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Navy Reserve COVID Vaccinations by October


Registered User
I have no idea. Like I said, once everyone naturally got into a mini-uproar over the 'vax immunity only lasts 3 months' line, he backpedaled with a lot of wishy washy other stuff.

On a personal level, I think that we have to stop tracking cases and re-start tracking fatalitilies as the primary metric. In particular, the states in my region have between 0-20 total fatalities from COVID-19 over the last 60 days because of high vaccination rates, and I'm sure if you dug deeper into those fatalities there are other contributing factors. However, the cases look like they did last fall.
Concur. Yesterday is the time to gather meaningful data since we’ve gone from pandemic to endemic. True to form, we’re fighting tomorrow’s battles using yesterday’s tactics without meaningful data upon which to base our future strategy.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
seeing how widespread previous infection has been, because that would invalidate all the protective measures that have been taken.
FWIW, last year our Nellis det all got the antibody test (USAF requirement) and just 2 of 75 people tested positive for previous exposure. Anecdote-ish, but interesting.


Registered User
FWIW, last year our Nellis det all got the antibody test (USAF requirement) and just 2 of 75 people tested positive for previous exposure. Anecdote-ish, but interesting.
That is interesting. Would love to see how much the delta variant changes things. It’s actually hard to find good numbers online, and I’m still searching, but I’m sure we’ll all sleep better knowing that 40% of North American white-tailed deer have covid antibodies. Speaks volumes that this is this more easily findable than the number of North American people who’ve had it.



Well-Known Member
Why is anyone listening to politicians, radio hosts, military planners, etc regarding COVID??

Why not listen to the doctors, immunologists, and epidemiologists??

COVID comes and all of a sudden everyone is an expert on how to track cases, mortality rates, etc.

If you’re wondering if you should go get the vaccine go ask your doctor and see what he says and go from there.

There is no big conspiracy.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Why not listen to the doctors, immunologists, and epidemiologists??
Why aren't you listening?

There are plenty of doctors, immunologists and epidemiologists saying masks are worthless, the vaccinated should be able to do as they please, a third booster shot is unnecessary, and natural immunity from having had COVID is better than the shot.


Well-Known Member
Why aren't you listening?

There are plenty of doctors, immunologists and epidemiologists saying masks are worthless, the vaccinated should be able to do as they please, a third booster shot is unnecessary, and natural immunity from having had COVID is better than the shot.
I listen to my primary care provider and he said get the shot and that’s it’s safe and gives a better chance due to antibodies. So I did.

I greatly disagree with forcing people as well. Military is one thing but forcing people in private sector isn’t the right way.

Heard they’re making you guys at HAL get it.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
They are. I don't have a problem with an employer mandating it if it falls within what is allowed by any employment contract. At HAL, that us being discussed between the union and the company.

I have a real problem with any level of government mandating it. I don't believe in a nanny state and I think it violates freedoms.

I see the military as an employer in this instance.

Anyone that claims they are following the science is full of shit. They follow that science they like or agree with.

I am fully vaccinated. I think anyone not getting vaccinated without a valid medical excuse is playing with fire and should live with the consequences of their decision without imposing any rules, restrictions or lockdowns on rest of us. If they refuse, get sick or die it's on them, not the vaccinated. Fuck them, they made their choice.

COVID is over and needs to now be treated like any other flu-like illness. Quit the restrictions and hype. It on with life a nd rebuild the economy.


Well-Known Member
At this point if you’re not vaccinated and get sick- then accept the risk of being triaged at the hospital since health care is a finite resource. Otherwise- let’s get back to normal life. I’m vaccinated. Shutting down stuff cause others won’t vaccinate is stupid.

The closing of the economy is terrible. My parents are getting fucked by these constant shut downs and they work very hard to run a small business and employ a lot of people.

My mom always paid well over minimum wage even when she didn’t have too, paid health care for any employee over 20 hours, paid time off, yearly bonuses, etc. Worked hard the past 20 years running a small business and gave countless opportunities to college students, single parents, and people trying to get on their feet.

All that and their business going to get screwed from the constant shut downs.


