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September 2014 IDC Board


Well-Known Member
I feel like waiting for results is more stress than OCS could ever enflict on any one person....lol

This is why I feel that people who want to have a Naval career as a fallback are ridiculous. You subject yourself to tests, medical and personal reviews, undergo interviews, have your life inspected, wait to get accepted to the board, wait to get accepted to advance, wait to get a letter to be sent to some base where your physical and emotional will are tested, and if you pass you get to go to a school to learn your speciality (or learn to fly expensive machines), and when you pass that you are sent to the fleet where everyone sees you as a boot-Ensign and the first 4 years of your military experience are a Rodney Dangerfield act. The wait seems to be much more terrifying. We can all work our asses off at OCS, but just trying to get the chance to do so is keeping me up some nights.


Well-Known Member
This is why I feel that people who want to have a Naval career as a fallback are ridiculous. You subject yourself to tests, medical and personal reviews, undergo interviews, have your life inspected, wait to get accepted to the board, wait to get accepted to advance, wait to get a letter to be sent to some base where your physical and emotional will are tested, and if you pass you get to go to a school to learn your speciality (or learn to fly expensive machines), and when you pass that you are sent to the fleet where everyone sees you as a boot-Ensign and the first 4 years of your military experience are a Rodney Dangerfield act. The wait seems to be much more terrifying. We can all work our asses off at OCS, but just trying to get the chance to do so is keeping me up some nights.

out of all the applicants I worked with only a few said they were looking at the USN as a fallback plan, and once I talked to them about what they need to do to apply they didn't, applying for a normal civilian job takes not much time at all, this doesn't.


Well-Known Member
I have fall back plans that include the FBI and other government agencies, but even at that OCS is still my first priority, and am trying to stall the rest while I pursue OCS in full force.


Career Recruiter
I had two people RTO on me. From day one I thought we covered the root desire of both applicants was Service to Country. One was for Pilot, the other for SWO-EDO. I cant imagine what it would be like to be offered those kinds of career options and to turn them down.


Well-Known Member
I had two people RTO on me. From day one I thought we covered the root desire of both applicants was Service to Country. One was for Pilot, the other for SWO-EDO. I cant imagine what it would be like to be offered those kinds of career options and to turn them down.

My sister-in-law is a EDO, its a very hard program to get in to, she has a PhD from MIT. There is also no quota for that community for the last two FY's, so turning that down was a huge mistake. I look at it this way if they dont want to do it dont! it will only make room for those of us who do.


Well-Known Member
Yes...Some of them dont require a shave and their voices have yet to drop.

Sounds about right, and this is why "Mustangs" get more respect. There is some wisdom that comes with a few grey hairs, but yet "Big Navy" wants to go put unresonable age limits on programs such as SWO ect. even if I didn't get picked up for the next two years I could still retire by 50 with my prior TIS. I know they want to get the most years out of their Officers but I could eaisly do 20+ and still be under max retirement age. Ill never understand it, but what do I know Im just a prior E.


Career Recruiter

What is BOL Advancements/Selection Boards?
Yes. Wasn't sure if that was a joke or not. Either way it works.


Career Recruiter
Sounds about right, and this is why "Mustangs" get more respect. There is some wisdom that comes with a few grey hairs, but yet "Big Navy" wants to go put unresonable age limits on programs such as SWO ect. even if I didn't get picked up for the next two years I could still retire by 50 with my prior TIS. I know they want to get the most years out of their Officers but I could eaisly do 20+ and still be under max retirement age. Ill never understand it, but what do I know Im just a prior E.
You have to factor in availability of officer programs to the masses. If you think about it, we had the same opportunities they do, we all chose our own way and took the scenic route in finishing our degrees for the most part. Honestly if I could go back I would choke the snot out of a 20 something me.


Well-Known Member
You have to factor in availability of officer programs to the masses. If you think about it, we had the same opportunities they do, we all chose our own way and took the scenic route in finishing our degrees for the most part. Honestly if I could go back I would choke the snot out of a 20 something me.

Wouldn't we all!! Honestly though I didn't go AD until I was almost 21 so you can do the math on that one. I have been racing the clock since day one. If we are taking about availability to the masses, then if would only make sense to raise the age cut off for the programs. You would end up with a larger applicant pool therefore increasing the number of top notch applicants. Think about it lets say we both were young enough to apply for SWO and NFO ect. How do you think our stats would stack up to other applicants in the same pool? Mind you I didn't take the full ASTB due to not being able to apply for Avation Desg. but when your looking at raw stats I have seen several pople with high GPA's, OAR's ect. that would blow some of the PRO REC-Y's for SWO and NFO out of the water but they can't apply due to age.


Career Recruiter
Spin that another way, for their age, it's the ability to complete a degree, GPA's, ASTB scores that are what set them apart to begin with from us. Factor that and I don't hold a match to them. Agreed, I've been playing catch up since day one as well.