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Feb 2015 Supply DCO Board Cancelled


Well, down to the last few days. I look at all the great folks on here with stellar stats and I try to convince myself that I am still competitive, but there are so few slots and some really qualified folks in the mix. I started this about a year ago. As I put my kit together a friend forwarded it to a CDR that used to run the board, and, after he reviewed my resume, MS, and prior service, he sent me an email back to tell me that he felt that I was an exceptional candidate, mostly due to my civilian experience and leadership background - but that was all prior to the draw down in the supply corps needs and board cancellations... Now, I'm not so confident. We shall see. Good luck to all of you.

Ha don't sweat it shady after hearing there may be so few slots and so many applicants I'm like you and hoping I got enough now.

Physical has to be done prior to the board. You are correct, AT is annual training.

Got ya. Yeah that was one of my many trips to MEPS. It's the one thing that is the hardest at this point in my life. I'm not sure about ever getting down to weight but I can make measurements thankfully. I've always thought the weight restrictions were a bit low to be honest.


Well-Known Member
The weight restrictions aren't impossible.

But they will probably be changing in the next few years since they are about 100 year old standards.


The weight restrictions aren't impossible.

But they will probably be changing in the next few years since they are about 100 year old standards.

Very true not impossible but I know a lot of AF reserve guys over 40 that struggle to keep weight down. I also find a it a bit ironic when I look back at my time in the Navy and think that if there was some trouble and I had a choice between being paired up with 160lb me from my active duty days or the current me at about 205lb I would take today's me easily. I am much stronger now than I was back them just don't have the 27 inch waist anymore :)


The Real...
Very true not impossible but I know a lot of AF reserve guys over 40 that struggle to keep weight down. I also find a it a bit ironic when I look back at my time in the Navy and think that if there was some trouble and I had a choice between being paired up with 160lb me from my active duty days or the current me at about 205lb I would take today's me easily. I am much stronger now than I was back them just don't have the 27 inch waist anymore :)
I'm with ya brother!
I have been active for 12 years and almost 3 years, and within the past few years they have really cracked down on PRT weigh ins. They have been talking about changing it to where if you fail the weigh in you could still do the PT test, but the past few years if you failed the weigh-in then you failed the entire PRT and were automatically on FEP, and so many failures within so many years got you discharged from the Navy. It was there way of processing people out and I saw several people get kicked out from 2010 to 2012 when I was still on active duty. I feel if you can pass the PT test they should leave you alone, but that has not been the case.


Well I get that there has to be some standard. The Navy doesn't want a 5'10 guy with a beer gut running around in uniform even if he can pass the PRT. Let's face it the PRT is not that hard to pass at a minimum. As Ragin said though those standards are very old and it would be nice if the Navy, and all armed forces for that matter, took a little more modern look at weight requirements particularly as you get older.
I totally agree with you. The weigh-in requirements have not changed in the 15 years I have been in. They take your height and see what your weight should be on the chart they have and if you are over-weight then they tape you to check your body fat content. That is the same for everyone and it doesn't matter if you are 19 or 40 in the Navy's eyes. The only thing that changes is your times or scores for the run, situps, and pushups the older you get. I am 36 and am 20 pounds heavier from when I joined in 2001 and still under the weight by about 5 pounds and wish they adjusted it as well!!!


Since height/weight has come up I have what might be a stupid question. I'm targeting the boards next year, and as such have not done MEPS yet. Will they tape me at MEPS or are they purely height/weight chart? I'm not sure I could make the required weight for a 6'1" man without some serious crash dieting. I can pass a tape test, but I've spent a lot of years in the weight room for football and rugby and not sure I've been sub 200 since early high school.....
One advantage of going to MEPS at this age and for this program is that you're treated with a mild amount of respect - opposed to an 18yo kid who doesn't know how to act and is trying to enlist. That said the standards are the standards. I have a similar body composition and was just a few pounds short of the max at MEPS. My screener said to me "I hope you hit the mark because I don't want to have to tape you." Do what you can to get under the max for your height..even if it's just one pound under. The MEPS doctors can effectively "fail" you and that ends the candidacy; as far as I know. I don't want to know what happens if you have to go back for a second medical evaluation...
I honestly can't tell you if they tape at MEPS if you are over weight but I am sure that they do. My last PRT I did in April there is a guy I drill with that is a bigger build because he plays football in college and he has failed the weigh in and taping the past 2 prt's. It is ridiculous I think because he can do the PRT better than me but because of his build he fails.


The Real...
Since height/weight has come up I have what might be a stupid question. I'm targeting the boards next year, and as such have not done MEPS yet. Will they tape me at MEPS or are they purely height/weight chart? I'm not sure I could make the required weight for a 6'1" man without some serious crash dieting. I can pass a tape test, but I've spent a lot of years in the weight room for football and rugby and not sure I've been sub 200 since early high school.....
They do tape at MEPS... There was a gent, that fits the physical description you gave, at MEPS when I was there for my physical. I recall he was about 8 LBS over but passed with tape and he was allowed to continue through the process. He was Navy OCS candidate.


I can tell you for a fact they will tape you at MEPS. I am way over the max weight (more than 8lbs) and was taped both times I went.