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January 09 Boards


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Well, my late Christmas present isn't going to come soon enough now...they didn't send my application in for the January board since I'm 20lbs and 2% over weight limits. I thought they said that it wouldn't come up until after pro req and before final select, but they said they can't send it in until I meet at least that part of it.

So now I have another month to kill myself in the gym and get everything ready, but I was hoping to be pro req'd and then have my MEPS, PRT and everything else in that very week to help the final select go smoothly.....I think I'll go cry now, and have me a Miller 64 since I can't drink real beer for the time being :(.....


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Yeah, I just finished reading through the weight loss and crossfit threads, and then the crossfit website. I don't know whether I can keep the intensity up that high for very long to really benefit much from crossfit, but it'll definitely be utilized in a couple of months. It's very similar to a routine I used early on in college when I ran a <5:00 mile and maxed out PFT/PRT's...I'm a long way from getting back to that version of me just yet, but I'm pissed off enough right now to harness that motivation into the next 4-6 weeks of slavery to knock off 20-25 pounds.

Like everyone's told me so far, it's up to me to put myself into position to earn a SNA slot. No one else can workout, eat right, lose the weight - and jump through the hoops both for the Navy and for my classes in college - but me. It's my time now to decide how bad I want it, and I feel like I would kill for it right now, lol.....


Well-Known Member
NTX, bud select still tastes like a beer and is low on the cals, or you could always go for the Micky Ultra, in the slim can haha, just don't let the boys catch you with it ;).


Active Member
NTX, drink a lot of water (all the time) and read up on some other over weight threads (PRT forum). I know there was also a decent thread on this in www.navyocs.com where they recommended doing it the right way, but offered some quick tricks. I personally am not at all qualified to give any good advice, but have read a good deal about the subject since I am what I consider overweight (6'2'' 200 lbs).

I honestly think that the SEALs Crossfit program is too advanced for you, but then again I don't know you and you may kick ass at it. I guess to sum this up, exercise very hard but don't get injured in the process. A poster on here called MasterBates also dealt with a weight issue so maybe you can PM him with some specific questions if things don't work-out fast enough for you.

Good luck NTX and good luck to all in the boards next month!


New Member
Quick tips: NTX
1. Roll out of bed and do Cardio. Research shows that in a fasted state more fat is used during cardiovascular exercise, but if food was consumed in this case carbohydrates before exercise, there is a greater reliance on burning carbohydrate rather than fat. Carbohydrates are preferentially oxidized or burned when present.

2. (30-60min) to burn fat. It takes a bit for your body to switch to beta oxidation(fat) stick with it 7 days a week at an intensity that you can maintain for an hour.

3. Watch Ethanol intake anytime you ingest alcohol with food the alcohol take preference in digestion. Leaving the food you ate a longer duration in your stomach for fat storage. Essentially the alcohol tricks your body into thinking it has one meal on top of the other and it needs to storage those extra kcals.

4. Calories In vs Calories out. Watch them, Count them, Burn them. The key is to remain at a net loss. ~3700kcals per lb when you body adjust your metabolism. I need to lose 20lbs *3700=~ -74000kcals /30days= -2500kcals per day. This is a very high negative balance. Stay Hydrated and be safe.

If you like we can start up a thread on the PRT about weight management. I have lots of good info on this particular subject. Other than that good luck and do work. All my best


New Member
^--- Unlucky, I'm sure one of the Marine guys would let you know. I'm assuming you're Marine since you said PFT? Or do you mean the PRT which is for the Navy...and no you do not have to submit with PRT scores.

This thread is for the Navy Officer Candidate School option.

Also, anybody up for the January boards that haven't done so.... post your stats in this thread or the Stats/Scores thread.

Thanks and good luck to everyone.

Not sure if I am going to be in the Jan. or Feb. board but here are my stats anyway.

AWS2 (6 years in)
Currently an Aviation Rescue Swimmer Instructor
2008 HSC-3 Junior Sailor of the Year
2008 HSCWINGPAC Junior Sailor of the year
2008 COMNAVAIRPAC Junior Sailor of the Year results pending
BA in History, GPA 3.8
National Historical Honor Society member
2 NAMs (Havent recieved the JSOY awards yet)
1500+ hours as H-60S aircrewman
Interviews by O-4s, an O-5, and an LOR from an O-6. All pilots.
only one eval in the last 6 cycles that was not an EP (frocking eval)

I'm not sure how all of that compares to you guys that aren't prior service but I know that some friends of mine that got selected earlier this year were not that impressive and they are in ground school in P-Cola or in BUD's (respectively) right now. I'm sure the board takes a long hard look at ASTB scores and all but my friend in Ground School right now got picked up with mins across the board. In short, it all depends on the needs of the Navy at the time and how the board is feeling when your package is up. Good luck to everyone.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Thanks BDCPCowboy, that's good info to know. I debated on running in the morning or afternoon, or to do pu/su in the morning, etc. I think that makes sense and I'll get my daily dose of an hour's cardio done in the morning, and then do an alternating (upper/lower body) anaerobic workout in the afternoons. There is already a thread in the PRT section, but I think your info would be great to add to it.

As far as the alcohol, I'm cutting it out completely for the time being. No need to have worthless calories or carbs.

My thing with the crossfit exercise is that it might do more harm than good at the moment. I'm not in the greatest shape at the moment, but as soon as I lose the weight and get back into a workout routine I'll definitely jump into it. I used to be a hardcore athelete until a busy work and class schedule pretty much sidelined me from a decent workout, PLUS back then I was eating 6000 calories a day and didn't stop the eating when I stopped working out. So excess eating and 30-50 pounds later, here I am. I'mat 215 at the moment and need to get below 195, but I'd like to get into the 180s and then start putting on some lean muscle mass - eventually back to what I was physically previously.


