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API/ Primary Tutoring

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HKG Based Artificial Excrement Pilot
What's the current NATOPS version for the T-34? There's a couple older ones floating out there. Don't want to study old EPs.


One post on the same subject is enough -- I am sure you understand. Also, you DO have the Webmaster's permission to advertise your services -- I presume for profit -- on the website, yes ??? That is a basic requirement prior to anyone 'advertising' anything herein ...

Otherwise ... we'll have to take all your posts down until you do get HIS permission.




New Member
Thanks for the info. But seriously, there is some pretty old gouge on the internet that was last updated when I was in 8th grade! Money's not the issue, spent $30 on beer this weekend, just looking for some reliable info that might help me step off on the right foot, maybe even step ahead a little. Thanks for the info again.


New Member
Thanks for the info. But seriously, there is some pretty old gouge on the internet that was last updated when I was in 8th grade! Money's not the issue, spent $30 on beer this weekend, just looking for some reliable info that might help me step off on the right foot, maybe even step ahead a little. Thanks for the info again.


Well-Known Member
Just get in the static cockpits early and often to start learning where all the switches are located. That will pay dividends in early CPTs and allows you to practice checklists and EPs with your hands instead of just rote memorization.

Also it's never to early to start with the rote memorization.


Well-Known Member
Just get in the static cockpits early and often to start learning where all the switches are located. That will pay dividends in early CPTs and allows you to practice checklists and EPs with your hands instead of just rote memorization.

Also it's never to early to start with the rote memorization.


New Member
Yeah, thanks.
Figured 'API' was more appropriate topic than 'Gouge' but that was after I'd already sent the first post. Couldn't take it back at that point.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
You don't need to spend any money on gouge. I used bensgouge for the briefing guides and found them pretty helpful. The best gouge you can get is from those just ahead of you in the syllabus. For karma reasons, help those behind you. If you aren't there yet then there's not much worth studying except maybe numbers and EP's.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
You don't need to spend any money on gouge. I used bensgouge for the briefing guides and found them pretty helpful. The best gouge you can get is from those just ahead of you in the syllabus. For karma reasons, help those behind you. If you aren't there yet then there's not much worth studying except maybe numbers and EP's.


Thanks for the info. But seriously, there is some pretty old gouge on the internet that was last updated when I was in 8th grade! Money's not the issue, spent $30 on beer this weekend, just looking for some reliable info that might help me step off on the right foot, maybe even step ahead a little. Thanks for the info again.

Why don't you ask 'Spoonman' ... since you both share the same computer/IP address ??? Spoonman offers to 'tutor' API aspirants, so he should be able to hook you up ....


Thanks for the info. But seriously, there is some pretty old gouge on the internet that was last updated when I was in 8th grade! Money's not the issue, spent $30 on beer this weekend, just looking for some reliable info that might help me step off on the right foot, maybe even step ahead a little. Thanks for the info again.

Why don't you ask 'Spoonman' ... since you both share the same computer/IP address ??? Spoonman offers to 'tutor' API aspirants, so he should be able to hook you up ....


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
. ***-***-**** or send private message to this account.

Spoonman, no advertising unless cleared by Web-san. And if you post yet another thread advertising your service after being told by senior Mods to cease and desist, you'll be getting our version of a Signal of Difficulty/Down.

(Free) note/tutoring: as a FNG on AW and Spam protection measure, you won't be sending any PMs for awhile although you can receive them (kinda like a Gosport tube).


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
If you are looking for additional instruction in API Aero or Engines give me a call. I taught it for 2 years at NASC until June 2010 and can provide you with an excellent exam prep and simplify the concepts you might be struggling with. Can provide you with reference from past/present students if desired. 850-449-3386 or send message to this account.​

I'm headed to Corpus in two weeks, heard someone talk about a study book for the T-34. Anyone know where I can get hold of one?

Thanks for the info. But seriously, there is some pretty old gouge on the internet that was last updated when I was in 8th grade! Money's not the issue, spent $30 on beer this weekend, just looking for some reliable info that might help me step off on the right foot, maybe even step ahead a little. Thanks for the info again.

Yeah, thanks.
Figured 'API' was more appropriate topic than 'Gouge' but that was after I'd already sent the first post. Couldn't take it back at that point.

Why don't you ask 'Spoonman' ... since you both share the same computer/IP address ??? Spoonman offers to 'tutor' API aspirants, so he should be able to hook you up ....

Not only using same computer, you must have just missed each other twice today as posts from both of you from same IP address only came back-to-back in two time periods; once around 1000 and again at 1600. Amazing coincidence!

We're not pulling punches here, we get alerts when this happens and it draws Mods like the Sentinels in the Matrix. Sometimes it's a duty computer at OCS or at a Squadron or one of the husband/wife teams or someone trying to maintain two separate accounts, which is verboten and summons the banhammer.


This is weird.
ACTUALLY ... it happens more than you might imagine.

Most of you aren't aware of the MOD-SQUAD machinations 'behind the curtain' ...

The thing that's REALLY 'weird' ... is how many fools think they're 'anonymous' on an internet forum ...

Especially on Air Warriors ...
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