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Stupid questions about Naval Aviation (Pt 2)

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Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Speaking of Wings... I'll be getting mine on Friday the 15th. My uncle a former A7 driver is going to be pinning me with a set of his old wings. I already have them in my possession and was wondering if I should Clean and polish them or leave them be with all of the "history" intact. Thanks.

How do plan to wear them in the future? Clean or in their historical condition?


is clara ship
I'd leave em. More often than not, they would be on your khakis anyways, and if anyone gives you crap when you are in whites/blues, just tell em the story. I plan on doing the same when I wing here shortly


Speaking of Wings... I'll be getting mine on Friday the 15th. My uncle a former A7 driver is going to be pinning me with a set of his old wings. I already have them in my possession and was wondering if I should Clean and polish them or leave them be with all of the "history" intact. Thanks.

History only comes from the past, so I'd leave 'em as they are, unless they're 'green & slimy' (and then I'd just get rid of the 'green') ... if you want 'shiny' Wings ... go get another set @ the Uniform Shop.

Slight alteration: some of us (including yours truly) got a pair of Wings from the Exchange and buffed/polished most/all of the engraved portion from the shield -- basically made the shield 'smooth' and Brasso'ed the hell out of it so they were so shiny you'd put your eye out if you weren't wearin' shades. We wore 'em when 'uniformity' was not a requirement.

Trust me ... they looked good.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Slightly OT – I remember a few guys buying and wearing "antiqued" wings back in the day. Are they still available, or an option today?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator

History only comes from the past, so I'd leave 'em as they are, unless they're 'green & slimy' (and then I'd just get rid of the 'green') ... if you want 'shiny' Wings ... go get another set @ the Uniform Shop.

Slight alteration: some of us (including yours truly) got a pair of Wings from the Exchange and buffed/polished most/all of the engraved portion from the shield -- basically made the shield 'smooth' and Brasso'ed the hell out of it so they were so shiny you'd put your eye out if you weren't wearin' shades. We wore 'em when 'uniformity' was not a requirement.

Trust me ... they looked good.

Slightly OT ? I remember a few guys buying and wearing "antiqued" wings back in the day. Are they still available, or an option today?

If by "antiqued," you mean the non-anodized ones that are a little darker, then yes, you can still wear them. I use them with cammies or with Alphas.

I don't know what excessive polishing would do to those--I kind of thought the point was for them not to shine. IMHO, if you buffed them 'till they shined, they'd then be too bright to wear with a mostly subdued uniform, yet not shiny enough to match a dress uniform like Blues.

If you want your wings to shine, you buy the anodized ones that stay shiny on their own.


....I don't know what excessive polishing would do to those--I kind of thought the point was for them not to shine. IMHO, if you buffed them 'till they shined, they'd then be too bright to wear with a mostly subdued uniform....
You're eating my brain ...

... Like I said, we only 'shined' the Wings that we ground down/buffed on the shield to get 'em 'smooth' -- no marks/etching -- as the process of 'smoothing' removed the 'finish' and they'd tarnish w/out a regular application of Brasso ... as for the rest of the Wings -- no shine.


Active Member
Pulling info from old threads, will freshly minted ensigns get their flight physicals shortly after reporting to Pensacola or do they have to wait till their IFS/API time?


is clara ship
Pulling info from old threads, will freshly minted ensigns get their flight physicals shortly after reporting to Pensacola or do they have to wait till their IFS/API time?

Yes, that is one of the first things you do when you check in. That way they can give you the boot before they give you the easiest paid vacation of your life :)


Active Member
Yes, that is one of the first things you do when you check in. That way they can give you the boot before they give you the easiest paid vacation of your life :)

That's actually what I wanted to hear - researching for an ensignmobile but I don't want to get a car payment till I know I'm med-up. Thanks.


General overhead break question. My last Navy duty station was Pcola, and I would watch just about everything come in, including the T-39's and Toners. Being in helo-land now, I don't get to see a good fast "carrier break" anymore. Watching various videos, I've noticed that there seems to be no more of the "4-5 second" kiss-off anymore, just both jets in a section breaking about the same time???


Former Rhino Bro
General overhead break question. My last Navy duty station was Pcola, and I would watch just about everything come in, including the T-39's and Toners. Being in helo-land now, I don't get to see a good fast "carrier break" anymore. Watching various videos, I've noticed that there seems to be no more of the "4-5 second" kiss-off anymore, just both jets in a section breaking about the same time???

We break in interval in T-34 land---if you can call what we do a break.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
General overhead break question. My last Navy duty station was Pcola, and I would watch just about everything come in, including the T-39's and Toners. Being in helo-land now, I don't get to see a good fast "carrier break" anymore. Watching various videos, I've noticed that there seems to be no more of the "4-5 second" kiss-off anymore, just both jets in a section breaking about the same time???

In Harrier land this seems to vary from squadron to squadron. I'm a fan of the fan break - where both jets break at the same time; lead just leaves the power up through the break. Some use 2 seconds, some use 4 second intervals. I think the west coast SOP is 2 seconds for sections, 4 for divisions, or vice-versa. How quickly I forget. I like the battle break too (combat spread). Some people are anal about break interval, which I personally think is pretty stupid for a section (important for larger flights). As long as -2 doesn't fuck up the interval on downwind, shorter intervals look nicer and clobber less of the pattern IMO.

One of the reasons El Centro is nice - you can come in for the combat carrier break at 5 bills and no one cares.
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