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Freebie Sub to HeliOps Magazine - READ THIS

Check Six

Registered User
Phrogpilot - Exactly.

Steve - I have one with the 28-70 2.8L lens on it and the other with the 70-200 2.8L lens on it. That way when I am flying I dont have to change lenses and risk getting dust onto the sensors.



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
GatorDev - Am a Canon guy thru and thru. I use 2 x EOS 1DS MKIIs. Each one is 17 megapixel. Great cameras to use and very reliable. Focusing is awesome and awb is even better. Wouldnt touch Nikon at all. Paying for the name and they dont deliver in a high pressure situation.



Ahh, okay. Guess I was making that up. So you haven't answered the question: do you pull focus manually or in auto...or is that like asking a chef for his secret recipe?

By "not delivering..." how do you mean? I am by no means trying to get into a Nikon/Canon/tastes great/less filling debate, just curious. I can understand that you would have different demands as a professional than, say, a wedding photographer, for example. Just curious to hear your perspective.

Check Six

Registered User
Happy to answer. I always use the auto focus. Canon has such a superior autofocus system than Nikon that its a no brainer. Easiest way to tell the difference is to stand at the end of the runway at say Nellis or Leemore and shoot a fighter coming towards you. The Canon system will have no problem refocusing on the image as it comes towards you, the Nikon on the other hand finds it impossible. One of my editors is changing from Nikon to Canon because of the superiority of the autofocus system.

I have also found that the Canon bodies tend to stand up to hard knocks much better. Good example was when I flew with one of the Kelly brothers in a Tomcat from Pax River. Did a cat shot from the runway there, had my camera down beside the left hand side of the seat but not all the way back. When we went thru the cat shot it threw the camera back and a nice chunk of it went flying across in front of me, stupid me for putting it there in the first place, but I just picked it up and it kept going. Have taken them out in the desert, up in the mountains etc and they just keep going.

It all comes down to personal preference and I have found the Canon 1 series suits me best. Feel free to ask any questions, always happy to answer.



Check Six

Registered User
Just a couple of my fav pics taken on a recent trip to Afghanistan.

Pic 1 is yours truly wedged into the hell hole of the Huey II right next to the Minigun :) :)


Pic 2 - Yours truly with some of the Afghan national police guys who were cutting down the poppy, as well as my minders on the ground. Oh and by the way those are all poppies that we are standing in.


Check Six

Registered User
Have added another 100+ images to the image bank gallery so check them out. Quite a few fast movers and helos there now as well.



Well-Known Member
How do your assignments come about, do people request you or do you just head out where you think would be interesting?

Check Six

Registered User
Its actually a mixture. Sometimes I think something would be a great story and other times I get an email invite to come and visit a unit and others are just a chance meeting.

An example of this is when I went to Afghanistan recently. We had arrived in Kandahar from Kabul with the US State Dept guys to fly with their helos doing the poppy erad work. Well during the days they didnt fly I went over and spoke to the Colonel in charge of the Taskforce there. He knew my magazine Helitac and I asked about the possibility of flying on some missions with them. The answer was a "shit hot - come along" and I ended up doing a number of flights.

Amazing what you can achieve in the middle of a war zone :)


Well-Known Member
Great photos as always Ned, and I can't wait until I get the new issue of HeliTac! Don't know if it was a screw up or not, but last time I got two in the mail. I don't mind, because it meant that I had an issue to read when a buddy stole one!

Quick question - how do I get in on HeliOps? I'd love to read that article about flying in the UAE...