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SERE school (Survival, Escape, Resistance, Evasion)


Its pretty embarrassing that this is coming from an Aggie. Every officer I've ever talked to who has been through SERE school says its pretty rough... but I have never heard anything as bad as how he described it. For example if you read the description of SERE school in One Bullet Away, the author makes it sound fairly mild. I'm guessing this guy is just embellishing it or else it would not have been news worthy.


Although it would be satisfying to see this guy nailed for violating the terms of his NDA...

Since when has the Navy made you sign an NDA for SERE? I don't recall one needing a clearance to attend SERE either. Back in the day, we talked plenty about our SERE experiences. I thought I knew what was going to happen because no less than 5 friends told me about what to expect before I left. All that preparation didn't help one bit. Being told about it is nothing like experiencing it.


Back from the range
Since when has the Navy made you sign an NDA for SERE? I don't recall one needing a clearance to attend SERE either. Back in the day, we talked plenty about our SERE experiences. I thought I knew what was going to happen because no less than 5 friends told me about what to expect before I left. All that preparation didn't help one bit. Being told about it is nothing like experiencing it.

I don't recall signing a piece of paper, but it was over 20 years ago. I do recall handling at least some Secret material. That being said I recall very clearly that you were not to talk about your experiences particularly to those that had not been to ensure the most useful training experience. I also felt that the classroom phase prepared you quite well to understand how you were supposed to act and thus any gouge would have been superfluous and perhaps harmful. I'm sure, even without a piece of paper he should feel some obligation to at least continue to heed that caution. Of course, as others have pointed out he's trying to make a name for himself and he's in the fourth estate so common sense and honor are likely fleeting friends of his.

I will stand by my initial post, that the writer did not experience what he said he did at SERE (at least at Warner Springs) in the timeframe he talks about at least to the size and scale he claims.


Professional Pot Stirrer
I don't remember signing anything... Went in 96.. But I do recall, "Hey don't talk about this experience because.."


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
We did sign NDAs and were briefed on what specific things were classified.
Seconded. Nowadays, you sign an NDA, and a SECRET clearance is required to attend; it says so on the website for both schools the last time I looked. There were both SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL elements IIRC.

This is why moderators get spooled up about SERE threads; leaks about "this one time, in SERE" could potentially get Web-san in deep kimchee. Also, just speaking for myself, I'm glad I went through the training without being gouged up; You only get one shot at it, and it could be the difference between life and death someday.



I went in May 96 and do remember signing some stuff. what it was, no idea. By far the best training I had in 20 years, and to this day, can't stand through the national anthem without reflecting to the last day there.

I think you guys are right, he's writing this for no other reason than to gain some "credibility" and maybe notoriety and sell more articles/books.

Don't think anyone will go after him for unauthorized disclosure, it will just play into his hands and get him more publicity. hopefully it will slowly fade away.


Professional Pot Stirrer
Signed lots of stuff but I don't remember any disclosure form... Just a briefing of don't fuck it up for the next guy and tell them, yada, yada... May have been NDA.. Who knows, I don't recall???

I have killed too many brain cells since.. Just last weekend, went to the Aviation Museum and they had a T-2 Cockpit.. Looked so foreign! With nearly 2000 hours in the Buckeye you wouldn't think I had lost so much.. And my last flight in the T-2 was only about 5 years ago..


We had to sign an NDA in 82.

Then maybe it is an Officer/Enlisted thing (I went through in 1983)?

I honestly don't remember ever being told while I was there, to not share my experiences at SERE. Either to friends/family (civs), or to those behind me in the pipeline. For a while it was our thing to go to the Gator Gardens the night after someone came back down from The Hill and compare SERE stories.


FY 09 CORE Selectee!
I dont know about when A4s went through but NDA's were required for both officer and enlisted students in '95. The higher-up are aware of Mr. Morris's rants, as well as many others who have been doing similar articles, or blogs in tha past year since waterboarding became a topic of interest. Like they said before, we keep track of these things. I dont know if anything will come of it though, thats all dealt with well above my paygrade, I just teach.


Change of gears - I'm headed to SERE in 10 days. It is written as an intermediate stop in my PCS orders (read: CC - Jax - SERE - Jax). I was provided a copy of my flight reservations before I left Corpus. I called the BOQ in Brunswick and they do not have a reservation under my name. Should I call them to make one or will everything be taken care of when I show up on a Sunday afternoon to check in? Thanks!


Gainfully Employeed
That happened to a lot of us when I went up there in December. You need to make your own reservation at the BOQ. You can wait until you get there, but that runs the risk that they still have room left.

Don't forget to bring cash for the cab ride from the aiport to the base. It's $70.