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If you feel that some terrorist is going to actually use this information against me, well that's your deal.

My original post was to offer reasons why an Officer might want to avoid keeping a MySpace page. But you just reminded me of another reason and it is not terrorists. It is identity theft. Not that I saw anything on Chunk's MySpace (I can't double-check now since MySpace is blocked at work) that an identity thief might want. It's just one more thing to think about as you build a MySpace page.


Well-Known Member
Damn. I thought those hershey's syrup and spandex pix I was tagged in were gone forever......I can't wait for SERE!


Well-Known Member

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength


The question is...do they really?

What is REALLY the benefit of putting information about yourself out there?

Intelligence gatherers used to have to work for years and years to get the kind of HUMINT that US military bloggers and MySpace users are putting out there for FREE every day.

Not only does it put you at risk personally, but it also could put your family (if you have one) and potentially the military at risk.

And for exactly what benefit?

This sounds like the must I wear an aluminum hat and be like Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State mentality. My best course of action is obviously to change my name to John A. Smith, never go outside, wear a mask and never look up at a camera, right?

Like all things, just use some common sense and be smart if using these social networks. I can tell you the social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace, Orkut) have helped me reconnect with friends I haven't seen since elementary/high school/college/foreign travels/etc. and the benefits outweigh the risks.

Besides, more critical info is out there on the web which none of us can control at sites like ussearch.com or zabasearch.com, which goes so far as to list my address in AK if you enter my name.


This is why I don't use Myspace for networking or anything else:


Using Myspace for networking is the same as 'networking' in a bar, albeit it a very large bar. You have no idea who most people are and even less idea what their motives are. It's more like handing your business card to everyone at some convention than actual networking.

It's great that people find long lost friends and associates on Myspace and the such, but that's not really networking either, it's reestablishing long lost contacts. Sort of like putting your picture on a billboard off of I-95 going into NYC and asking old friends to call you.

I prefer to network online through sites that have some semblance of vetting their members, like AW for instance. Even Facebook had a method for vetting members, although I think they have done away with it.

My 1¢ worth....


Are you comparing the intellectual capabilities of naval officers to that of pubescent girls with psychological issues?

That's a pretty hasty generalization for the dangers of a social networking site.

No, I am using it as an example that anyone can join Myspace AND that anyone can pretend to be anyone on Myspace, just like in a bar.

Oh, and the negative reputation that Myspace is getting (deserved or not) is something that I don't want to associate with.


Internet killed the television star
It's great that people find long lost friends and associates on Myspace and the such, but that's not really networking either, it's reestablishing long lost contacts. Sort of like putting your picture on a billboard off of I-95 going into NYC and asking old friends to call you.

That's my use of it. I don't really "network" per se, but instead I have mostly, if not all, friends. It's been great as a way to get back in touch with a lot of people who I've not seen since high school.


Well-Known Member
I use it much for the same thing as IBB.

Me and the guys I grew up with are all over the country, and hard to keep track of who is doing what, and who will be "home" when.

Myspace makes it much easier to figure that stuff out.

Anything I have on there is not anything the media is going to be blabbing all over the MSM if I am captured/missing anyways (age, college, Naval Aviator, etc)
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