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Any word on scholarships yet?

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Registered User
Hi, I have been waiting for any word regarding my scholarship app. has any one out there heard yet?? What is the usual time for the announcements/ Thanks have a good one.


It depends on when you turned your app in. The boards convene monthly but you may not hear untill late, possibly April or May. Just keep checking your status on the website or call your recruiter and they can give you the current status of your app.


Registered User
Thanks for that, it seems awfully late considering all the other deadlines for admission and other scholarship money. My app was submitted in August so I don't know if that is a good sign or not.


High School Peon
I submitted my application the same day I applied for the Naval Academy Summer Seminar...Feb. 1 of last year.

And yesterday (Feb. 1) I got a call from my recruiter informing me that I have been awarded the 4 year scholarship.

crazy, isn't it? a whole year. still waiting on USNA though...


Registered User
Congrads DMeix, that must be a load off your mind. What school was the scholarship for? Good luck.


High School Peon
Well, right now they think I'm going to Univ. of San Diego...which is incorrect. I recently changed my schools of choice, and when I did, I guess something got screwed up. Its supposed to be Univ. of Calif. at San Diego...two completely different schools. I'm gonna wait to change that info when I get the packet in about two weeks.

If that doesn't work out, I'll be heading to Univ. of Washington in Seattle. I just want to get away from Texas for a while.

However, USNA is still my number 1.

Phantom Hawk

Registered User
I just found out I got the 4 year scholarship yesterday to Old Dominion University. Im still waitin to here from USNA as well but Im not positive which I will choose at this point. Im pumped about the scholarship though!


Registered User

It doesn't matter that you got assigned to U. San Diego. They are both in the same consortium. I went there frosh year. Any questions let me know, but congrats on getting the scholarship.



Auburn Aviation Hopeful
having applied, been rejected, and then picking up scholarship as a CP i can tell you that the process usually takes forever. the navy has a tendancy to wait till the very last minute to tell you either way as to what the decision is. i found out i got the scholarship over the summer of my college sophmore year. don't sweat too much about it, and if for some reason you don't get it before heading to college, don't worry. if you show the navy what you've got as a CP MIDN, it becomes just a little easier to pick it up along the way. good luck!

Speed Warner

Registered User
I just found out today via the website that I recieved my scholarship, assigned to the University of Texas. Pretty excited.


Quick Question

I'm a Vietnam era NROTC scholarship grad. I've been wondering if at this time the NROTC scholarship is assigned to the individual or to the school? In other words, is the scholarship granted at a given NROTC university and the prospective MIDN must also be accepted at that same university or can the prospective MIDN take the scholarship to any of the NROTC universities?

Just wonderin'.

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