New Member
NTX yeah the crossfit thing was just a quick reference for people looking for information online. That is why I said, " at an intensity that you can maintain." You are totally right in that it doesn't benefit anyone to get injured or get symptoms of over training which would actually set you back. Tailoring the program to you and your fitness is whats important. Anymore feedback and ill be in the PRT forum. Glad it helped hope you get to that target weight.


New Member
AWS2 (6 years in)
Currently an Aviation Rescue Swimmer Instructor
2008 HSC-3 Junior Sailor of the Year
2008 HSCWINGPAC Junior Sailor of the year
2008 COMNAVAIRPAC Junior Sailor of the Year results pending
BA in History, GPA 3.8
National Historical Honor Society member
2 NAMs (Havent recieved the JSOY awards yet)
1500+ hours as H-60S aircrewman
Interviews by O-4s, an O-5, and an LOR from an O-6. All pilots.
only one eval in the last 6 cycles that was not an EP (frocking eval).

I think that you stack up quite well against the field. The only thing I would briefly mention would be your ASTB scores. They could be higher but then again so could everyones mine included. Good luck SOML
In short, it all depends on the needs of the Navy at the time and how the board is feeling when your package is up. Good luck to everyone.


east coast
I see what you're saying. My OR said if selected for aviation it is best to get a flight physical before going to pensacola. That way you will know beforehand if you can pass. I'm not as worried about the heart murmur and 20/30 eye as much as before. If I have a murmur I highly doubt it is more than 'mild'. If it comes down to it I will go to my eye doctor and get a contact for my left eye to prove it is correctable to 20/20. Hopefully I won't encounter any other problems.

is there a waiver for heart murmur? if so you might want to ask the OR if you can start on that process now as to not run into problems later on down the road, like at NAMI.

and 20/30 is just fine, the limit IIRC is 20/40... drink lots of water. you should pee clear.


east coast
The doc also told me that the depth perception doesn't totally count towards flight consideration anymore, but if that's true I haven't heard otherwise. So with that in mind I will also request to retake the depth perception test as well, considering my NRD instructed me to fast the night before until after MEPS (and MEPS told me I should've done the exact opposite, since it was a pain to do the piss test and for the blood test find a vein that's flat from no water intake). I'm sure that the lack of food and fluids made me miss the one, but I know for certain I got the others right as he only corrected me on the last. Maybe he miswrote it, I don't know, but I'll retake it anyways.

FAST != don't drink water. i've heard them tell a-pool to drink water before going to NAMI yet even still some people don't.

you should piss clear and piss often when you have any of these physicals unless they specifically say don't drink water, which thus far i have not run into.

and unless backed up by someone in the know i'd assume that depth perception thing is incorrect. i believe you can miss 4 on the circle test, maybe even 6. you def don't have to get them all right although really its not that hard once your eyes get used to it. don't take these numbers as fact though, i'm pulling from memory and could very well be wrong.


Final Select SNA
is there a waiver for heart murmur? if so you might want to ask the OR if you can start on that process now as to not run into problems later on down the road, like at NAMI.

and 20/30 is just fine, the limit IIRC is 20/40... drink lots of water. you should pee clear.

Yes, I think there is a waiver for heart murmur. I know the limit for vision is 20/40 but my problem is astigmatism, and from what I've read on the forums there are different standards if your vision loss comes from astigmatism. Something like your astigmatism can't be worse than -1.00 diopters. Not sure exactly what mine is...my eye doc says it is 0 on the cylinder and -1.5 correction for the astigmatism. If I get a pro-rec I want to get a flight physical asap so I will know if I'm physically qualified.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
FAST != don't drink water. i've heard them tell a-pool to drink water before going to NAMI yet even still some people don't.

you should piss clear and piss often when you have any of these physicals unless they specifically say don't drink water, which thus far i have not run into.

and unless backed up by someone in the know i'd assume that depth perception thing is incorrect. i believe you can miss 4 on the circle test, maybe even 6. you def don't have to get them all right although really its not that hard once your eyes get used to it. don't take these numbers as fact though, i'm pulling from memory and could very well be wrong.

Yes, well normally I'd agree with you but I was explicitly instructed by my NRD to fast both food and liquids the night before. So that meant that I couldn't piss, my veins were flat and I was getting jittery by lunchtime as instead of doing the duckwalk I'd rather have been eating anything by that point. But it's over now, live and learn.

As far as depth perception, if there was a misprint then I don't know how I'd go about proving it. So unless my OR instructs me to redo it at MEPS when I go back to finish up some other business, I plan on going to an opthamologist and getting a full lookover - including the depth perception test. That way I know exactly what condition my eyes are in at this moment (MEPS only tells you 20/20, not how much better or diopters, etc.).

I've been hydrating really good the past two weeks, as in 80-100 ounces a day. I've changed my diet to practically a modified atkins diet, and am already seeing the weightloss. But instead of the 2 lbs per week that's normally considered healthy I'm working out like crazy and hoping for 5 per week over the next month...only for the short term though.
Formerly of a different name

Let's try this again.

Packet submitted 19 DEC


8/8/8 57

Good GPA, B.S. in Aviation Flight Technology

Airline experience with a regional carrier

750 flight hours, CFI, CFII, MEI

College professor, Delta captain and retired Air Force O-5 (F-4, F-16)
College professor and retired Navy O-6 (Helos)
Chief Flight Instructor at my college flight school (my boss)

Captain of College Flight Team
Captain of High School Golf Team
Assistant Chief Flight Instructor at my college flight school
First Officer on the Canadair Regional Jet

One arrest which was a mistake and documented as such by the courts. Documentation submitted with packet. Hoping the board won't ding me too hard for that one.

So that's me, good luck to all.