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Iranian UAV orbits CVN-76 for 25 minutes


Registered User
This sounds like Iranian propaganda but none the less I found it interesting and thought I'd share. As usual, your feedback is appreciated.

TEHRAN, May 30 (RIA Novosti) - A pilotless Iranian reconnaissance plane circled for 25 minutes over a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf before returning safely to its base, a senior Iranian official said Tuesday.

"Our pilotless reconnaissance plane flew over the USS Ronald Reagan in the Persian Gulf unnoticed to the Americans for 25 minutes," the official said, according to Iran's Fars agency.

He did not say when the flight took place, but added that U.S. radars picked up the unmanned aerial vehicle after 25 minutes, and that four USAF fighters and two helicopters were scrambled to intercept it. However, the Iranian plane had already crossed the border back into Iran and landed at its base.

"This points to holes in the U.S. military reconnaissance systems deployed in the Persian Gulf," the Iranian official said.


Sounds like they are stretching a bit. Not to mention the fact that the Reagan concluded operations in the Persian Gulf the same day as that Iranian news release (per Navy News Stand).

And why would USAF fighters respond when a carrier can launch her own birds?


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Maybe they WILL give P-3's guns, this is a target we could take on!


Super *********
Super Moderator
It's my wave day onboard the Connie, August of 99. The Hornets come into the break, I'm timing the groove lengths, all is normal. Until the Iranian Patrol Plane (a twin engined French design I believe) fly's low behind the boat, about 200', turns right and fly's below the Hornets in the pattern. I could have reached out to touch him. He flew in front of the boat, turned around and came back. From my understanding, nobody saw him coming. He flew very low and slow. Happens from time to time.


Getting Closer and Closer by the minute
Wow that makes me a little nervous about the safety of our carriers out there. Sounds like if there is a war with Iran, there is a chance we could lose one of our boats to them.


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RevnR6 said:
Wow that makes me a little nervous about the safety of our carriers out there. Sounds like if there is a war with Iran, there is a chance we could lose one of our boats to them.
As (if) tensions increase, defenses will be appropriately ramped up. Even if these guys were operating Predator B style UCAVs (which they're not), it takes more than a Hellfire missile to take out a flat top. I suspect that if they so much as shoot a BB gun in the vicinity of the strike group, we will respond with overwhelming destructive power - and they know that.



Registered User
navyao said:
He did not say when the flight took place, but added that U.S. radars picked up the unmanned aerial vehicle after 25 minutes, and that four USAF fighters and two helicopters two helicopters were scrambled to intercept it. However, the Iranian plane had already crossed the border back into Iran and landed at its base.

What's up with the two choppers? Is that an appropriate response to intercept a UAV?


Brett327 said:
As (if) tensions increase, defenses will be appropriately ramped up. Even if these guys were operating Predator B style UCAVs (which they're not), it takes more than a Hellfire missile to take out a flat top. I suspect that if they so much as shoot a BB gun in the vicinity of the strike group, we will respond with overwhelming destructive power - and they know that.


I don't think worrying about this will do much good, really what could a UAV do to a carrier? Assuming it happens to have a hellfire aboard, yea you could launch it at the carrier but what good? Maybe delay flight ops, momentary panic but that is it.

I'd love to see the CIWS on any of our ships take care of a low flying UAV, that would be a sight.

Coota, I think the mention of choppers was an addition to the story by the Iranians to make it sound like they caused a big panic and uproar.


Intel about what? They could watch the discovery channel and learn as much about a carrier battle group as they could from flying over one with a UAV. Couple the Discovery Channel with a computer with the internet and you can practically find out where the carrier is and what it is doing from Navy NewsStand. CVBG's don't really carry many secrets with them, can't really conceal a carrier.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
TXHusker05 said:
Intel about what? They could watch the discovery channel and learn as much about a carrier battle group as they could from flying over one with a UAV. Couple the Discovery Channel with a computer with the internet and you can practically find out where the carrier is and what it is doing from Navy NewsStand. CVBG's don't really carry many secrets with them, can't really conceal a carrier.

Dude, think outside the box. If they have UAVs with real-time video... just like we do... or GPS positioning...


I understand the importance of real time imagery and GPS, but what would the Iranian's do with it? It is great to know where the carrier is but it isn't like they are going to launch a Silkworm missile at it... because we know if they tried they would be fvcked. I don't think Iran has the stones for it. I guess it could be used to watch flight ops and see what is in the air at any given time but it seems like the Persian Gulf is small enough (width-wise) that a halfway decent radar station near Bushehr would be able to pick up any aircraft flying around the northern Gulf.

Sure information is one of the most important things of a war but a CVBG is the most mighty force in the world. I guess what I am asking is what tactical advantage would this give the Iranians?


I Can Has Leadership!
Sometimes events like that aren't done for a tactical advantage. Sometimes, its just a benign show of force... a "Hey... look what we can do!" Its a way for Iran to show that they are a reasonably capable power, and show off some hardware that may or may not back it up. If they get intel from it, then they got a little extra paydirt. If not, well now the American public knows that Iran has "the capability to possibly launch an unmanned attack on our assets in the area"