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Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member

Here’s a good breakdown dismantling that crap the CDC trotted out. It should be a red flag for anyone with a brain that the CDC is using “studies” like those to justify their reversal. Keep in mind this has been studied before and found no benefit in masking. The reversal was literally driven by “maskier” countries seeming to have less cases at the time and the thought that “it couldn’t hurt much to try”.



Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
It’s not diverting at all. I used the “scientific” community’s complete disregard for natural immunity as an example of how politically driven vaccines and the ensuing mandates have become. Besides, who cares if I bring up natural immunity? It’s a very relevant topic in regards to covid. If you don’t like what I’m saying, block me or don’t respond.

Man, you’re more right than you’ll ever know. The science certainly HAS changed. And in less than four months! So in order to keep up with the changing science, we’re going back to the tactics in 2020 that didn’t work? Remember when the CDC Director went on national television in April and said this: “Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick,” Walensky told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Monday. “And that it’s not just in the clinical trials, it’s also in real-world data.”

Do you really think that such an esteemed medical professional and scientist would just say something like that without the facts and data to back it up?

You still did not cite your sources for your claims:
“Studies”, high quality ones, also showed that getting vaccinated prevented infection and subsequent transmission of covid. How’d those studies turn out? Oh yeah, they’re the same ones being used to mandate the vaccine now. Whoops! BuT tHe ScIeNcE cHaNgEd Bc Of VaRiAnTs!!! Uh huh.
Still don't know what studies you to which you are referring.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I don’t understand why so many govt officials, citizens, and news media are hard-set on letting the CDC dictate how our entire country runs, including whether or not people should be allowed to attend church or school, or keep their business open.
It is because our political leaders are cowards. They can not make hard decisions and are constantly afraid of harming re-election or compromising their broader agenda. That is why we have to rely on the "science", as if no judgement is necessary. Bureaucrats and the civil service are practically bullet proof. So, the elected folks and their immediate appointed staffs and cabinet are more than happy to vector criticism for their ultimate decisions to organizations and people like the CDC and Fauci. Pretty easy to say "virus bad" . It is a lot harder to take into account the second and third order affects of the policies that result from reacting to bad virus.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
It is because our political leaders are cowards. They can not make hard decisions and are constantly afraid of harming re-election or compromising their broader agenda. That is why we have to rely on the "science", as if no judgement is necessary. Bureaucrats and the civil service are practically bullet proof. So, the elected folks and their immediate appointed staffs and cabinet are more than happy to vector criticism for their ultimate decisions to organizations and people like the CDC and Fauci. Pretty easy to say "virus bad" . It is a lot harder to take into account the second and third order affects of the policies that result from reacting to bad virus.
It’s called scaryvirus and I’ll be collecting royalties


Registered User
So again I am not going to wade into the deeper discussion, but wanted to throw something out for thought/discussion.

Has there been any study or discussion of mask wearing while just breathing, vice doing something more like say talking, sneezing, working out, etc.

I'm not a scientist but I can understand the argument that a normal person breathing normally probably shows what the above linked article calls statistically insignificant change in transmission/contraction rates. I wonder if/how that changes if you tell a group of people to be unmasked inside of 6 feet, talking to each other for x amount of time if/how that changes.


Well-Known Member
Here’s a good breakdown dismantling that crap the CDC trotted out. It should be a red flag for anyone with a brain that the CDC is using “studies” like those to justify their reversal. Keep in mind this has been studied before and found no benefit in masking.
I'm betting you didn't actually read the article and click through to the referenced articles (I did). He cited a ton of articles that reference data from different diseases that are transmitted differently (flu transmits on a surface, Covid (surprisingly) doesn't) from studies conducted before the pandemic, so who gives a shit.

The only studies he cites that took place during this pandemic support mask wearing as being effective. In fact all of the studies that have taken place during the pandemic support mask wearing as effective.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
I'm betting you didn't actually read the article and click through to the referenced articles (I did). He cited a ton of articles that reference data from different diseases that are transmitted differently (flu transmits on a surface, Covid (surprisingly) doesn't) from studies conducted before the pandemic, so who gives a shit.

The only studies he cites that took place during this pandemic support mask wearing as being effective. In fact all of the studies that have taken place during the pandemic support mask wearing as effective.
Studies that don’t actually study mask wearing. Which was addressed but I guess you don’t like it. For example: some petty tyrants in Texas are trying to mandate masks again. The cases will peak and decline, then they will claim victory. Masks helped! There’s a reason the CDC is citing bullshit studies instead of real ones.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member

From a study he even quotes from...It finds that mask-wearing by 100 percent of the population corresponds to a 24.6 percent reduction in transmission of the novel coronavirus.
Why not just quote the whole paragraph?

“An additional observational study, but one that the CDC does not reference in its brief, is a large, international Bayesian study by Leech, et al. It finds that mask-wearing by 100 percent of the population “corresponds to” a 24.6 percent reduction in transmission of the novel coronavirus. Mask mandates correspond to no decrease in transmission: “For mandates we see no reduction: 0.0 percent.” Like all observational studies, however, this study is ill-equipped to show causation, to separate out the effects of just one variable from among other, frequently related, ones.”

The randomized controlled trials do not show benefit. Once again: there is a reason the CDC is using such flimsy bullshit studies to justify their reversal on masking.


Registered User
You still did not cite your sources for your claims:

Still don't know what studies you to which you are referring.
I’m literally quoting the CDC Director:

“"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."”

That would sure seem to imply that they used to prevent transmission, as we showed above, right? I mean, if we Americans can’t trust our very own CDC Director to inform us correctly, who can we trust?



Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
I’m literally quoting the CDC Director:

“"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."”

That would sure seem to imply that they used to prevent transmission, as we showed above, right? I mean, if we Americans can’t trust our very own CDC Director to inform us correctly, who can we trust?

“Studies”, high quality ones, also showed that getting vaccinated prevented infection and subsequent transmission of covid. How’d those studies turn out? Oh yeah, they’re the same ones being used to mandate the vaccine now. Whoops! BuT tHe ScIeNcE cHaNgEd Bc Of VaRiAnTs!!! Uh huh.
Got it. You’ve not seen the studies to which you were referring. Noted.


Registered User
Got it. You’ve not seen the studies to which you were referring. Noted.
Here you go champ. Straight from the horse’s mouth. Notice the URL. “Investors”. Things making sense for you yet?

Do you need me to get the Pfizer and J&J ones for you too? Or can you manage that google search yourself.

Also, are you insinuating that the CDC director’s claims aren’t backed up by any studies? I’ve been assured several times that what she and Dr. Fauci say are peak science.



Well-Known Member
BuT tHe ScIeNcE cHaNgEd Bc Of VaRiAnTs!!!

And if the next variant combines the contagiousness of Delta with the mortality of the original SARS Covid, or if it escapes the current vaccines, it will change again. It could pop up tomorrow.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”