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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
I know for my CORE package they determined that I was too old PRIOR to it even going to the board, and those comments were added to the bottom of my application status page in netfocus a week after I submitted my package.... so I think you would know. I could always be wrong. Just thought I'd share that with you. Good luck! I think I'm the 1 person that didn't qualify for OCEANO... so I feel your pain

Yeah there was a note on there, but it was removed when I sent them a degree plan.


New Member
Bill, sounds like you have a great package except for your PRT scores. As per the instruction Chap 8 pg. 8-6 "k. Have passed a PFA test taken within the year of application obtaining a good high or better (no waivers). "
I know thats a new addition to the instruction and it doesnt say that on the website itself so maybe it will be overlooked on your packge, but i wouldnt chance it next year if you don't get picked up this year. Good luck.

I called Mike and asked about the changes to the PRT instruction. He said that you don't have to have a good high to be board eligible or selected, you just have to score that on the PRT at NSI in order to graduate. My brother was selected last year and told me a few people got dropped from the program because of this rule.

7. Physical Fitness. While at Newport and your NROTC unit, you will be required to complete a rigorous physical fitness program. You must start "getting in shape" now. Upon reporting to NSI, you must be able to exceed the minimum PRT standards. You must obtain a score of GOOD-LOW to graduate from NSI. THIS IS IMPORTANT - START NOW!

That is the information supplied to all personnel selected and alternates. I believe I'll be ok as it states Good-Low to pass NSI and I am easily into the Good-Medium range.


FY-12 SWO/ED Selectee
7. Physical Fitness. While at Newport and your NROTC unit, you will be required to complete a rigorous physical fitness program. You must start "getting in shape" now. Upon reporting to NSI, you must be able to exceed the minimum PRT standards. You must obtain a score of GOOD-LOW to graduate from NSI. THIS IS IMPORTANT - START NOW!

That is the information supplied to all personnel selected and alternates. I believe I'll be ok as it states Good-Low to pass NSI and I am easily into the Good-Medium range.

Think what you will, I'm just telling you what I know to be fact. I called Mike and asked him about it and he said that it was a NSI rule and wouldn't affect selection. My brother, who was at NSI last year, confirmed that several people were dropped from the program when they couldn't pass the PRT with a good high. There are a lot of irregularities between instructions/websites as far as this stuff goes, that's why I made a phone call.


New Member
I agree with you in that there is a lot on info out there. I was just quoting the enclosure sent to me from STA-21 as part of my Alternate Selection letter for FY-10. Worst case scenario it hurts me this year and I know what to work on for next year. Thank you for your insight.


FY-12 SWO/ED Selectee
I agree with you in that there is a lot on info out there. I was just quoting the enclosure sent to me from STA-21 as part of my Alternate Selection letter for FY-10. Worst case scenario it hurts me this year and I know what to work on for next year. Thank you for your insight.

I was also an alternate last year, so I know what you mean. The issue is that the instruction has changed in the past year.


New Member
Naval Aircrew.. Looks like the pilot and nfo wings in the banner up top, but with AC in the middle. Last September it was realigned to encompass NAWS, Aft Observer, and positional quals all into one pin.


I am the hunted
I didn't find out until sometime after lunch on October 31st, so I know how you poor bastards feel. Good luck to you all, and go drink a beer or something. You're gonna wear out your F5 key, if you don't. :D


New Member
Oh, the aircrew pin. I have seen it. Actually I see it everywhere being here at NATTC p-cola. Good luck on your board! So which one would go on top, your air pin or your aircrew pin. I ask because here they make me (a black shoe) wear my air pin on top and my surface pin on bottom.


since the conversion to AW, which is officially Naval Aircrewman as a rate, the NAC is our Primary Warfare device, so it goes on top. That is odd that you wear your AW pin on top, but I guess it has to do with your current community.



Well-Known Member
I didn't find out until sometime after lunch on October 31st, so I know how you poor bastards feel. Good luck to you all, and go drink a beer or something. You're gonna wear out your F5 key, if you don't. :D

I was awoken at 0600 still in drunken stupor while on leave for a wedding in Kansas October of 07'. The XO called me and said I screwed up because I caused a security violation and had to come back to VA. I could hear the CO laughing in the background and knew something was up. Once they told me the news I splashed water on my face and drank a beer.

That being said for all you potential selects out there, once you hear the good news don't go screwing it up that first weekend. It's been done and its a kick in the nuts. Here I am 3 years later and I can just about see those bars (I find out tomorrow what I service selected as I'm CORE) and its a good feeling let me tell you. Hang in there and you'll all do good things.