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Vance and Jets


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
It seems like the fleet has become a lot more anal about the Right Spirit stuff than the training commands, which I find ironic. At least from an instructor point of view. Then again, I guess there's not as much worry about the 150 blue shirts getting DUIs since there aren't any.

So answer your question, JG, yes, it happens in the Navy. It just depends on where. But an admin (which are technically illegal now) is a far more crazy place.

Ex Rigger

Active Member
In my old squadron I know that they had a separate room....not the ready room.....that had a couple couches, a table, all the squadron PAO stuff, and a fridge completely stocked head to toe with cans of beer. The room started when they had the old couches from the RR and I guess didn't want to get rid of them and they had an extra squadron space up on the top level.......they bought brand new brown leather ones for the ready room.


Registered User
Yeah.. in every flight room the fridge was FULL of beer. We were told to bring 12 packs day one, and were charged a beer for every recorded F up on the radio. I even had a few beers during de-breifs. The drinking is defenitly a massive part of the pilot culture there.


FLY NAVY...Divers need the work
If you fly last go here, a beer in the debrief is standard. I love it! One more reason to go AF! (I will hide now from the cannon fodder to come)


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Super Moderator
zab1001 said:
I've heard of squadrons having a secret stash...it's generally frowned upon, I'd guess due to (a) the whole "no booze onboard, (b) "glamorization of alcohol", thank you DAPA and "the Right Spirit", and (c) the ineviatable and constant DUI checks on base (going on and coming out of the gate).

We had a kegerator in out Wardroom for about a month, until the weenies in our sister squadron (not the Webmaster's, BTW), crybabied to their front office about not having one. Rather that install their own, they demanded the Commodore put ours out of business. But it was a nice, for that month, being able to have a cold one after the work day ended. No one was getting wrecked, who wants to stay at work more than you really have to?

As far as in flight school, I had some great IPs in advanced who suprised me with beers in the debrief more than once. Pretty cool move, IMHO.
Yeah, definitely a command climate thing. We had an "Ops Fridge" with a lock on it in which we stored various adult beverages. The only proviso was that any drinking was to be kept out of sight of the troopers. Honestly, it was only used occasionally and mostly for the last debrief in the afternoon or night. Nobody got carried away and it was not abused. Our command generally did a pretty good job of distinguishing "acceptable" recreational drinking from outright binges followed by DUI or drunken/disorderly. It was common on det or deployment to have a few beers with the troops, then to retire to separate facilities for the serious drinking.
