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Iranian UAV orbits CVN-76 for 25 minutes


Super Moderator
CNN had what appeared to be pretty close range video of the ship firing into Lebanon, so I guess just about anyone could get close enough to control an R/C into it.


Registered User
I agree with pennst8.. It doesn't really matter how much or how sophisticated the UAV was/is, it created the desired effect on its enemy. To put into perspective, do you think that when F/A-18's (let's just say Super Hornets for ease of debate) are dropping "gifts" to targets on the ground, that the survivors (if there are any) or the enemy is analyzing the aftermath, saying, "Praise Allah, they only came at us with weapons that cost $60 million USD!!"? Haha! What I'm getting at, (with respect for what FlyMarines was saying) is that the UAV served in the same capacity as the very threat that the surface community is fearing and training against (suicide bombers while in port, etc. - USS Cole in 2000). All it takes is a decent-sized hole in the side of the ship and it is "disabled."
With that being said, however, I think the UAV launched by Hezbollah actually hurt them more - we all agree that Israel is going to punish them tenfold for both embarrassing them and even thinking about striking on them!!


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
No doubt they'll be punished... assuming we don't sell them out and force them to back off.

Seems like we're their only friends in this fight... Russians, Chinese, all of Europe, rest of the region (duh) are all calling for cease fires or making absurd statements about how Israel should back off.

I put it this way earlier... if Mexico had a terrorist organization operating with tacit permission from the Mexican Government and they rolled across the border* and killed our soldiers and kidnapped 2 of them, would we put up with it? I think not. Israel did not invite this fight - it came to them.

*I am ignoring the fact that our mexican border is not militarized for the sake of the arguement... but that is a whole 'nother thread.


Super Moderator
They have neither manned aircraft, nor bombs to drop. Let's not confuse the Hezbollah "UAV" with some of the stuff that we have. I suspect they're operating nothing more than a souped up RC aircraft. w/ a block of C-4 thrown in for good measure.


Brett is not as dumb as he looks, with a GED to boot......:D

BTW, does anyone at your school buy your story? If I didn't know any better I would have a hard time buying it......:icon_wink


Super Moderator
Israeli Navy

The Israeli Navy consists mostly of relatively smaller missile-equipped fast attack craft that are optimized for hit and run attacks and supporting commando ops. The biggest gun they carry is the OTO Melera 76mm, not exactly a long range gun. They have to get pretty close to the shore in order to shell anything, easily seen from the coast. So for Hezbollah to fly a UAV/big RC plane into one of them is not a stretch and could cause a lot of damage to a relatively small ship.

Some Israeli Navy ships: http://www.israeli-weapons.com/israeli_weapons_naval.html

Sa'ar 4: http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/naval/saar4/Saar4.html

Saar 4.5: http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/naval/saar45/Saar45.html

Saar 5: http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/naval/saar5/Saar5.html

It looks to be a pretty accurate site, I see nothing glaringly wrong with it.

This is not the first 'shock' for the Israeli Navy, one of their few destroyers, the INS Eilat, was sunk in 1967 by a Styx missile fired by a Egyptian missile boat. It was the first sinking of a warship by an anti-ship missile in combat and one of the few setbacks in the 1967 Six Day War for the Israelis. Could not find too many links on it but here is one related link: http://www.aiipowmia.com/inter24/in040325isrealmia.html

New Info: As usual, first reports do not appear to be accurate and these might accurate eitherl. Apparently the type of ship hit was a Saar 5 and it may have been struck by a missile. This is actually scarier to me. If Hezbollah, a terrorist group, has a ASCM then that is not a good thing. They may have also hit a merchant ship too.

Link: http://www.forbes.com/home/feeds/ap/2006/07/15/ap2880884.html

More stuff on FBIS if you have access.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Brett is not as dumb as he looks, with a GED to boot......:D

BTW, does anyone at your school buy your story? If I didn't know any better I would have a hard time buying it......:icon_wink

I look young, which is a plus because the 18 year old chicks don't feel quite so creeped out when I'm banging them. :D



C-802. Nice. That's all we need, these looney toons shooting off hardware like that whenever they feel like. I guess this is the part where we find out if Aegis is worth the money. If (and it's a big if) we go anywhere near this whole mess, that is.

*edit for spelling*


Israel now claims the missile fired at the ship was a C-802, a Chinese ASCM that has been sold to Iran and similar to the Exocet and Harpoon. If true it would be a first for a non-state actor to ahve such a sophisticated weapon.....
And it is being speculated that Iranians were operating it ?? Also being reported that the Israeli missile boat had their ECM "turned off" ... ???

I guess the lesson is --- never underestimate your opponent ???


Super Moderator
And it is being speculated that Iranians were operating it ?? Also being reported that the Israeli missile boat had their ECM "turned off" ... ???

I guess the lesson is --- never underestimate your opponent ???

I would not be suprised if the Iranians (volunteers fighting the imperialists and Zionists of course) were operating it, while a ASCM is not the most complicated weapon in the world it is not just point and shoot like a Stinger or a Katyusha.


Active Member
And it is being speculated that Iranians were operating it ?? Also being reported that the Israeli missile boat had their ECM "turned off" ... ???

I guess the lesson is --- never underestimate your opponent ???

That is also what I heard, they had their ECM off... Perhaps my ignorance will show through blindly now, but that seems like an incredibly stupid mistake. How much effort/work can it possibly take to turn the thing on (obviously a crew runs it) while off the coast from a nation that would like nothing more than to sink you. Granted they expected the biggest threat was wishes/hopes/prayers, but you never know sometimes those wishes/hopes/prayers materialize into an anti-ship Chinese developed, Iranian made, missle.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
And it is being speculated that Iranians were operating it ?? Also being reported that the Israeli missile boat had their ECM "turned off" ... ???

I guess the lesson is --- never underestimate your opponent ???

Not to mention the first law of fighting terrorists . . .

For the Israelis to lose, they just have to not win. But for Hizbullah to win, they just have to not lose. Food for thought . . .


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
That is also what I heard, they had their ECM off... Perhaps my ignorance will show through blindly now, but that seems like an incredibly stupid mistake. How much effort/work can it possibly take to turn the thing on (obviously a crew runs it) while off the coast from a nation that would like nothing more than to sink you. Granted they expected the biggest threat was wishes/hopes/prayers, but you never know sometimes those wishes/hopes/prayers materialize into an anti-ship Chinese developed, Iranian made, missle.

That being said, ECM is not a panacea, especially for inbound vampires. More of a last ditch effort. I'm wondering if they had their air search radars running, or even if the whole radar/ECM thing is getting mixed up in the confusion or by the press.



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
It may not be a panacea, but it ain't sh*t if it isn't on either...

My question is, how is it that this "fact" is public knowledge, especially mere days after the attack? Seems like the only ones who would know would be the IDF and I can't see much reason for them to divulge their tactics/doctrine or lessons learned in a public way. Just seems suspicious, or likely to be inaccurate.
