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Woman + Subs


Well-Known Member
It doesn't work on surface ships, might as well share the love with the bubble-heads. I've worked with stellar female officers and enlisted, and I've also seen multiple pregnancies leave a shop short handed, plenty of fraternization and a good few false rape allegations, and some damned awful legit ones. We're fighting a war with limited funds, might as well try to make things harder. Hell, we discriminate against the handicapped also, might as well build some wheelchair ramps while we're putting in the female quarters.


Combat Engineer
First off, I think it's insulting our intelligence to compare racial segregation with gender segregation.

Second, the military is not the place to further social agendas - especially when they fly in the face of what is practical or more efficient with regards to gear, facilities, and more importantly mission accomplishment.

Third, you can't fit a submarine in the kitchen.



I give it a thumbs up.


Now with even more awesome!
So you're saying mando PT at 30 is NOT the place to call out WUBA and Lobsters left and right?

Sometimes ya just gotta call a spade a spade.

And why does that one. . .ahem. . .female officer not just buy bigger clothes? Accentuating your rolls with tight fitting PT gear and flight suits does nothing for anyone. I'd tell her as much myself, but I'm pretty sure I'd get schwacked with a sexual harassment suit. . .

Sensitivity training here I come.

I'll see you there. Next Thursday at 0800, right?


Well-Known Member
Women can do the job. Thats a fact. In my circle I hear alot of wives complaining. I heard this yesterday and I think its probably the best retort I've ever heard regarding this matter: "I bet submarine women will be about as hot and physically fit as submarine men." That probably sums it up right there. It'll happen sooner than later.


It doesn't work on surface ships, might as well share the love with the bubble-heads. I've worked with stellar female officers and enlisted, and I've also seen multiple pregnancies leave a shop short handed, plenty of fraternization and a good few false rape allegations, and some damned awful legit ones. We're fighting a war with limited funds, might as well try to make things harder. Hell, we discriminate against the handicapped also, might as well build some wheelchair ramps while we're putting in the female quarters.
I haven't witnessed all of those things, but most. Nothing like a "tactical pregnancy" before the cruise; I can't imagine what it would do to the manning on a fast attack!

Sometimes, just sometimes, the importance of a decision should be determined by the sum of the effects it will have. It might seem sexist, but women are inherently less reliable for deployment because they can get pregnant. Can the sub community handle this reality? If such a change is "inevitable" then time will tell...


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Not to mention the pregancy discovered once underway--going to surface that boomer to get the pregnant lady off? Bet the Russians will appreciate that!


He bowls overhand.
Not to mention the pregancy discovered once underway--going to surface that boomer to get the pregnant lady off? Bet the Russians will appreciate that!

This is really why I don't think it'll happen anytime soon.

Living spaces, facilities, and all that jazz are one thing. If that weren't hard enough to overcome (are they going to use up an entire 9-man room for one female enlisted sailor, or an entire 3 man stateroom for the one female DH? Or will they magically get a perfect amount of females/berthing space ratio on all subs?), the other thing is that submariners work next to a nuclear reactor. The Navy takes no chances with pregnant women being exposed to radiation from nuclear power. If a sub has to come off station to surface and get a woman off the boat, it can't do its mission, and I would hope the Navy won't going to change its policy regarding pregnant women and radiation.


Really all the Navy has to tell these women is that the possibility of getting breast cancer has not been disqualified and no one will argue.


Well-Known Member
Really all the Navy has to tell these women is that the possibility of getting breast cancer has not been disqualified and no one will argue.

How would the risk of breast cancer be any more significant than all the other kinds of cancer? Besides which, men do get breast cancer...

Maybe they should train up a few hundred female submariners, and give them their own boats. It'd solve the space problem (and create only a few logistical nightmares).


Registered User
This is really why I don't think it'll happen anytime soon.

Living spaces, facilities, and all that jazz are one thing. If that weren't hard enough to overcome (are they going to use up an entire 9-man room for one female enlisted sailor, or an entire 3 man stateroom for the one female DH? Or will they magically get a perfect amount of females/berthing space ratio on all subs?), the other thing is that submariners work next to a nuclear reactor. The Navy takes no chances with pregnant women being exposed to radiation from nuclear power. If a sub has to come off station to surface and get a woman off the boat, it can't do its mission, and I would hope the Navy won't going to change its policy regarding pregnant women and radiation.

Just wondering, so does this mean women cannot be nuclear officers who operate the reactor on surface ships either? Can female nukes only be instructors or whatnot?


Registered User
Maybe they should train up a few hundred female submariners, and give them their own boats. It'd solve the space problem (and create only a few logistical nightmares).

Just imagine, 100 women on the same ship. All with PMS at the same time, and in control of nuclear weapons.

That's my grand contribution to the thread, other that to say that it is a bad idea. Short said it best in post #16.


New Member
I was reading that article today as well (think they had it under the "early bird" news).

The article I read talked mostly about the logistics problems, but I think some of the other problems pointed out are pretty valid.

My division lost our last LPO to an "unplanned" pregnancy (right after she got married...right before surge), I can't see a sub breaking a three month underway just to get someone off who didn't want to go on cruise.

Oddly enough, for the last two years, my entire divisional chain of command has been female (Divo, LCPO, LPO, WSC). I'm not sure I can comment on that yet, just because I haven't ever had any males in my chain.

And tactical pregnancies aren't the only bad thing. I happen to serve on the first Navy ship to have a REAL "carrier onboard delievery". Girl went in to medical for stomach cramps, came out with a newborn.

I really don't think it's a good idea.