Watching them fuck away ASW prosecutions first hand.
They haven’t been good at ASW after decades of it taking a back seat to other real world priorities. A few years of renewed focus and P8s isn’t going to magically make them great. There’s a full generation of AW operators who struggle because they had very little exposure to the basics for years. ASW rodeos were regularly won by U teams using RO/RO ASW stations because their operators had a solid understanding of the fundamentals due to previous experience.
Actual conversation in the tube going back to take a piss after hours of no contact against a CTF 72 target (nuclear powered) submarine:
Looks at screen… sees almost textbook CZ on the screen…
“Hey is that CZ?”
SS1- “no sir I don’t know what that is…”
“It looks like CZ to me” (explains why- points to screen)
“No sir, it’s doesn’t look like CZ to me”
-Goes to TACCO/MC
“Hey I think he’s got CZ contact but he’s not recognizing it. We should probably do a CZ investigation pattern.”
-TACCO goes back and looks at the screen.
“Nah it’s not CZ It’s probably…” (insert suspect explanation)
Go and take a piss and come back… CZ still on the screen. Talk about it on ICS again specifically why i think it looks like CZ. MC and SS1 disagree and decide to continue to sit on our pattern as is waiting for direct contact.
-Finishes on station period with no ASW contact.
Tube gets called to the carpet later in the week after tapes reviewed and shows that we had XX minutes of ASW contact and they didn’t recognize it.