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N.A. landings at USAF bases (hopelessly threadjacked x3..and counting)


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
my guess was that the teacher would have told the class to pick something to research and analyze, rather than this actual study. Sure the info itself is pointless, but isnt half of the stuff on the internet pointless?:D

for example:


Well-Known Member
my guess was that the teacher would have told the class to pick something to research and analyze, rather than this actual study. Sure the info itself is pointless, but isnt half of the stuff on the internet pointless?:D

for example:

That is a very fair assessment.


Well-Known Member
This is by far the most entertaining threadjack to watch to date... Some are simple to predict, you know "Wow, at the end of this thread I'll be reading about the Manatee." or "Wow, at the end of this thread I'll be reading about hookers & blow." This one? Honestly, who in their right mind would read the first post about Naval Aviators landing at an Air Force base and think "Wow, at the end of this I'll be debating Coke, Pepsi, Soda, etc..."

Mind boggling.


Well-Known Member
Since my campus was closed today due to the fires I decided to watch the Princess Bride... I have to say that it was indeed a very good movie.

Oh yeah that was at Phrog not just a random statement I randomly posted... although that would fit with the overall direction of the thread.


Since my campus was closed today due to the fires I decided to watch the Princess Bride... I have to say that it was indeed a very good movie.

Oh yeah that was at Phrog not just a random statement I randomly posted... although that would fit with the overall direction of the thread.

Nice connection

That being said, you had never seen it before?


I Can Has Leadership!
raptor10 said:
Same here.

You are hereby directed to go to your nearest Movie Rental Facility (MRF) whereby you will pay all applicable fees related to the rental, watching, and subsequent return to aforementioned MRF, the movie entitled "The Princess Bride"


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator

Caddyshack is in a class of its own like Buckaroo Banzai...there are personal favories and then there are the "Cruise Classics" that transcend all dimensions. Fast Times at Ridgemont High comes to mind as well as does The Fifth Element, Groundhog Day, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Heavy Metal, Animal House, Mr Mom......but back to personal favs; Princess Bride is one of my Top Ten favorites


I remember the first time I saw Princess Bride. I asked my Dad what all he'd got from the video rental place and remember being disappointed when he told us the name of the film. We thought it was going to suck big time...needless to say we were wrong. That was probably in the early 90s.

Fast forward to my junior year at UF. I walked into my business law class for the first time and notice that my professor looks exaclty like the "inconceivable" guy from the movie. He even had the lisp. I could never watch the lectures from that class without thinking about the movie.

Here's a pic of him.
