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Generation Kill


500 ft. from said obstacle
I just saw the 2nd Episode: "Cradle of Life" ... by far the best depiction of modern combat I've ever seen. wow. what did you guys think? If that isn't moto I don't know what is.


Super Moderator
Lt. Col. Michael Shoup, a USMC NFO FAC who was attached to 1st Recon Battalion during the push to Baghdad, recently posted his comments on "Generation Kill" (the book).

Thanks for the link. I wonder if he is any relation to the former Commandant, I would be suprised if he is not with a unique name like that.


Yankee Uniform Tango
I just saw the 2nd Episode: "Cradle of Life" ... by far the best depiction of modern combat I've ever seen. wow. what did you guys think? If that isn't moto I don't know what is.

Indeed, an excellent episode. Honest, brutal, sad, hilarious and exciting. Can't wait for the next installment.

The film student in me, however, hated the editing during the ride through the town at the end - I kept seeing the Mk.19 gunner shoot at the building 10-times over, yet they didn't depict him scoring any hits till the very last second. Argh. :)

Thanks for the link. I wonder if he is any relation to the former Commandant, I would be suprised if he is not with a unique name like that.

That man is a legend. The battle of Tarawa has been one of my "favorite" battles to do research on, and I have ready many books on the subject. Then Col. Shoup's MOH-winning exploits on Tarawa were well documented in Col. Alexanders "Utmost Savagery." One would certainly have a lot to live up to if one were his son/grandson/other relative. :eek:



500 ft. from said obstacle
Yeah I thought they could have shown the devastation caused by the MK.19 and .50 cal rounds a little better...however I thought other sequences were kinda cool... like running over that car with the humvee, and Lt. Fick getting his. I think the next episode is going to be just as good given the previews.


Rockets Up
I don't know about the combat because I wasn't there but it seems to me that they got the USMC grunt subculture nailed. I've enjoyed the show so far.


500 ft. from said obstacle
I just finished Capt. Fick's book, "One Bullet Away" ... outstanding read. For those of you that have read both his book and "Generation Kill" ... which one is better?


How do you fly a Clipper?
Is Capt. Fick the really young-looking officer that keeps letting the Sgt. know what's going on? I keep missing their names.

I have enjoyed the series so far - and picking up on the leadership styles demonstrated. Some awesome, and some not so great i.e. Capt. 'America'


How do you fly a Clipper?
Yeah, but it Lt. Fick right now in Generation Kill.

OK, thanks - I'll need to watch again to pick up on names and ranks. Fick is portrayed with really great leadership skills. The first episode I was thinking, this guy is so young and is responsible for so many lives - I hope he's ready for that. He's the type of leader I'd be glad to follow.

I'll have to grab the book, this stuff is really interesting.


500 ft. from said obstacle
OK, thanks - I'll need to watch again to pick up on names and ranks. Fick is portrayed with really great leadership skills. The first episode I was thinking, this guy is so young and is responsible for so many lives - I hope he's ready for that. He's the type of leader I'd be glad to follow.

I'll have to grab the book, this stuff is really interesting.

Thats the way the Marine Corps. Works. However by the time Lt. Fick reached Iraq he was actually a 1st Lt. (I think they show him wearing butter bars in the show) ... and had already done a full tour with the MEU in Afghanistan. So he was already somewhat "salty" so to speak.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Thats the way the Marine Corps. Works. However by the time Lt. Fick reached Iraq he was actually a 1st Lt. (I think they show him wearing butter bars in the show) ... and had already done a full tour with the MEU in Afghanistan. So he was already somewhat "salty" so to speak.

Either way, he seems like he really stepped up when the men needed him. I hope I can be like that as an Officer.


Solidly part of the 42%.
Okay, so here's a huge question that looms among us butter bars...

Lt Fick did great things, and his book and speaking circuit is what has inspired a lot of people to becom 2ndLts. But what I can't figure out is why, oh why, is it that all of the people who came up with Fick, i.e all company commanders in the Marine Corps and all captains at TBS, wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire?

The only reason my peers and I can come up with is that they went through the same things as he did, but they stayed in and he got out and made a ton of money. It's not like he drug the Marine Corps or any Marines through the dirt. His book reflected very favorably upon Marines, but his peers still hate him. What gives?