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diet at PLC


Registered User
Well, plain and simple, I don't like meat. I think the killiing of animals is wrong and personally object to it. I don't like the thought that something had to die so I could be satisfied for a few more hours when there are plenty of other food options around.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a concious objector, and although I'm no where near the point of making the decision to pickle CBUs on an enemy position, I do believe I will be able to do it without hesitation or reservations.
I've been off the vegan thing for about a month now and am merely vegetarian. I actually feel much healthier without milk products in my diet. Much less phlegmy. And trust me, I get plenty of calcium from other sources. I've had quiet a few "bumps" that have tested the strength of my bones and they seem to be holding up fine.
Furthermore, I'm not saying I wouldn't eat meat in a pinch, but that's survival vs. sustainance. I'm just saying that in a non-life threatening situation where other viable alternatives are available, I'd prefer to go without.

P.S. I like beer, ice hockey and fist fights.


F-bomb said:
Well, plain and simple, I don't like meat. I think the killiing of animals is wrong and personally object to it. I don't like the thought that something had to die so I could be satisfied for a few more hours when there are plenty of other food options around.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a concious objector, and although I'm no where near the point of making the decision to pickle CBUs on an enemy position, I do believe I will be able to do it without hesitation or reservations.
I've been off the vegan thing for about a month now and am merely vegetarian. I actually feel much healthier without milk products in my diet. Much less phlegmy. And trust me, I get plenty of calcium from other sources. I've had quiet a few "bumps" that have tested the strength of my bones and they seem to be holding up fine.
Furthermore, I'm not saying I wouldn't eat meat in a pinch, but that's survival vs. sustainance. I'm just saying that in a non-life threatening situation where other viable alternatives are available, I'd prefer to go without.

P.S. I like beer, ice hockey and fist fights.

Hey, whatever floats your boat. But you might want to think about treating OCS as a "life-threatening situation," because the idea is to see how you adapt to the stresses of combat. It's rarely going to come down to a "eat this burger or die", but more likely, should you be scrounging through MRE's for the side dishes when you should be focusing on leading your men? In a combat zone you'll have to sacrifice your norms of "civilized behavior" to get through it and get your Marines through it.


Well-Known Member
mmx1 said:
It's rarely going to come down to a "eat this burger or die", but more likely, should you be scrounging through MRE's for the side dishes when you should be focusing on leading your men?


While the above might be a valid point, on a more practical/immediate note I would give some serious consideration to altering your diet, preferably at least a few weeks prior to OCS (to give your body time to adapt to the change).

I ate an "average" amount (as compared to my peers) at OCS, and I estimate that I consumed somewhere around 5,000 calories a day. I was in the majority when it came to losing weight throughout the training cycle. While your body is certainly different than mine, a strict vegan/vegetarian diet may not provide the energy required to sustain the rigors of OCS. Essentially, you have to be properly fueled to operate at the levels OCS demands for weeks on end. But, who knows - you might be just fine with your diet.

However, you should consider if it is worth risking attrition due to injury, fatigue, or malnutrition in order to maintain your diet. Just a WAG, but I doubt that, if you were to get injured due to weakness/malnutrition, the staff would show much sympathy to you, since it was your conscious decision. Like I said, though, I could be wrong.


Registered User
Advice acknowledged from all. I've been contemplating the decision whether to "sell out" for the duration of ocs (and a little prior to re-adjust) since I got selected in December, so all of this info is being taken to heart and will aid in the process.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
F-bomb said:
Advice acknowledged from all. I've been contemplating the decision whether to "sell out" for the duration of ocs (and a little prior to re-adjust) since I got selected in December, so all of this info is being taken to heart and will aid in the process.

How can you be from SLC and be a vegetarian? ;) Seriously though, I have to question someone who's about to volunteer to become a killer for their country that objects to killing animals on the basis of some fringe moral reasoning.



Registered User
Brett327 said:

How can you be from SLC and be a vegetarian? ;) Seriously though, I have to question someone who's about to volunteer to become a killer for their country that objects to killing animals on the basis of some fringe moral reasoning.


:icon_lol: That is pretty damn funny....

Ok, I'll let you in on a little known tidbit....every vegan secretly yearns to taste human flesh. :vampire_1


Registered User
*High Fives Brett*

In the words of Chris Rock: "Don't eat no red meat?....No don't eat no GREEN meat...People are starving all over the world, and if you are one of the luckest chosen few to be able to get you hands on a steak...Bite the SH*T out of it!"

I find it hard to believe a veggie could ever be "born again hard," and know a few here at the University of Illinois and they are about as limp wristed as it gets. Being a veggie sounds like grounds for a CODE RED MEAT. Oh boy i crack myself up...Get some Get some


Registered User
That, and consuming anything that has soy (soy milk, soy proteins) ups your estrogen production and turns you into a big vagina (but in a bad way)


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
livefast said:
That, and consuming anything that has soy (soy milk, soy proteins) ups your estrogen production and turns you into a big vagina (but in a bad way)
Priceless! :D


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
livefast said:
That, and consuming anything that has soy (soy milk, soy proteins) ups your estrogen production and turns you into a big vagina (but in a bad way)
Does this mean I should stop drinking Silk?? And hell, I like tofu. Not as much as a good fish taco from CA mind you, but still, I like tofu. You got a problem with this?