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F-14 Shoestring??


Well-Known Member
I bring it up only because losing a jet has almost happened before. You need to engage the filter between your brain and your keyboard.
I sense some non-fun smack talk coming up... I'd be willing to be that Brett's got a WEE bit more experience than you... I couldn't say crap about ILS's and weather myself (we don't have ILS in the Phrog), but I can promise you that I've gotten myself in a pickle once or twice. I was lucky to survive. Had I been a better aviator, I wouldn't have gotten myself in that pickle.


Sky Pig Wrangler
P.S. I'll be up for thanksgiving weekend to ski. Make nice w/ RIF and you can come along. If you hate me here, just think of how much fun a 2 hour ride to Baker will be. ;)


On Friday, it took us an hour and half just get from the parking lot to Glacier Falls. It had snowed 1.5 feet while we were skiing, it was crazy. Everyone was doing 10 MPH on the way down, plus there was 4 cars that had gone off the road and down into the trees, so that helped everyone out drive that slow.

I see the ICS box, its nice being able to turn people off. :p


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I believe I said (wait, yes I did say) that when you are in an EMERGENCY situation and the weather is below non-precision mins for 50 miles and there isn't a Navy field close by, you're just gonna wing it? Screw MDA on the TACAN I guess, just go for it.
You can also tell the group of Marine Hornet pilots who almost all ran out of gas coming into the Azores from across the pond because they couldn't break out b/c weather was below mins that they are bad aviators too. I'm sure they'd like that.
I bring it up only because losing a jet has almost happened before. You need to engage the filter between your brain and your keyboard.
What I am saying is if you don't have an ILS, plan accordingly. We can play the "if only" game ad nauseum too, but since ILS is the exception in TACAIR and not the norm, it's kind of a moot point. I'm not familiar with all the details of the aforementioned Marine incident at Lajes, but if you're betting the farm on a single airfield in the middle of the Atlantic and you're not 100% sure the field is going to be VMC when you arrive, then you're a bad aviator. Filter that, shipmate.



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
ghost119 said:
The deer thing got me thinking. Has anyone ever attached a pair of horns to the nose of their helo? I would think that there was someone from Texas over in 'Nam who wished he still had his truck and desided to bolt em on there. Just wondering,

Yes, my chief on my second det did that, and he was from Texas. Of course it was only while it was in the hangar, but it fit perfectly. They would hang off the two temprature sensor probes above the avionics bay. I was sold on doing this after we got a frown from the captain as he walked by. I think it made our day.


Registered User
What I am saying is if you don't have an ILS, plan accordingly.

Agreed. My only caviat is that sometimes the best laid plans go to crap, and we don't have any control over that. But like you said, we can always what if things to death, so I'll just leave it at that.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
Plus I found it by searching Google images for "Gay Pilot", thinking that a bunch of jet fag pictures would show up... :D

So says the guy whose goal it is to come to a jet base for his next tour. Phairy.


Sky Pig Wrangler
So I can pluck your dripping wet asses out of the ocean, and show you what a real pilot can do! ;) Nothing but love, man...

better make it snappy, the water up here is freaking freezing

oh, and have a hot chocolate ready too, with small marshmellows


Well-Known Member
Mefesto said:
I'm kinda curious why he was looking for gay pilots to begin with...

Tired of being alienated and looking for common interest groups to hang out with? :)
Nah, just giving a class on CAS to the grunts, and wanting some humerous photos to make fun of pointy nose guys, and skid guys along the way ;)

Just thought I'd mention that Harrier guys make it TOO easy... Found a picture of a Harrier squadron CO (on the internet) wearing a banana hammock in the shape of an elephant's head over his jeans...