Pags' non-medical crystal ball:
-we'll all get boosters at some point. Due to variants and possible waning immunity I'd bet we'll get an annual shot, probably mixed in with the flu shot. No word if target will give you 2x$5 gift cards for two shots in one.
-law suits for manslaughter, wrongful death, etc will begin. Just about every company will get a vax mandate because they'll be tired of all the disruption and the potential litigation.
-vax mandates will be coming to schools near you as soon as the FDA approves shots for all school age kids.
-in 15yrs no one will care that they have to get a COVID shot to go to school.
-in a few years as more vax mandates come out fewer places will worry about tracking and this will be like the flu.
-between mandates, boosters, burnout, apathy, etc everyone will eventually get back to "normal."
-last rock to fall is vac for kids under 12. Once that happens then schools can just treat this like the flu.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Pags' non-medical crystal ball:
-we'll all get boosters at some point. Due to variants and possible waning immunity I'd bet we'll get an annual shot, probably mixed in with the flu shot. No word if target will give you 2x$5 gift cards for two shots in one.
-law suits for manslaughter, wrongful death, etc will begin. Just about every company will get a vax mandate because they'll be tired of all the disruption and the potential litigation.
-vax mandates will be coming to schools near you as soon as the FDA approves shots for all school age kids.
-in 15yrs no one will care that they have to get a COVID shot to go to school.
-in a few years as more vax mandates come out fewer places will worry about tracking and this will be like the flu.
-between mandates, boosters, burnout, apathy, etc everyone will eventually get back to "normal."
-last rock to fall is vac for kids under 12. Once that happens then schools can just treat this like the flu.
There’s no reason for schools to treat it differently than the flu now. For one thing there’s nothing they can do. Two, covid is not a threat to young children.


There’s no reason for schools to treat it differently than the flu now. For one thing there’s nothing they can do. Two, covid is not a threat to young children.
Do you have kids?

Until kids get the vax this year is going to be a nightmare for parents and teachers due to the disruption of quarantines from exposures. I get that if you were King for a day we'd do things differently but until that is announced the vast majority of the world is following the guidance of health agencies that are largely in agreement.

Just wait for someone to sue a state over the death of their child because the state exposed their kid to a known risk and didn't take the appropriate precautions.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Do you have kids?

Until kids get the vax this year is going to be a nightmare for parents and teachers due to the disruption of quarantines from exposures. I get that if you were King for a day we'd do things differently but until that is announced the vast majority of the world is following the guidance of health agencies that are largely in agreement.

Just wait for someone to sue a state over the death of their child because the state exposed their kid to a known risk and didn't take the appropriate precautions.
I don’t have to have kids to read a graph. Kids get viruses. For young kids covid is less dangerous than other common viruses out there. There is plenty of data out there showing that kids should be in school, unmasked, and basically being normal kids. It’s not spring 2020.

My local school district just changed course on tracing/quarantine after forcing 3000 kids to stay home from school in the first month back. They eventually realized that of the exposed group, 95% never got covid, and it’s stupid and unsustainable to kick all their kids out of school. Guess what? Even without masks or covid psychosis inspired quarantines and testing, they’ll be fine. Statistically identical to districts that jump through hoops with covid theater. How do I know that? My county of over two million has had two deaths of/with covid under 17 years old since the very beginning. And they weren’t healthy kids at school.


I don’t have to have kids to read a graph. Kids get viruses. For young kids covid is less dangerous than other common viruses out there. There is plenty of data out there showing that kids should be in school, unmasked, and basically being normal kids. It’s not spring 2020.

My local school district just changed course on tracing/quarantine after forcing 3000 kids to stay home from school in the first month back. They eventually realized that of the exposed group, 95% never got covid, and it’s stupid and unsustainable to kick all their kids out of school. Guess what? Even without masks or covid psychosis inspired quarantines and testing, they’ll be fine. Statistically identical to districts that jump through hoops with covid theater. How do I know that? My county of over two million has had two deaths of/with covid under 17 years old since the very beginning. And they weren’t healthy kids at school.
I disagree but that's ok. You and I aren't going to agree on this and I have no interest in talking past each other ad nauseam about stuff that we have no say in since we're not virologists or local policy makers.

My crystal ball above is based not on how I want the world to be but how I think things will realistically shake out over the coming years.


Registered User
Do you have kids?

Until kids get the vax this year is going to be a nightmare for parents and teachers due to the disruption of quarantines from exposures. I get that if you were King for a day we'd do things differently but until that is announced the vast majority of the world is following the guidance of health agencies that are largely in agreement.

Just wait for someone to sue a state over the death of their child because the state exposed their kid to a known risk and didn't take the appropriate precautions.
I do.

This year hasn’t been a nightmare at all. Far from it, actually. No required quarantine due to an exposure. Based off of talking to fellow parents, my guess is that over 95% of cases were asymptomatic and the parents got their kid tested solely for their own peace of mind. The others had a low fever for a day and/or a runny nose.

So I’m not sure why you think that children getting the vaccine is required to have a normal school year. Interesting that the scientific consensus can vary so greatly from state to state.