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Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
In whose world is that effective? Other than to make jerks and bullies feel better about themselves in the most empty way possible?
You’re right. We should keep telling people that being morbidly obese is normal and even brave. That’s the way to help people.

Fat people are fat because of their own actions. Sloth and gluttony are sins for a reason. Stop making excuses for weak fatasses.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
First, the threshold for obese is less than you probably think it is.

Second, of the over 132,000,000 obese Americans, there are fewer than 1,000,000 that actually have a legitimate health condition that makes them that way. Everyone else is simply inflicted with some combination of gluttony and sloth.

Is it just me or does Spekkio remind anyone else of Cliff Clavin?



Well-Known Member
Exercise is largely irrelevant if you eat too much. “Reasons” are excuses and it’s bullshit. People are fat because of gluttony and sloth. More shaming is necessary, not less.
At a Kangaroo Court in a squadron with the World's Largest LCDR we did a Karnak the Magnificent skit.

The answer was "one-thousand, five hundred, and sixty-two"

The question was "What does LCDR LargeBottom weigh in a 3G turn?"
Last edited:


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998

"May the sand fleas of the deserts of Yuma and Fallon infest your flight suit."


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
And cooking most meals takes as long as waiting in line at a fast food joint.
Healthy food debate aside, talking out your ass here. Can't imagine what consists of "most meals" in your household or what sort of fast food places you go to that substantiates this claim. Do you even cook and clean up the mess?

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
Healthy food debate aside, talking out your ass here. Can't imagine what consists of "most meals" in your household or what sort of fast food places you go to that substantiates this claim. Do you even cook and clean up the mess?
A really nice home-cooked meal takes a lot of time, before and after, not gonna argue that, but cooking a hot meal covers a lot of different things.

I'm not trying to attack you here either, @wink , it's just your post is as good as any use to make a point. As a society, we've collectively forgotten how to feed ourselves. It's like our concept of food is upside down.

Hot, healthy food isn't always expensive. A ¾ pound bag of frozen vegetables costs a dollar at WalMart and it takes a few minutes in a microwave oven. (If that sounds bland then dress it up with some tomato sauce and sprinkle some salt and pepper on top... still quick and cheap.) The same size bag of potato chips (party size bag) costs $3.50, even more if you buy the variety pack of lots of small bags. Be honest, which is more commonly seen in the checkout line?

Cold food or snacks? A 2lb bunch of half a dozen nice, big bananas comes out to less than a dollar (at WalMart prices). The same number of off-brand twinkies costs about five bucks. Pretty easy choice which one to pack in kids' lunches or to tell them to eat when they say they're hungry but it's not dinner time yet.

Thirsty? 12oz. cans of off-brand coke aren't too bad a $3 for a dozen, even cheaper by the 2L bottle, but drinking tap water (ew, gross) is practically free and it won't make your bones weak like drinking two of those cans every single day will. And whatever happened to 10oz cans and 8?

I'll give you that some overweight people really do have bad genes, some people stay naturally skinny because they feel full as soon as they eat two bites (or so it seems). But for the bulk of the fat people in this country (pardon the pun) they're that way because of choices- a lot of bad choices. A lot of the same people will claim they have joint problems that makes it difficult to exercise. They gave themselves bad bones and joints from those same bad choices.

Frozen vegetables, fresh fruit, and water sounds terrible compared to riding in comfort in an electric scooter, with a convenient basket to carry a personal diabetes kit... choosing to go for a walk instead of watching the latest episode of the damn tiger king... or having way more trouble breathing than you rightfully should, laying in a hospital bed and sick with a bad case of the covid, because your diaphragm has to do twice the work with every breath you take because it's doing dead lifts on your big belly.


Thanks for letting me rant.


He bowls overhand.
Healthy food debate aside, talking out your ass here. Can't imagine what consists of "most meals" in your household or what sort of fast food places you go to that substantiates this claim. Do you even cook and clean up the mess?
If you're talking total cooking time sure. I'm talking active time. You don't have to stand over the stove to watch the food cook.

I cook all the time and most of my meals take less than 10 minutes of active time.

