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Registered User
Bummer. I was hoping someone could explain stories like this to me. I was told that Texas ending its mask mandate was “Neanderthal thinking”. Crazy that the science changed in under three weeks!



Registered User
It will surely be open again soon now that cases are spiking again due to the mask mandate going away two weeks ago.

Just kidding, cases are still plummeting without face diapers.
This is the part where I say “just wait two weeks!”

Edit: see, this is confusing to me because I’ve been told repeatedly that New Zealand “did it right”. But if that’s the case, why is this happening?

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The Dude abides....
Fauci is still an idiot. I want to slap the smug expression off his face every time I see him talk in an interview! This Dr is the exact reason to get a second opinion!

He was a failure during the AIDS epidemic in the 80s and continues to prove that he has no clue what he’s talking about now. Rand Paul even called him out for wearing two masks as theater, since he’s already been vaccinated. The former president should have fired him a long time ago. Fauci is the reason many have lost trust in the medical community.


Registered User
“CDC director Rochelle Walensky in February said that schools can safely reopen before teachers have access to the coronavirus vaccine. A January study from the nation's top infectious disease experts found that coronavirus outbreaks in classrooms have been "rarely reported." And an American Academy of Pediatrics study found that coronavirus transmission is "extremely rare" in the classroom setting.”


Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
And then there’s this:

The same people that think presenting identification to vote is unacceptable are now encouraging the use of a COVID passport app to be “allowed” to go to venues or restaurants or wedding receptions. People scrambling to be controlled is a lot scarier than scaryvirus ever was.


Registered User
At least their policies disproportionately impact communities of color and those who are economically worse off. It sets the bar super low so we can #buildbackbetter!
I honestly don’t understand if people don’t understand the negative impacts of these policies? Or if they’re purposefully ignoring them to allow for political agendas to be shoved through?

I feel like we’ve reached a unique point in American history where you can just say something and it’s automatically true as long as it keeps with the narrative. For example: “we must follow the science and keep schools closed!” Also, “what’s happening at the border isn’t a crisis!” It IS indeed a crisis, but if we say it isn’t then the media will just report whatever we say.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
And then there’s this:

The same people that think presenting identification to vote is unacceptable are now encouraging the use of a COVID passport app to be “allowed” to go to venues or restaurants or wedding receptions. People scrambling to be controlled is a lot scarier than scaryvirus ever was.
My daughter and son-in-law live in NY. My daughter got the vaccine early as she is in health care. My son-in-law can not get the vaccine because he is a young, healthy male working in the wrong field. He can't even get tested without a doctor's prescription because of NY policies.

This is pure bullshit.

Didn't the Nazis say "show us your papers" too?


He bowls overhand.
My daughter and son-in-law live in NY. My daughter got the vaccine early as she is in health care. My son-in-law can not get the vaccine because he is a young, healthy male working in the wrong field. He can't even get tested without a doctor's prescription because of NY policies.

This is pure bullshit.

Didn't the Nazis say "show us your papers" too?
I'll be the first to say that the data shows that NY should have re-opened last Memorial Day (76% of total COVID-19 fatalities in NYC are before this date), and definitely by July 4th if they wanted to trend that out a little farther. However, the title of the NYT article posted is misleading. NY is opening major public venues to partial attendance (e.g. sporting events, concerts, etc.) with the caveat that attendance requires either a vaccine or a negative COVID test within the previous 72 hours.

My sister is a PA in NY and she knows of no policy that requires a prescription to get tested.

The app is simply a digital way to display this information rather than carrying the form / card from your doctor to the gate security at these venues. There's no Nazis coming for anyone and a vaccine will not be necessary to re-enter society.

He was a failure during the AIDS epidemic in the 80s and continues to prove that he has no clue what he’s talking about now. Rand Paul even called him out for wearing two masks as theater, since he’s already been vaccinated. The former president should have fired him a long time ago. Fauci is the reason many have lost trust in the medical community.
Dr. Fauci has roughly 70-75% approval rating across the nation, so I don't think that he's the reason 'many have lost trust in the medical community' and firing him would be controversial to say the least.
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Registered User
I always thought one of the qualities of a bureaucrat is their replaceability. His offering expert opinions about children and covid-1984, instead of deferring to the actual experts at the AAP, is what troubles me. Have our lives changed for the worse since Dr. Birx resigned?

See also: the media’s lionization of Governor Cuomo.