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, your ASTB is pretty solid and GPA looks good too. It's also great that you got LOR's from people who have directly observed your character in both sports and the work setting. Overall, I think you have a solid chance, even if the boards went back to their old standard.
Also, it's nice you don't have to worry about medical potentially hanging you up later on.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
They are going back to their old standards? When/where did you hear this? Thank you.


OCS 6 OCT 2013
They are going back to their old standards? When/where did you hear this? Thank you.

I don't think BleedGreen has definitive news. He is just saying if they happen to revert back to being more selective that you would be fine with either standard being used. The best thing is to relax- it's out of your hands now. (PS, I know this is hard to do... I was in your shoes once)

Best of luck to everyone

Kyler Boeck

Pro-rec SWO waiting for FS
Sent my application middle of May, I had to wait for a vision waiver to be signed at MEPS. Let me know what you all think.
My stats:

SWO/Supply for July board
GPA-3.538 BS in Kinesiology
8 solid letters of rec from previous employers and internship supervisiors
NASIS done
MEPS done