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Lets talk Transformers....


Well-Known Member
To those of you that have been geeking out over the Transformers movie here are a couple of answers to some question I'm sure you have:

1) No, you can not get leave approved during API to go to some COMICON or Star Trek convention.
2) No, you are not allowed to litter your cubicle/stateroom with your dolls/action figures when you get to the fleet.
3) And, finally, Yes, sex with a woman is better than self abuse...you may one day find this out.:D

always a hater out there who had no childhood, haha j/k


Registered User
My favorite parts were of the GTO's to say the least Bumble Bee on the outside may have appeared to be the new Camero but was really a GTO. Was sad to see the yellow GTO get blown up in the final fight.


Sweep the leg..
TOO bad that Tat says Brian...as in Brian Austin Green. The Dorky kid ( which one?) from 90210. For shame. For shame...

Badger...you're the dark cloud on my sunny day. :(

I hate that fuckin BAG-fag...
Why does he get her and we don't. :banghead_ ( AND HOW?!? :p )


You can't spell lost without Lt.
My favorite parts were of the GTO's to say the least Bumble Bee on the outside may have appeared to be the new Camero but was really a GTO. Was sad to see the yellow GTO get blown up in the final fight.

What are you talking about? Bumble Bee was the 2009 Camaro. It was one of Chevy's prototypes. They even had Chevrolet associates out on the movie set to make sure no one f#cked up their several $100,000 car.


Active Member
GM and Lockheed Martin are getting tons of great exposure this summer. Cars in transformers and planes (f-22 and f-35) in both transformers and Die Hard. Somebody must be pulling a lot of strings and filling some wallets.


Registered User
What are you talking about? Bumble Bee was the 2009 Camaro. It was one of Chevy's prototypes. They even had Chevrolet associates out on the movie set to make sure no one f#cked up their several $100,000 car.

Fact check
"This is a movie prop, so it in no way necessarily indicates how the production Camaro will drive. In fact it has more in common with the just-discontinued, Aussie-made Pontiac GTO because under all that plastic there is a GTO — pulled straight out of GM's engineering R&D fleet. This feat is in itself nearly as impressive a feat of fabrication as any production car. And this car drives well. In fact it even did its own stunts."


Naval Radiator
Enjoyed the movie without having ever really known much about tranformers in advance. The comic book geek/HS band guy (which had a certain stigma where I came from, really not bashing) seems more the norm in young naval aviators these days. I always thought that was interesting.


You can't spell lost without Lt.
Yeah everytime I fly home in my plane to visit I see the "cool" kids from high school never left town, and work mundane jobs. Payback's a bitch.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
^^ Are you marking them off your "people to kill" list, and then applying lipstick while listening to sweet 80's music?

Oh man, what was that movie again? The title escapes me...