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Opinions on Kerry

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quoting neocortex's article:

"In the latest TIME/CNN poll, 60% of voters say John Kerry did his duty for the country during the Vietnam War"

A silver star, bronze star, and 3 purple hearts in 11 months...
Republican or not, I'm worried about that 40% of voters... I guess if you're not KIA, you're not done with duty.


Registered User
Umm, I'm pretty sure he was only kidding. sheesh lol

Your right, my bad room I deal with people with their head up their
all day, my appologies. He was just able to say it with such a straight face in all he got me.


Registered User
Originally posted by bulldog06
What I want to know is, why is everyone criticizing the fact that Kerry opposed the war? How is that betraying his brothers-in-arms? If anything he was standing up for them and future soldiers who were being sent to the slaughter. That war was unwinnable and we should have gotten out a long time before we did. I'm surprised there isn't more of a consensus on this. Kerry did his duty in Vietnam and was by all means a hero. His involvement with the anti-war movement after his service time speaks highly to his character.

This country has turned so dramatically, to be a "patriot" now means to not question going to war.


Interplanetary Ambassador
northtouk: Hey, finally someone who kinda agrees with me! Its hard for one person to keep replying to these guys all the time!

Seriously though, I'm hoping that this whole 'Bush Natl' Guard AWOL' thing won't be the main focus of the race. Sure, there are some questions remaining about Bush's service, but hopefully we can leave well enough alone; what happened 30 years ago happened 30 years ago. Nothing either candidate can do will change that. Hopefully it will be noted that Kerry served in Vietnam and won medals, while Bush stayed at home and flew jets. We Democrats will win the race based on the issues, not this AWOL thing.

EDIT: Wait, why wouldn't you vote for a president who can get oral sex? Isn't his ability to get #@$%ed a good thing?!?


Registered User
I wish for just one presidential term we stop talking about what we ought to do and actually do the crap that is unpopular with business America and move on to a better society.


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I am actually pretty grounded, I look at both sides; liberals and conservatives, one has their heads in the clouds, the other up thier own


Applying for OCS
I understand why a lot of people did not like Clinton but the Kerry flap surprises me. Here is a guy who was wounded three times, ran his boat aground and chased down and killed Viet Kong who shot RPG's at them and came back and helped stop the war. He has always supported veterans while bush has cut their benefits. I do not like the way he has voted on many defense issues but I think you have to have an open mind on all of this. Also, what is so wrong with voting liberal? I tend to think that improving education, health care and other social issues is pretty important. When people think about taxes they forget what all they are given by living in the US. A stable government, freedom, education, roads and all kinds of other benefits. In this country the rich are getting way richer than the middle class and the poor and wealth is being passed down more so than it use to be. Look at the Hilton sisters for gosh sake. Those girls are rich as hell and have not done anything to earn it or done anything to benefit anyone but themselves. America is suppose to be about everyone being equal, not making sure you pay a little less in taxes so you can go buy a new SUV as opposed to funding programs to help bring people out of poverty or insure the 41 million Americans who don't have insurance. When did America get so selfish? If we are really having a war on terror why didn't we raise taxes to pay for it like every other war this country has been in?


Registered User
America was built on this selfishness, "the land of opportunity" which for all intensive purposes it is. Hell I don't mind being taxed, especially when it goes to schools, roads, and all that other crap. We should have raised taxes but the rich OBVIOUSLY needed a tax break from making their millions so they could a couple more.. million in return.
Rich get richer
Poor get poorer
And I am content to sit on the couch and watch t.v


Yeah... its such a sin to be successful... even if you do pay disproportionately larger taxes. Those rich people... they must be punished for their success. Anyways... once again, you can request alternate or make-up drill dates as a reservist. It doesn't matter whether its 8 months or 18 months. Your Chain of Command approves it, and you make it up later. Ahhh... to hell with it. I guess a "SNA spouse" knows more about the reserves and guard than someone so ignorant as me who was actually in. I think I'm done here.

Fly Navy

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akamifeldman and Northtouk, I have two recommendations for you. First, take an economics class or read an economics book. You know nothing about the tax code, which is evident by your posts. Second, read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. Maybe it'll open your eyes.

To address the question of "what's wrong with voting Liberal?" Well, it's the belief of many in this nation that the solution to social problems is NOT through government programs.

You say that America is about being equal, or rather, was founded on the idea. You're entirely right...in the eyes of the law and the government. It has NOTHING to do with how much money you make, how successful you are, etc. We call that "socialism" and "communism". Let me ask you something, akamifeldman. Say you had a 4.0 GPA, you worked hard for it, you earned it. Your classmate however, only has a 2.0, because he didn't do his work and didn't care to succeed. This isn't very fair though, since only you will get to go to a good school. Therefore, I'm going to take 1 point from your GPA and add it to your classmates. There, you're equal, now you can both be happy, right?

