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BDCP Questions


Well-Known Member
I don't have to follow my BDCP exactly as it is? Or is is as long as I use it as an outline and graduate on time? Also on the reference sheet it is supposed to be from a supervisor or school official right? I was just wondering because some people get references from people with military experience, and I didn't know how they fit unless they were coworkers or teachers. I have one more question. Is there a lot of swimming in OCS?
Proof read what you write before you post it. Having a good little thread put together generally promotes a more positive and helpful response.


SWO in-training
I didn't fully understand what you were trying to ask, however you have to follow your degree completion plan. You must take the classes you put on your sheet, no less, but you can take more. I had to change classes and my recruiter made me fill out another sheet. (Will they actually check if you differ from your sheet? Probably not, but I don't know). Also, I did not have any military references, I had the dean at my school, my supervisor from work, and some other relevant people. If you can get military references, I am sure that would not be a bad idea. Hope that helps, but as Tom said, you really need to be more careful and proof read so people can help you, probably would have taken you like 5 seconds.


SWO in-training
I believe you have to take a PFA before being accepted into BDCP, I think. I actually took mine before my package was submitted, but why would they accept you to BDCP if they don't even know if you can meet the requirements? Like I said, I'm not 100% sure though.


New Member
Yep, you definitely have to take one, just like if you were submitting a normal package. I did mine between pro-rec and final select, although I heard a rumor that you have to complete it before you submit the first time. Don't quote me on that though, I applied a year ago!


New Member
Thanks everyone for your help, I am going to talk to the nearest Navy officer recruiter soon, and try to get my package in. I am going to apply for SNA and NFO. Thanks again!


New Member
can't decide

I am doing the BDCP and as of right now my major is aviation. It is aviation with a concentration in management so I will only be getting my private rating. I decided to go that way because I just don't have faith in the industry. I cannot decide what to do. I feel like if I have a degree in aviation it will increase my chances of getting a navy pilot slot, or am I just being dumb. I am also applying for supply and SWO. But I don't think it is crazy to do Aviation with a concentration in management because don't most people not do a thing with their major? I would rather do economics with a minor in political science, but I feel like that would decrease my chances. Or I could do aviation with a minor in economics. Or could i even double major, but i would have to stay a semester, but probably a year longer. Would staying longer be a bad thing? But if i don't get a pilot slot I have to be in school longer for no reason. I don't know what I should do. Or does the rating mean much more than the major? I feel so divided and I have to get the BDCP in soon to make the May deadline. Any information will help.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Major in what you will enjoy and get SH grades in. If you don't like the Aviation major and would rather switch to poly sci, then do it, but BE SURE this is what you want to do and would make better grades in.

Plenty of NAs and Officers here have non-tech or "soft" degrees. I'm still in the application process but I'm applying with a Music Industry degree. You don't have to major in aviation to be a pilot. If this were the case, what would SEALs major in, killing people?

There are also some schools of thought that a PPL or a high amount of flying hours might not necessarily help you in the selection process because the Navy wants to teach you to fly the "Navy way." - they don't want you to come in with all kinds of nasty/different habits.

Good luck, search around, there's plenty of info on here from people with similar issues.


How do you fly a Clipper?
I'm not a BDCP expert, I paid my own way through school, and walked both ways, uphill - in the snow, and also over red-hot coals. Yes the snow was falling and sticking on the coals, but that's beside the point. :icon_smil

Wish I could help with the major/time in school changing thing with BDCPers. More than that, I wish I were a BDCPer.

Can anyone help the poor soul out?


sure thing
Jooman, If your already under contract it is definitely hard to, and maybe impossible to extend your contract another year. I wanted to change a couple classes and I was going to have to fill out paperwork and get permission, I just decided to stick with my original plan of classes. As my recruiter said "Its easy to add classes and graduate within your contract time, its harder to change your course of study and add time"...

...But from your post it seems you haven't got accepted yet into the BDCP program, which would mean your not under contract. If that is the case then you have no restrictions and do what makes you happy, people get accepted with all kinds of majors (criminal justice, business, accounting, etc.). Just remember that you have to stick to the academic plan that you give the Navy. Change your major while you can, and don't forget the Navy will only pay up to two years of school.


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Non-technical degree: Navy will pay up to 24 months
Technical (If you switch to Phys, Eng, etc.): Navy will pay up to 36 months

Sorry bluesig, just had to clarify a little bit for future readers.


sure thing
Its no problem, I didn't know they extended for technical degrees to 36 months, my non-technical degree inhibited my views,:icon_tong


I would rather do economics with a minor in political science, but I feel like that would decrease my chances.

Then do it. Switching from aviation to economics won't decrease your chances. Major in what you want and apply to the Navy...that way, if things don't work out (Freak accident that NPQs you, disqualifying 5-headed dragon tatoo on your ass) you'll have a degree that you enjoyed getting and can get a job with.

Good luck and don't over think it.


Well-Known Member
For all this talk about Tech/Non-Tech majors, Aviation degrees aren't tech degrees. I know "Aeronautical SCIENCE" is NOT a technical major (B.S. degree). So it seems your choice is a moot point.