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01AUG2022 SNA/SNFO Board

you should be fine. Obviously striving for all tens but they might just not want to explain that ten. 9 is fine anything less is iffy.
Thanks, thats what I was thinking too. The interview went very well and he asked me numerous times to keep him updated at every point in the application process.


SNA (A-Pool)
65 7/5/6

Morning started pretty good with that OAR but I shit the bed in the PBM section.

Guess I’ll grill some steaks or something this weekend to take my mind off it


SNA (A-Pool)
Yeah, unfortunately, that PFAR is below average man. Have you already used one of your three retakes?
Yeah that was my second try. It’s especially bugging me because those were literally the same scores I got the first time and I went in completely blind then.

No use in complaining tho, I just gotta get better and retry


SNA (A-Pool)
Definitely invest in a HOTAS (preferably the same one your recruiting office uses) and get some hours in a flight simulator like MSFS or XPlane so you can get used to the controls and the inverted Y-Axis. Use Jantzen's tracking sim pretty much every single night until you go back to take the test again, this will help with your peripherals, muscle memory, and speed. Try to remain as calm as possible throughout the other sections of the test so that you're not mentally burned out when you get to the PBM..... that entire section and the ANIT is basically what your PFAR is comprised of so, it's important to really focus and ace it from start to end.

You got this man! Depending on how you did on the ANIT section, I'd mainly focus on scoring higher that PBM. Your OAR & AQR scores show that you're a pretty smart dude so, you should definitely have the rest of the test in the bag when you retake and wont have to worry about losing those other scores... although your PFAR is really the only score out of the four that matters.

Do you have any previous flight experience?
Yeah I've been using the tracking sim with a cheap Logitech stick and it definitely helped; in fact, I think the actual test was easier than the sim in that it felt like it was moving slower. I definitely know where I tripped up tho:
  • ANIT was about 50/50, some of the questions were pretty basic but others were more specific knowledge that I don't really remember seeing before.
  • I was moving pretty quickly in the UAV portion, but I lost focus towards the end so I missed about 3 or 4 in a row and 5ish total.
  • During the first dichotic listening test, I read the directions but didn't write down which buttons to press for odd/even and completely blanked as soon as the practice portion started. Simple mistake, but I'm pretty sure I missed every possible point on that part because of it.
  • Listening/tracking wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I still missed a few points here and there.
  • I don't think I did too bad on emergency procedures (I got them all right), but I focused on fixing the emergencies so much that I lost track of both targets so I'm sure I missed points there.
I don't have any flight experience but I've been playing MSFS 2020 a lot recently so I think that was pretty helpful with tracking. If there are any programs that can help with dichotic listening, I'm all ears (no pun intended lol)


New Member
I won't be able to apply to this August board due to some school scheduling stuff and was wondering if there is a standard time interval or something similar for when they decide to announce the next selection board?


Making Recruiting Great Again
I won't be able to apply to this August board due to some school scheduling stuff and was wondering if there is a standard time interval or something similar for when they decide to announce the next selection board?

There’s a board schedule usually for every fiscal year. The schedule for the upcoming FY is usually released around the summer timeframe.

Is you’re working with a recruiter, they would have the most up to date info.


Well-Known Member
For those that don't have their package submitted yet:
Do everything in your power to get all the paperwork submitted as soon as possible.

But I think we should be pessimistic in our assumption that we can make this board. My package made it to NRC last week and my recruiter is (managing my expectations) telling me my package won't be looked at until the Fall board.

If anything, the conversations of the previous board threads is a huge testament to start early;
If you have even a thought in your head about being a SNA get started today. In terms of time, the ASTB and MEPS will be your greatest timesinks so try and get those out of the way first. The rest of the documents are pretty boilerplate so if you haven't taken the ASTB yet, get studying. If you are worried about fitness worry about that after your package is submitted, you'll have plenty of time to get in shape.


Hi everyone, I hope your applications are going well. I wanted to gather some opinions on my current situation.

Currently, my package is complete, but I haven't submitted yet as my ASTB score is currently 48 5/5/6. I planned on retaking but my job and other personal commitments keep me very busy and I've been struggling to find a consistent study schedule.

My recruiter is advising me to submit with my current scores, and if I am not accepted, to retake for the next board in the Fall. I'm tempted to do this in case this board closes the application window early, and also to buy me more studying time.

If y'all were in my shoes, would you submit as is?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I hope your applications are going well. I wanted to gather some opinions on my current situation.

Currently, my package is complete, but I haven't submitted yet as my ASTB score is currently 48 5/5/6. I planned on retaking but my job and other personal commitments keep me very busy and I've been struggling to find a consistent study schedule.

My recruiter is advising me to submit with my current scores, and if I am not accepted, to retake for the next board in the Fall. I'm tempted to do this in case this board closes the application window early, and also to buy me more studying time.

If y'all were in my shoes, would you submit as is?
retest, it is very very rare for anyone to get picked up SNA with a 5, it sounds as if he or she is just trying to get you to submit so he or she looks good. If you do submit you are more than likely looking at August anyway, so by the time those results come out and you get a chance to retest you could be looking at early next year.


retest, it is very very rare for anyone to get picked up SNA with a 5, it sounds as if he or she is just trying to get you to submit so he or she looks good. If you do submit you are more than likely looking at August anyway, so by the time those results come out and you get a chance to retest you could be looking at early next year.
Thanks for the input. If it makes a difference, I'm applying for SNFO.