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SNA at TW-1
Late to the party, just discovered these forums.
I missed the last board, submitted my package for this board in late October. I was very excited to finally put all the paperwork and medical hiccups behind me. I started my application in August 2019

Applying SNA
ASTB - 64 8/7/8
GPA - 3.53
Age - 22
Major - Financial Planning
Prior Service - N
Flight experience - Student Pilot, about 20 hours.

Reading this forum has made me much more anxious about the board overall and my chances, but I guess there is nothing I can do about it!


Well-Known Member
Late to the party, just discovered these forums.
I missed the last board, submitted my package for this board in late October. I was very excited to finally put all the paperwork and medical hiccups behind me. I started my application in August 2019

Applying SNA
ASTB - 64 8/7/8
GPA - 3.53
Age - 22
Major - Financial Planning
Prior Service - N
Flight experience - Student Pilot, about 20 hours.

Reading this forum has made me much more anxious about the board overall and my chances, but I guess there is nothing I can do about it!
There can only be one Joey here lmao, but welcome to the forum man. You got great scores! If you want put your information in this Google doc.
This will help future applicants correlate their scores and chances of being selected.

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I have a mediocre GPA in the 2.7 range that I am hoping to overcome, albeit in Aerospace Engineering.
That’s what I’ve heard as well. Hoping it’s true with my 2.7 as well ?
It's not a big deal, I was selected with a 2.74.

Several others on the October Excel had a 2.6 and one with a 2.3 was selected, and that's as far as we know, I would imagine there were several others in the same position that were selected. The type of degree will help and whatever accomplishments you've done since then to counteract a lower GPA. Looking at a GPA alone is a poor indicator of an individuals ability to complete flight school so it's of minimal concern to the board. Just because someone has a 4.0 doesn't make them better suited to be a pilot; PFAR is far more important than GPA.


RE3 Remake Brad Vickers
I was actually thinking about asking you before. Do you have the capabilities to check the site that everyone talks about?

Ohh and 19 days of Hell to hurtle all!
Yeah, AFAIK I have the right site. It’s the NRC Intranet that posts the At Board List and the Board Results. I check it daily for pretty much no reason, lol. It’s habit or nervous tick at this point - not sure which.


AW Deity and aspiring Aviator
Yeah, AFAIK I have the right site. It’s the NRC Intranet that posts the At Board List and the Board Results. I check it daily for pretty much no reason, lol. It’s habit or nervous tick at this point - not sure which.

Well at least you can satisfy that tick! I just have to look like a tweaker at my desk all day. Internally conflicted on my chances for selection. Coming to the conclusion I have a decent shot, then self-doubt kicks in... then the vicious cycle repeats.

Soooooo, I will have to bug you when the time comes to see if there is unofficial results. under the condition I get to buy you a case after OCS LOL!