One example: rub chicken breasts with your favorite mix of spices. Scoop rice into a pot with equal parts water. Turn on stove and preheat oven. This takes less than 2 minutes.

For the next 10 minutes, go do something else. Come back and stick chicken in oven. Set timer for 10 minutes.

Flip chicken over. Pour frozen veggies into steamer and turn on stove. Set timer for 5-10 minutes. Go do something else.

Come back in 5 minutes. Scoop food onto plates. Season vegetables and eat your meal.

If you are that busy that letting food heat up while you do something else isn't feasible (which I will call bs), pre cook your meals and reheat throughout the week.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
A really nice home-cooked meal takes a lot of time, before and after, not gonna argue that, but cooking a hot meal covers a lot of different things.

I'm not trying to attack you here either, @wink , it's just your post is as good as any use to make a point. As a society, we've collectively forgotten how to feed ourselves. It's like our concept of food is upside down.

Hot, healthy food isn't always expensive. A ¾ pound bag of frozen vegetables costs a dollar at WalMart and it takes a few minutes in a microwave oven. (If that sounds bland then dress it up with some tomato sauce and sprinkle some salt and pepper on top... still quick and cheap.) The same size bag of potato chips (party size bag) costs $3.50, even more if you buy the variety pack of lots of small bags. Be honest, which is more commonly seen in the checkout line?

Cold food or snacks? A 2lb bunch of half a dozen nice, big bananas comes out to less than a dollar (at WalMart prices). The same number of off-brand twinkies costs about five bucks. Pretty easy choice which one to pack in kids' lunches or to tell them to eat when they say they're hungry but it's not dinner time yet.

Thirsty? 12oz. cans of off-brand coke aren't too bad a $3 for a dozen, even cheaper by the 2L bottle, but drinking tap water (ew, gross) is practically free and it won't make your bones weak like drinking two of those cans every single day will. And whatever happened to 10oz cans and 8?

I'll give you that some overweight people really do have bad genes, some people stay naturally skinny because they feel full as soon as they eat two bites (or so it seems). But for the bulk of the fat people in this country (pardon the pun) they're that way because of choices- a lot of bad choices. A lot of the same people will claim they have joint problems that makes it difficult to exercise. They gave themselves bad bones and joints from those same bad choices.

Frozen vegetables, fresh fruit, and water sounds terrible compared to riding in comfort in an electric scooter, with a convenient basket to carry a personal diabetes kit... choosing to go for a walk instead of watching the latest episode of the damn tiger king... or having way more trouble breathing than you rightfully should, laying in a hospital bed and sick with a bad case of the covid, because your diaphragm has to do twice the work with every breath you take because it's doing dead lifts on your big belly.


Thanks for letting me rant.
All of this. I've got a civilian co-worker who had a health scare recently because of his weight, and if you met the guy, you'd say "yeah, he still looks heavy." But he's worked with his doc and hopped on the PT wagon, and at last count (pre-epidemic), he'd dropped 85 pounds and counting. That's like over half of me. Guy busts his ass to do it, and that's not nothing, but that just speaks to the power of good choices.


Professional Pot Stirrer
All of this. I've got a civilian co-worker who had a health scare recently because of his weight, and if you met the guy, you'd say "yeah, he still looks heavy." But he's worked with his doc and hopped on the PT wagon, and at last count (pre-epidemic), he'd dropped 85 pounds and counting. That's like over half of me. Guy busts his ass to do it, and that's not nothing, but that just speaks to the power of good choices.
Buddy of mine from the gym with a similar story. He had a heart attack at 30. Bigger dude, always struggled with weight. Anyway, COVID lockdown made him reassess his program. He’s a train engineer and would eat quick garbage. So he lost 60 pounds since covid started. He says it wasn’t his workouts but his food. How did he do it? Tracking his food with MyFitnessPal.


Well-Known Member
He’s a train engineer and would eat quick garbage. So he lost 80 pounds since covid started.
Whoa. That would literally make the train go faster.

One of my go-to workouts is rucking. Just throw the backpack on and go hiking while listening to tunes. As I lose weight, I'll throw what I lost into the backpack and carry it.

Your friend strapping on an 80 LB backpack, that'd be an eye-opener on just what he's accomplished. Power to him.