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ASTB Study Guide

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Registered User
This is my first time at this site and I'm trying to go to plc this summer so if sombody could please give me some pointers on how to pass the astb, and also were to find that marine guide everyone is talking about I would appreciate it. I have my test on the 29th Thank you


Registered User
I can remember when I was in your shoes. I have taken the test cold turkey, I didn't score as high as I would of liked; thus, I began to study the gouge on this site. Look around on this site, and you will find all the stuff you need to know. Do you have the ACRO book with you? Are you in school right now?



Registered User
I just went and bought the arco book today. I am a sofmore at ASU (trying to go to plc this summer) , and I don't even really know what the test is all about. I looked through some stuff on this site, but there is so much that I'm not sure what to use. Did you pass your test the second time around, and what helped you the most?

Trying to get R' done


Registered User
From my understanding the test resembles the ACT/SAT, (which ever you perfer). I just got back from taking my second ASTB, I recieved AQR 3 OAR 46. The first test I scored OAR 40 and AQR 2, with no studying. I would say the guys on this site, and the site itself has helped me a lot. Search this site and you will find all the gouge you need. For the reading comphersion check this site out: http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/48/07645682/0764568248-1.pdf It will help you. Have you had any math/physics classes? What is your major?

Here is a little background info on me: I currently attend Mount Saint Joseph in Cincinnati, OH. My major is molecular biology/pre-med; thus, I have a background in physics and some-what math, and sciences of course. Again, the gouge on this sight HELPED me the most. If it wasn't for this site I would be up a creek without a paddle!
Here is my AIM name MSJsmallz IM me and I can give you some pointers.


New Member
smallz, it doesnt sound like to me that you arent out of the creek there yet. You had better study up, got one more try to pass that ASTB. And no offense to you but before you start spreading news, gouge, and help to others; perhaps you should pass the test first.


Registered User
I do agree with your insight. Yes, maybe I should pass before I do give out advice, thanks man. Do you have any adive to give me, in order for me to raise my AQR grade to a 3? How is the AQR determined?


Class 0606!!! New Ensigns!!! (as of Jan27th)

Don’t listen to the idiot. Keep helping! Good on you!!


That’s uncalled for! He did pass the test and If he had a good record he would make it with a 46 (depending on program).

Plus it doesn’t matter how well he did on the test he still can provide guidance. He has experience on what’s on the test, he knows what to study, therefore to someone that’s never taken the test they should listen to him.

The gouge is just like the test. So he put out GREAT information.

If you plan on being a officer or a leader in MY NAVY… then you better learn some people skills. You better appreciate people like him. We don’t need people like you putting good people like him down.

Everyone needs help from people with the experience.

Thanks you Smallz!

I hope you make it. If you’re applying for supply or one of the other designators besides AIR then I think you can make it, as long as you don’t have bad grades and you have good recommendations.

have good


Registered User
My recruiter just called me today, and told me the wrong information, thus, I thought I had to retake the test. He said I have a good change of getting picked up with OAR 46, GPA 3.54, and I have good references. Yes, I do agree with you now that I think about. To everyone that has taken the test, post your comments on this site. This sight is so good in providing gouge and inside info.

Thanks for the support man!


Registered User

While I agree with the encouragement IT1 gave you, I also agree with the nature of FlyinHigh's statements. Your OAR scores do pass the minimums, but if you get non-selected, that will be one of the first recommendations of everyone on this board and boards like it.

The first time I took my ASTB, I too did not study and I received an OAR of 49 (granted this was three years ago). The competition has increased, however, and based on what you may be going after, a 46 is not goin to cut it.

Feel free to submit, but if you get non-selected, be ready for the overwhelming admonition that you need to study extremely hard (think a couple of months) take many practice tests and score at least in the mid-50s to be competitive.


Registered User

Keep it up man! Pay no attention to morons because there are plenty of them out there.


What do you fly right now? I think you're pretty much in the same postion smallz, right? Keep this attitude up and you will be a part of infamous "Weeding Out Process" that the military is known for. IPs don't have much patience for know-it-alls. There's some helpful advice for you since you're quick to give your negative opinions.


New Member
to those who care:

i was way stressed about the test the 1st time I took it. I do have a solid background in math and physics so that did help, but i am way out of the algebra and stuff found on the test. I went and got the gouge on here, (ASTB study guide), also compiled all of my textbooks from flying (Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical knowledge) and took notes on all of the chapters. Then studies nautical terms, and rules of the sea, from a book in the library. Also I bought three books of study guides: 1001 algebra word problems, some verbal study guides for the asvab, and the study guides for the military flight aptitude tests. After taking all of the tests in all of the respective books, I felt ready. I then retook all of the tests making sure that I not only knew the answers but exactly how to go about getting them, if for some reason, the set up was different on the real test. During all of this I kept a good tab on time, because time is precious during this test. I focused most of my time on the aviation/nautical section along with the spatial apperception part. Another thing that greatly helped in quick answers was making flashcards, I compiled like 200 flashcards of terms, formulas, etc. It seemed to really help to cut down on time. Good luck taking the test, and study hard. I didnt go out with friends on weekends for 3 weeks in preparation for this test.


Registered User
In "Military Flight Aptitude Tests", on the mechanical apprehension section of the ASTB practice test, number 4, how are they getting a circumference of 24 inches for the wheel? It seems its would be the diameter, 10", times pi, which would be 31.4 inches. ??


Registered User
Some of the answers in the book are wrong. That is frustrating as hell for me too because you know you're right and the book is saying you're wrong! I'm not sure which question exactly you're refering to (left the book at home today) but there are some incorrect answers in the back of that book.


Registered User
Wanted to pick some brains out there. I'm in the Air Force and this whole ASTB scoring system isn't really familiar to me. I just got my scores back today: 6/7/6 for an overall of 49. How's that stack up for pilot selection?
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