Me, personally? I don't want to pay for food stamps that will go to a crack whore who will then sell it for crack cocaine and then bitch to the government that she needs more help. Get the idea?


Registered User
Originally posted by jdfairman
Yeah... its such a sin to be successful... even if you do pay disproportionately larger taxes. Those rich people... they must be punished for their success. Anyways... once again, you can request alternate or make-up drill dates as a reservist. It doesn't matter whether its 8 months or 18 months. Your Chain of Command approves it, and you make it up later. Ahhh... to hell with it. I guess a "SNA spouse" knows more about the reserves and guard than someone so ignorant as me who was actually in. I think I'm done here.

I have no idea why that is my title and its starting to piss me off, I had a different one and it got changed to that... where that one came from I have no f'n idea. I emailed webmaster and it still hasn't been changed so I don't know what the hell to do, because I look like a big pansy with SNA spouse next to my name.


Registered User
lol @ flynavy...I use that GPA analogy all the time with some of my liberal friends...but I make sure I ask them if thats right/how would they feel before I make my point...so they stick their foot in their mouth...

anyway...yes...being an economics major, it really gets to me when people complain about Bush's tax cuts and then complain about the economy being so bad...but once thy do that...I stop listening, cuz they obviously do not have the first clue about economics...


Registered User
Originally posted by Fly Navy
akamifeldman and Northtouk, I have two recommendations for you. First, take an economics class or read an economics book. You know nothing about the tax code, which is evident by your posts. Second, read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. Maybe it'll open your eyes.

To address the question of "what's wrong with voting Liberal?" Well, it's the belief of many in this nation that the solution to social problems is NOT through government programs.

You say that America is about being equal, or rather, was founded on the idea. You're entirely right...in the eyes of the law and the government. It has NOTHING to do with how much money you make, how successful you are, etc. We call that "socialism" and "communism". Let me ask you something, akamifeldman. Say you had a 4.0 GPA, you worked hard for it, you earned it. Your classmate however, only has a 2.0, because he didn't do his work and didn't care to succeed. This isn't very fair though, since only you will get to go to a good school. Therefore, I'm going to take 1 point from your GPA and add it to your classmates. There, you're equal, now you can both be happy, right?

Me, personally? I don't want to pay for food stamps that will go to a crack whore who will then sell it for crack cocaine and then bitch to the government that she needs more help. Get the idea?

For one thing that is the most piss poor stereotype I've heard today. It's like me saying all rich people do is sit on their ass.

Having a lot of money doesn't mean you worked hard to get it, I am not hating on anybody, I know plenty of enough people who work 9-5 and don't get paid crap, mainly my parents. And I also know a lot of wealthier people who don't do anything but sit on thier ass, some did work hard and improved their social position and they were others who are born into wealth. I don't agree with social programs, and I think their should be a limit to welfare, nothing really matters though because everything is relative, and nothing is just black and white. I am just a dumb hick from Kentucky that likes to play football and watch the Daily Show.
And what is with this whole "reading" concept and books, I think I have a lot of better things to do (like making ignorant posts on forums) than read a book on tax codes. How much time in your day has to be free for that to occur, piss I'm still managing how to put sleep in my schedule. Me, I think I'll just stick to my coloring books, and mabye catch a glempse at my Biology text book which I was suppose to read.

Fly Navy

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Super Moderator
Take a look at the stats on how the rich became rich. Most worked for it and labored hard to earn it. Only a small percentage was inheritance.

Everything is not relative, that is a VERY dangerous position to hold. It's called "moral relativism" (sp?), and it's destroyed many values, morals, and beliefs in modern society.

An example? Say you're a female and you're my girlfriend and I beat the crap out of you for wearing a skimpy bathingsuit. I go to jail and I'm shunned, as I should be. However, in the former Afghanistan, it's perfectly acceptable to beat a woman for showing skin. However, the moral relativists in this country said it was "not our place" to make judgement, since EVERYTHING is relative. The logic is flawed and deadly, because it is not logic. It's a laziness of the brain, sort of a forced desire to not make a judgement because it would be "too hard".


Registered User
I would disagree in saying that being close-minded is a more dangerous to lives than laziness. Close-mindedness leads to racism and stereotypes, for instance some of the peoples logic in the Middle-east. If we are going to be ethical police we have a lot more work on our hands then just the middle-east, we better start taking our hunting into Africa and then South America, well hell just clean up shop in Asia. The fact is while I agree with you that their logic is wrong, however that is "our" logic, that is compliments of our upbringing here in America. Our truth is different from their truth and that why wars are fought.
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