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02AUG2021 Pilot/NFO Board


Well-Known Member
Definitely this! I sat down with my optometrist to discuss my pre op and post op measurements and one simple waiver and I was good to to
so basically if you fall outside of the preop limits for SNA, but your surgery was successful and you can meet all of the eye standards, there is potential to get a waiver? am i interpreting this correctly?


Well-Known Member
You have the option to get out no strings attached all the way up until you get pinned. They’ll probably offer you SWO if you stay in, so you just have to decide whether that’s worth it to you ?‍♂️
Cool, good to know. I’ve been wondering that for a while


Well-Known Member
Also remember fellas, laser eye surgery is not a disqualifier for aviation. You only need a waiver if your eyes do not meet the pre and post op requirements set forward in the naval aviation guide. I thought that since I had LASEK in the past that I would need a waiver but that ended up not being the case.
So if I fall within the correctable to 20/20 range, would lasek still be the way to go? Would you want to do it before or after NAMI?


Well-Known Member
I’ll link the navy aeromedical waiver guide below. The section for corneal eye surgery is section 12.15 and it lists all the pre and post operative requirements and the waiver requirements. I can’t remember the general aviation eye requirements, but I believe if your vision in your worst eye is no worse than 20/40 and correctable to 20/20, you’re good to go. If mine had been in this range, I wouldn’t have even gotten LASEK, just got through flight school and done PRK through the navy.



Well-Known Member
Also talked to my recruiter today and he said more than likely the board will continue as scheduled for Aug 2nd. He said anything is possible but plan for August. I will continue to pray for earlier?


Well-Known Member
I’ll link the navy aeromedical waiver guide below. The section for corneal eye surgery is section 12.15 and it lists all the pre and post operative requirements and the waiver requirements. I can’t remember the general aviation eye requirements, but I believe if your vision in your worst eye is no worse than 20/40 and correctable to 20/20, you’re good to go. If mine had been in this range, I wouldn’t have even gotten LASEK, just got through flight school and done PRK through the navy.

@exNavyOffRec would it be safe to say that any condition that is not present in this guide as requiring a waiver, would not be considered disqualifying?


Well-Known Member
I am. If you get NAMI Whammied in OCS what happens next? Out of the Navy or redesignated? I imagine if it happened at P’cola you just get redesignated since you are through OCS and all that
I have met several that either didn't make it through flight school or were found NPQ, some were able to redesignate, some were sent home, and some went home voluntarily.

You have the option to get out no strings attached all the way up until you get pinned. They’ll probably offer you SWO if you stay in, so you just have to decide whether that’s worth it to you ?‍♂️
If they have space, a few I know wanted to stay but there was no space available, one was approved for redesignation to IP and a few weeks later given orders sending him to the IRR


Well-Known Member
You have the option to get out no strings attached all the way up until you get pinned. They’ll probably offer you SWO if you stay in, so you just have to decide whether that’s worth it to you ?‍♂️
What about other careers like Intelligence and Cryptology? Do you get to transfer to those or are those too specialized and require you to reapply?


Well-Known Member
What about other careers like Intelligence and Cryptology? Do you get to transfer to those or are those too specialized and require you to reapply?
It seems like based of the intel from ExOfficerRecruiter, SWO would be the best case scenario. My buddy said most of the guys that got NAMI’d we’re offered SWO but most of them decided to separate no harm no foul. Intel and Crytpo to my knowledge are both kind of special programs kind of like BUD/s or EOD school and probably my wouldnt be offered to someone that had just been dropped from a pipeline. You never know though, I ran into one of the O’s from my BUD/s class out in VA and he was an Intel O, so I suppose it can be possible.