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Stupid questions about Naval Aviation (Pt 2)

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Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
Short answer: No.

Long answer: I'm sure it's against the regs.

Longer answer: It really depends on what you're doing. I've listened to an iPod (through a VERY not-legal modification to the ICS system) on a cross country with no passengers on board. Would I do it on a mission? No. Would I do it on a flight that had passengers? No. You just can't be a jackass about it.

I'll piggyback on this as I've done similar. It's not the best idea as there's a possibility the music can mask certain sounds. For instance, if you've flown a model a/c for long enough, you know what noises are normal and abnormal. Sometimes it's very subtle. Especially in a helo.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
so heres a stupid one, can pilots listen to their ipod while they fly or is there just too much going on? id think it might depend on what you're doing up there, but in general...

Yes, but not the way you are thinking. In the EA-6B we have a multi-frequency scanner which is usually parked on a local favorite radio station. Each crew station can listen to the scanner and adjust the volume. Here's the cool part, you can take an iPod and plug it into the scanner....and listen to your iPod. I'll caveat this with we only do this during non-critical phases of flight (e.g.: NOT T/O, LNG, etc.)

-ea6bflyr ;)

Seems like someone has been watching IRON EAGLE. :D


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
ea6bflyr said:
I'll caveat this with we only do this during non-critical phases of flight (e.g.: T/O, LNG, etc.)

I'd consider those pretty critical phases of flight!


so heres a stupid one, can pilots listen to their ipod while they fly or is there just too much going on? id think it might depend on what you're doing up there, but in general...

Back in the day it wasn't iPods...it was a Walkman. When on deployment in the Western Pacific and flying 10 hours every three days, us Aircrewmen listened to music a lot. Pilots, not so much.

Yes, it was frowned upon and if you didn't miss any ICS calls and otherwise performed your duties properly and satisfactorily, it was easy to not get caught.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
We had some AEs who would rig up the ICS line-in swtich for a donation of beer. Maybe $10 worth of parts from Radio Shack. They were getting pretty professional-looking by the end, with heat-shrink covers and all.

Usual procedure was to give DJing duties to the crew FNG (who shouldn't be talking anyway). Made it easy - if the iPod was distracting you, just deselect that station. It was something reserved for long, boring uneventful phases of flight. XCs to Fallon, transit through Pak on the boulevard, etc.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Is the internet available in staterooms/common areas on a carrier?

Kinda. It piggybacks on the satellites used for SATCOM, and has low priority for bandwidth. So reeeeeeeeeeal slow.

If you're asking where the drops are - depends on your boat's ITs and how willing they are to hook you up. I think most of the time it's in DH and higher staterooms. JOs use the Ready Room computers.


Professional Pot Stirrer
Couldn't have made it thru cruise without ICS modifications... SSC protocol was AW brings the Tunes (CD player w/ ICS cord), TACCO brings the Porn, COTAC takes pictures, and well.. Pilot get back aboard after all tankables are on deck.. And of course, cut off the E-2 to the initial...

When we pulled in Dubai, our IT dudes bought a ton of cable (or whatever it was they used) with Mess Dues and late at night ran that cable all around the ship so all Staterooms were wired into the ship's internet... Slow to surf the web, but good for email....
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