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Opinions on Kerry

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Registered User
What scares me is the funding cuts Kerry proposed for intelligence and antiterrorism (taken from the article originally posted on this thread).


Registered User
I think and still think that North Korea is more of an imminent threat than Iraq would ever be. Besides all we are doing is looking for the "weapons of mass destruction" that we helped them get during the 80's when they were our ally.


Registered User
Originally posted by bunk22
Originally posted by akamifeldman
Like the over 500 caskets in Mr. Bush's closet? The President has quite a few things to answer for too.

The President has explained exactly why we went into Iraq and we also know why we went into Afghanistan. A soldier knows or at least should know his/her job description as well. So what exactly does he have to answer to?

A soldier does know his description, but he owes it to the country, who's kids are fighting this war. Besides it not like Bush knows anything about serving his country. Getting promoted to 2nd leiutenant faster than anyone in history, going AWOL and not getting punished, give me an
break. Not that I like Kerry any more thore, I would have voted for Clark.


"It's a mother beautiful bridge, and it's gon
Originally posted by northtouk
I think and still think that North Korea is more of an imminent threat than Iraq would ever be. Besides all we are doing is looking for the "weapons of mass destruction" that we helped them get during the 80's when they were our ally.

North Korea for all intents and purposes can be isolated. In addition, China sits on their border and they don't want North Korea having nukes anymore than we want them to. They do have the capability to destroy Seoul with conventional artillery as well as threaten Japan.

Iraq is a different story. They could directly attack Israel - and from there who knows what will happen. The Yom Kippur War of '72 came as close to nuclear war in some aspects as did the Cuban Missile Crisis - we HAVE to keep a lid on that powderkeg of a region. Just as importantly, Iraq could threaten oil supplies. Without oil, our economy, Western Europe, Japan, etc grinds to a halt. So until Russia (which is becomimg the biggest oil exporter of all) builds the pipeline near Vladivostock and the Caspian Sea reserves open up, we are tied to Middle East oil.

Speaking of WMD's, why do you think we gave them chemical weapons in the 1980's? Tell me what was the world situation back then? And I still remember the Israelis taking out the Iraqi nuclear facilities that the French were helping build.


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Super Moderator
Originally posted by northtouk
A soldier does know his description, but he owes it to the country, who's kids are fighting this war. Besides it not like Bush knows anything about serving his country. Getting promoted to 2nd leiutenant faster than anyone in history, going AWOL and not getting punished, give me an
break. Not that I like Kerry any more thore, I would have voted for Clark.

Owe's what exactly? Believe it or not, serving in the Gaurd, Reserves, ADF (when it existed, and even the Coast Gaurd is serving your country. That has nothing to do with the Presidency however. As does how fast he made 2nd LT, which by the way, is an O-1. As far as I know, when we are commissioned, we become an O-1. Maybe I'm missing something here.

AWOL huh? Where is the proof of that? Where are the charges? The liberal left is reaching for something that, again, has nothing to do with the current situation. It's even ridiculous to bring it up.


Registered User
yeha, questioning the military credentials of a standing president who's sending volunteer servicepersons into harm's way is totally absurd. what i want to know is - is he getting oral sex from his interns? that's MY voting issue.


Castle Law for all States!!!
It comes down to the fact that we have a CIIVILIAN GOVERNMENT that is the whole point. We have civilians that run it. So it doesn't matter if they've served or not. If we want to live in a military dictatorship then this is the wrong country.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Originally posted by NeoCortex
It comes down to the fact that we have a CIIVILIAN GOVERNMENT that is the whole point. We have civilians that run it. So it doesn't matter if they've served or not. If we want to live in a military dictatorship then this is the wrong country.

Exactly. Military service is not a prerequisite for being President, Govenor, Senator, or Congressman. Under President Roosevelt's leadership, this nation fought WWII and half a million Americans died for the cause. He was not a military man. It's simply politics on both sides to try and dirty the face of the opposing candidate.


Yeah... here we go with the AWOL thing again. This has been PROVEN to be unfounded. There are documents in the President's service record and medical/dental record that prove he was a satisfactory participant (met his reserve obligation). I was at a reserve unit myself throughout most of college and remember requesting to miss drill weekend a couple of times for exam week on the condition that I make it up later. There was nothing wrong with this; in fact my platoon sergeant at the time reccomended it. Another guy in my platoon requested make-up drills a few times in order to help with various campaigns in his district. My point is that this is completely kosher in the reserves.
But hey, don't believe me. I couldn't possibly know what I'm talking about right? Believe CNN. I mean come on... if its on TV, its gotta be true. right?


Registered User
I am terribly unfamiliar with Kerry, but what I do know about him I do not like much at all. Could someone enlighten me to his military experience in Vietnam and his involvement with Jane Fonda? Did I read Kerry was awarded the Silver Star? I am just curious about the man.


Also, I did not mean to compare Senator Kerry to Hanoi Jane. I should have been more clear. What I meant to state is that there was a connection between the to in "Vietnam Veterans Against the War" (I think thats the full name of the organization they both were working for). I don't know how effective this organization was in bringing the war to a close, but countless veterans of that conflict describe how the morale of our fighting men and women in-country and here in the U.S. suffered quite a bit due to the methods these people chose to express their disdain. I will get you those links to the news articles when I have a little more time.


Registered User
Originally posted by room5047
yeha, questioning the military credentials of a standing president who's sending volunteer servicepersons into harm's way is totally absurd. what i want to know is - is he getting oral sex from his interns? that's MY voting issue.

Having that as your major voting issue is absurd, the last time I checked, having oral doesn't affected your decision making, and if anything it would make it better, because you would be more relaxed. Second it bothers me more about corporate ties than any, the Haliburton deal is utterly complete
that costs the tax payers, so instead of going to education or highways or whatever, it is going to the their pockets because they are overchanging. Not going AWOL are you crazy, what the h e(double hockey sticks) happened with those eight months he left (which he asked for once he got there) and nobody said a word about it. Interns is your major problem, ha, scandle involving women in the White House is older than the White House its self. George Washington was the first and don't think Clinton will be the last. It has nothing to do with their performance in office.


OCC 186 Bound
Originally posted by northtouk
Originally posted by room5047
yeha, questioning the military credentials of a standing president who's sending volunteer servicepersons into harm's way is totally absurd. what i want to know is - is he getting oral sex from his interns? that's MY voting issue.

Having that as your major voting issue is absurd, the last time I checked, having oral doesn't affected your decision making, and if anything it would make it better, because you would be more relaxed. Second it bothers me more about corporate ties than any, the Haliburton deal is utterly complete
that costs the tax payers, so instead of going to education or highways or whatever, it is going to the their pockets because they are overchanging. Not going AWOL are you crazy, what the h e(double hockey sticks) happened with those eight months he left (which he asked for once he got there) and nobody said a word about it. Interns is your major problem, ha, scandle involving women in the White House is older than the White House its self. George Washington was the first and don't think Clinton will be the last. It has nothing to do with their performance in office.

Umm, I'm pretty sure he was only kidding. sheesh lol


Registered User
What I want to know is, why is everyone criticizing the fact that Kerry opposed the war? How is that betraying his brothers-in-arms? If anything he was standing up for them and future soldiers who were being sent to the slaughter. That war was unwinnable and we should have gotten out a long time before we did. I'm surprised there isn't more of a consensus on this. Kerry did his duty in Vietnam and was by all means a hero. His involvement with the anti-war movement after his service time speaks highly to his character.
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