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BDCP Questions


Crusty Shellback
My Aviation Mgmt degree is a B.S. but with all the business classes I take (supply chain mgmt, accounting, finance, stats, econ, mgmt, etc. etc.) I have to take Calc I and Calc II engineering with Physics I, II -calculus based. At OU they consider it a "tech major" although not as calc intensive as engineering degress...and it comes with a PPL.


Well-Known Member
My Aviation Mgmt degree is a B.S. but with all the business classes I take (supply chain mgmt, accounting, finance, stats, econ, mgmt, etc. etc.) I have to take Calc I and Calc II engineering with Physics I, II -calculus based. At OU they consider it a "tech major" although not as calc intensive as engineering degress...and it comes with a PPL.

I can't vouch for every degree, but ask your recruiter. Our "pilot major" called "Aeronautical Science" was a B.S. degree (jokes aside), and it was NOT considered a technical degree.

It had calculus and physics-lite as well. Something tells me if a pilot degree isn't, then a management degree isn't either......

What your school considers a "tech degree" =/= what the Navy considers a "tech degree"


Just to add a point, B.S. doesn't make it a technical degree. For instance at alot of colleges offer both a BA and a BS in economics as well as a BA and a BS in Psychology.

Also, Education Majors are awarded a BS at some schools, I could go on and on...


Working Plan B
Where I go to school (no engineering), everyone graduates with a BA, even if in extremely technical fields.


New Member
Heh, if I can get an SNFO slot in BDCP with B.S. in Accounting and a music minor you can get something if you want it too.

Do what you want to do in college, turn in good grades, and do well on the ASTB and keep your fingers crossed. :)


Thanks for the replies. It's good to hear from people that have gone through this process already. The only thing I'm worried about is this: I'm want to get in BDCP for aviation (pilot) and my recruiter said that engineering majors are better suited to understand the material in flight school, etc. if I do get selected for BDCP as a business major, would it be ok to take some engineering-related classes (math, physics, etc.) at a community college WHILE attending university? Would they have eto be placed on the curriculum guide/contract?

You don't need a degree to learn how to fly a plane hands down. You need a degree to be a Naval Officer. So stop worrying so much about the engineering stuff. Just study hard, make good grades, do well on the ASTB, get your slot and study some more.

It might help to take some classes but then it might hurt you in your other classes because you have more on your plate.

Make the smart choice.


Well-Known Member
Heh, if I can get an SNFO slot in BDCP with B.S. in Accounting and a music minor you can get something if you want it too.

Do what you want to do in college, turn in good grades, and do well on the ASTB and keep your fingers crossed. :)

Yes but the point was that you can enjoy yourself up to 24 months (not 36) before graduation....because it's NOT a tech major...that was the issue being discussed.


Sworn in for BDCP

I have two quick questions.

How does one in BDCP advance from and E-3 to E-4 or E-5?


What exactly are us BDCPers Called? Officer Candidates?

thanks ahead of time.


New Member
You can go to e-4 and e-5 by making the deans list for two semesters in a row, or referring someone who accesses the program. You can only advance on rate for each, so if you make dean's list for four semesters you'd still be an e-4.

our contract states that BDCPers are Officer Candidates.


Well-Known Member
You can go to e-4 and e-5 by making the deans list for two semesters in a row, or referring someone who accesses the program. You can only advance on rate for each, so if you make dean's list for four semesters you'd still be an e-4.

our contract states that BDCPers are Officer Candidates.

I only referred to myself as "Officer Candidate" when giving my "title" to USAA to clarify information on my account when I was setting it up. If you call yourself "Officer Candidate" any time before the end of "Welcome Aboard" at OCS while in BDCP, you're a tool.


Well-Known Member
You're an Officer Candidate Seaman according to the contract, but if you run around making it a point to be referred as one, you are indeed a tool. I just get so tired of explaining BDCP to the multitude of people ignorant of the program that I just call myself whatever makes the most sense at the moment. I let the NROTC guys at my school make up their own titles for me, whatever makes them happy. I just quit trying. You'll see.