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He's Baaaaaaaaaaack.......


Registered User
Does anyone have any favorite SSgt Wright impromptu speeches? Last summer he gave one to our platoon when we were eating MREs outside the house. He went off on this long tangent about how he likes to go to The Body Shop in his spare time and compare the different kind of scented soaps. After about 3 minutes of him expounding on the differences between jojoba oil and sandalwood most of us had lost it completely and were trying not to choke on our MRE's. Kind of surreal to see a guy whose arms are covered with tattoos of aliens and decapitated heads talking about that kind of stuff. Good times, man, good times.


Registered User
motiv8r said:
Does anyone have any favorite SSgt Wright impromptu speeches? Last summer he gave one to our platoon when we were eating MREs outside the house. He went off on this long tangent about how he likes to go to The Body Shop in his spare time and compare the different kind of scented soaps. After about 3 minutes of him expounding on the differences between jojoba oil and sandalwood most of us had lost it completely and were trying not to choke on our MRE's. Kind of surreal to see a guy whose arms are covered with tattoos of aliens and decapitated heads talking about that kind of stuff. Good times, man, good times.

I remember the body shop talk. Funny as hell when you have someone like him talking about moisturizers. In addition, I remember when he sprayed OFF on his hair to keep the damn bugs away during one of the day evolutions and he came outta the duty hut the next day with brown hair(the OFF spray in addition to the sunlight caused his hair to turn from black to a light brown). We nearly lost it and he just looked at us and smirked.