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Et Tu, Petraeus?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Couple points. Adultery is an Art.134 offense, meaning it isn't enough just for it to happen, but that it also has to be contrary to good order and discipline or bring discredit to the armed forces. It's not (or shouldn't be enforced this way) a rule because of the moral considerations, it's to prevent the discipline problems that result if an officer is boning a sailor's wife, for example. Unfortunately, commanders have wide discretion in pursuing/not pursuing such charges, at least until it reaches the JAG level, so no one really understands what it's supposed to mean.

On the other topic--why wouldn't you just use cash advances and save the red-ass of justifying each charge. Pay for your hotel and rental car with the GTCC as required, then pull out cash for the amount of your per diem. You save potential problems, and your TAD living budget takes care of itself.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
The depths of Jill Kelley's delusion revealed:

"You know, I don't know if by any chance, because I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well," she told the 911 dispatcher Monday.

The idea that this broad gets some kind of "thanks for being our event coordinator" certificate that says "Honorary Ambassador," then tries to invoke diplomatic privilege with the authorities. Unbelievable. This woman needs to be ground up by Ralston Purina as cat food.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Reports are saying that Petraeus will still testify next week regarding Benghazi
As well he should. He was "in the seat" at the time. One can only hope that the testimony requested will remain "on point". Too many slippery off-ramps to consider...none of which would be relevant to the subject of the hearings.


Well-Known Member
The depths of Jill Kelley's delusion revealed:

"You know, I don't know if by any chance, because I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well," she told the 911 dispatcher Monday.

The idea that this broad gets some kind of "thanks for being our event coordinator" certificate that says "Honorary Ambassador," then tries to invoke diplomatic privilege with the authorities. Unbelievable. This woman needs to be ground up by Ralston Purina as cat food.

That delirious mentality IS definitely bad news for all involved. But asking and getting 2 Generals to write letters (on letterhead) to a judge offering support to a bonafide twisted sister in a contested child custody case is more than bizarre. The White House is eerily silent on this. I say just "standby", there is likely much more to this story that what's been revealed so far.


he will die without safety brief
If they weren't silent, wouldn't it be command influence? They already put out a statement for both Allen and Petraeus. What else should they be doing?
Every once in a while, you get a CO who flips out over stuff that is socially acceptable, but not to him. Granted open marriage is not accepted by a lot of mainstream USA, but neither are gays/lesbians, and that's OK now as far as DOD is concerned.

Case in point. Me and a couple other JOs were once giving formal, written counseling on Article 134 and some other shit, because we were living with our GFs, off base, in houses we all owned. Brought my now wife to a Hail n Bail at the XOs house, his wife asked where she lived, she said with me, and hilarity did not ensue from there. We had JOs who had been with their GFs long enough they were common law, and still, we all got shat upon. I was told we needed to get married or she needed to move out. CO (who was going through a divorce at the time) found out about that and that was probably the only time I heard an XO get reprimanded by the CO.
That's.... that's crazy


Well-Known Member
In 12 years I ran into two CO/XO types who really overstepped their bounds by jumping in (or threatening to) JOs personal lives like that.

The other was when I was a JG, and I was told by the XO that he'd destroy my career if I got divorced, because Officers don't get divorced. When I finally filed for divorce as a LT, no support from the command, and he handed her everything she wanted via a MPO.

That CO is still on my "I will not lift a finger to prevent a pack of rabid hyenas from eating you" list.


Heard a new conspiracy originally posited by the oddly dressed Krauthammer on the radio today:

So Petraeus has an affair and wants to keep it secret. He wants to keep it secret so he can keep his job and not be forced out. He knows to some extent that the administration knows he did it. So he is even more "encouraged" to tow the party line to keep his job. But he doesn't want to tow the party line on Benghazi, so that's when it all blows up.

Sounds plausible to someone that isn't looking too in depth on this. Guess we'll find out when Petraeus testifies.