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diet at PLC


Registered User
Hey all, Have a weird one for ya!

I'm hoping to get word on whether I can get into PLC-comb this summer, but one of the many questions that I have, is what kind of things do they allow you to eat at PLC? My good ole insides don't respond well to red meat and excesses of sugar, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! Any insights would be great.



Registered User
youll get some salisbury steak that hasnt been grilled but yet has grill marks on it. I think a magic marker was used on them. Breakfast is the best meal and some of the dinners are really good. But for the most part the best part of dinner is the cake. You can get plenty of fruit and salad stuff. They actually encourage you to eat alot of fruit.........


Registered User
I'm with ya buddy. I've been vegetarian/vegan for 7 years, so the meat thing is a concern for me also. I do know that they have vegetarian MREs.

I would like someone to elaborate on the selection in the cafeteria if they would...


Back at last
The food is decent, and you get a lot of it. There is usually more than once choice in terms of entree, and you aren't forced to eat anything. The cake is definitely the best part, and you get it almost every meal. I ate a ton, and still lost almost 20 lbs at OCS. Don't worry so much about what you eat, just know that you need the calories in order to make it through the day.
** Dont let ANYONE find out you are a vegetarian, or have a weakness involving food. The SIs will rip you a new one and make fun of you incessantly. Show up, eat what you have to, and focus on making it through. The food really will be the least of your concerns. Good luck-


F-bomb said:
I'm with ya buddy. I've been vegetarian/vegan for 7 years, so the meat thing is a concern for me also. I do know that they have vegetarian MREs.

I would like someone to elaborate on the selection in the cafeteria if they would...

If you insist on keeping vegan it could be a problem, just because your options are so limited. Protein would be the big issue; there's plenty of starch and fruit, but stuff like rice and beans aren't always served. That and some of the entrees tend to be mixed with meat (e.g. chili mac).

You could get by as a vegetarian if you load up on cheese and milk. To be frank, I think you might have a problem keeping vegan. May want to load up on the peanut butter packets.

The two vegetarian entrees were vegetable manicotti and cheese tortellini; the latter is clearly not vegan.

Breakfast is fairly consistent: breakfast meat(ham/sausage/bacon); eggs; hash browns; gravy; oatmeal; pancakes/french toast; bread and peanut butter/jam/butter; and fruit. If you're in the chow hall (which we rarely were), there's also yogurt and cottage cheese.

Lunch and Dinner in the chow hall are typically 2 meat options, starch, 2 vegetable options; soup, salad bar, and cake/cookies/fruit.

Damn, now that I'm typing this up, there were way more options that I remember. Everything tends to fly when you're sidestepping as fast as you can.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
mmx1 said:
If you insist on keeping vegan it could be a problem, just because your options are so limited. Protein would be the big issue; there's plenty of starch and fruit, but stuff like rice and beans aren't always served. That and some of the entrées tend to be mixed with meat (e.g. chili mac).

You could get by as a vegetarian if you load up on cheese and milk. To be frank, I think you might have a problem keeping vegan. May want to load up on the peanut butter packets.

The two vegetarian entrées were vegetable manicotti and cheese tortellini; the latter is clearly not vegan.

Breakfast is fairly consistent: breakfast meat(ham/sausage/bacon); eggs; hash browns; gravy; oatmeal; pancakes/french toast; bread and peanut butter/jam/butter; and fruit. If you're in the chow hall (which we rarely were), there's also yogurt and cottage cheese.

Lunch and Dinner in the chow hall are typically 2 meat options, starch, 2 vegetable options; soup, salad bar, and cake/cookies/fruit.

Damn, now that I'm typing this up, there were way more options that I remember. Everything tends to fly when you're sidestepping as fast as you can.
I'm with MMX1. Seriously, what is your agenda with being a vegetarian? Can we please get over these ridiculous dietary aberrations? I'm inclined to say that if you're not ready to succumb to a normal, natural diet, then you're not ready to be an officer. Before you toss what I have to say out your virtual windows, I was brought up and lived as a vegetarian for several years. Having said that, there is no justifiable reason to be a vegetarian if you want your wings of gold - deal with it.



Now, remember that you're hustling through the chow line as fast as humanly possible. Don't even think about trying to do your dietary planning in the chow line. It's
Shuffle Shuffle, Bacon Please, Thank You, sidestep, Hash Browns please, Thank You, sidestep, Eggs and Gravy Please, sidestep, pickup as much bread/fruit/muffins as you can while the guy behind you gets served his eggs and gravy, GOOD MORNING GENTLEMEN, scurry to your campstool and scarf it down.

(Oh man, how could I forget the Otis Spunkemeyer muffins? Those were the bomb. )

What are you going to do if the only entree they have is chili mac? Because things run out. You need to be flexible and adapt and if you're restricting your diet this severely to adjust, the slightest problem is going to leave you hungry. With the amount of PT you do, that'll be a liability.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
You have gotta be sh!tting me. ok who is screwing around, this cant be serious. Are you sure the Marines are the place for you if you want to be a vegan let alone a vegetarian? By and large the Marines are a bunch of red meat eating, beer drinking barroom brawlers. In fact less than stellar Marines are usually refered to as "grasseaters"

Think long and hard if this is what you want to do, becasue bottom line you may find yourself in some combat zone limted to one MRE and it may not meet your tastes but you need the nutrition to continue your mission and kill bad guys. Think it cant happen in this day and age your wrong, happened to 1st MarDiv this most recent war.


I do remember them making allowances for one girl when I was in PLC...she was a vegetarian, and probably weighed about 100 pounds soaking wet. They actually told the rest of us to go easy on the peanut butter so she could get some...


Registered User
Thanks for the insight, I'm not afraid of meat and I love to drink beer, but I'm guessing that the DI's aren't going to allow an, "excuse me sir, but I'm about to crap my pants. Can I go to the bathroom???" Just a thought. Or would they? I wanna be an officer so I'll eat what I have too.


Don't worry, you'll have your choice of what you want to eat. If you don't like one choice, you can go to the next one.

The OCS chow hall is the best one I've dined in while in the Corps.


Registered User
Hey thanks for the insight, I think that we've beat this one to death, but not to worry I'll have many more questons that you can help me with.
