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Vicki's path to flight school (a female perspective)


Registered User
You won't wear civilian clothes from when you report until after graduation. They say "bring a minimum of civilian clothes as storage space is limited". Not an issue if you bring your car I guess.

Honor Class 13-01 got to wear civvies on liberty, because we were an Honor Class. Anyways, bring as little as possible. You won't need many extraneous items the first week of training, and you will be allowed a run to the Navy Exchange on the sunday after poopie week.
For uniforms, you will be issued your whole "Officer Candidate" phase clothing on week one day three, and you'll pay for them the day you graduate with a uniform allowance check. Your real Officer uniforms will be fitted to you sometime during week four, and you will start wearing them during your Candidate Officer phase in week 11. You'll pay for them after you graduate, in increments depending from whom you purchase them (NEX or Abbott's military tailors). An Abbot's getup will cost about $1100-1200, NEX a little cheaper. AND YES THE NAVY DOES ISSUE BLANKETS to its candidates. It is recommended that you bring an extra one if you choose to ignore the rule of sleeping between your sheets to save time in the morning by not having to make your rack every morning. Kapiche?


Science Project
Just my two cents (16 months old):

Getting an extra blanket is definitely a good idea. Doing a quick tuck in the morning is much better than remaking your entire bed. If you bring one, it may or may not get taken away from you. When the Indoc Staff checks your stuff, there is a list of things they must take away; blankets are not on the list, so it's completely up to them. If you bring one, just pack it with your civilian clothes. If not, you'll get to go to the NEX after the first week, and you can buy one there.

MUST HAVE: Without a doubt, the best thing I bought was a little latern flashlight (about 4 inches tall and 2 inches in diameter) . It's a little yellow flashlight that can be used as a regular flashlight, or can be extended into a little lantern. I bought mine at the NEX for about $10 and bought a lot of batteries (it takes 4-2A batteries). I basically did MTT stuff until taps and then studied for about 30 minutes every night with the help of my trusty little light. All four of the guys in my room had one. Also, if you have the choice, don't get the rack that the door opens up to.



Registered User
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the gouge. I'm actually still here. I leave on the 3rd. I'm so sorry you guys won't get to torment me personally (LOL), but I'm sure you've made suitable arrangements with my indoc' Candy-Os. Congrats and enjoy your time off. Kick butt in API!


Registered User
What is "poopie" week?

Honor Class 13-01 got to wear civvies on liberty, because we were an Honor Class. Anyways, bring as little as possible. You won't need many extraneous items the first week of training, and you will be allowed a run to the Navy Exchange on the sunday after poopie week.
For uniforms, you will be issued your whole "Officer Candidate" phase clothing on week one day three, and you'll pay for them the day you graduate with a uniform allowance check. Your real Officer uniforms will be fitted to you sometime during week four, and you will start wearing them during your Candidate Officer phase in week 11. You'll pay for them after you graduate, in increments depending from whom you purchase them (NEX or Abbott's military tailors). An Abbot's getup will cost about $1100-1200, NEX a little cheaper. AND YES THE NAVY DOES ISSUE BLANKETS to its candidates. It is recommended that you bring an extra one if you choose to ignore the rule of sleeping between your sheets to save time in the morning by not having to make your rack every morning. Kapiche?


Ed Williams

Registered User
Speaking of Candy-O's. All of thoes people who are getting ready to go in the next few days will be there when my 02Jun class arrives. So do me a favor, when doing indoc. be nice to anyone from good old St. Bonaventure University and try not to steal my extra blanket!!! Thanks

Ed Williams

Registered User
While at ACES, I had the opportunity to see poopie week up close. It is week one. Instead of wearing Khakis, we wear big poopie green suits and what looks like a frying pan for a helped. The smell, and appearence of thoes first week OCSers was a treat. Can't wait for the poopie greens!


Registered User
No luck Ed. We'll be in our eighth week. Change of Command (us becoming Candy-Os) isn't until the tenth week. We'll definitely let the class ahead of us know to make sure you keep your blanket (just not your dignity). I get to say that since by this time next week I'll be the one rolling around like a pig in the mud. I hope it's not still raining in Pensacola. :)


Registered User
[Instead of wearing Khakis, we wear big poopie green suits and what looks like a frying pan for a helped. The smell, and appearence of thoes first week OCSers was a treat. Can't wait for the poopie greens!

Can't wait!!!


Kyle McWhirter

Registered User
I know everyone is enjoying the speculation about the Navy-type blanket. I sent an email via the official OCS webpage to find out exactly what the situation is with the blanket. Once I hear, I will post the email here.

I am sure Ed that the Candy Os will remember your name specifically big guy! haha.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Ahh, finally someone with some initiative. Thanks Kyle. Maybe we can get the "final word" on this Navy blanket and ensure everyone is informed via official navy correspondance (ie AirWarriors forum).

--Steve Wilkins


Registered User
Yes it's the smell. Can you imagine what it is like just living next to Poopieville for a week? It's rank. Poopie week is Indoc week, ie. the first week. It ends on SATURDAY.

Ed Williams

Registered User
So indoc starts on a sunday and continues until the followinf Sat.? I was told that the class size is about 40 or so. Is than an accurate number to assume?


Science Project
Try living next to (or in) poopieville for 11 of the 13 weeks of OCS. I've just started to regain my sense of smell. Good Luck All.