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Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
AllAmerican75 said:
Sneaky, sneaky there Brett. I underestimated you.

And can anyone explain to me why there are advertisements for bread and breadmakers at the top of my screen? Honestly it makes no sense, this being a military forum and all.
Don't you like bread?



I've heard that Hallmark created the holiday. ;)

I'm keeping my hold on neutral ground. Any plots for infiltration will have to be your own ball game. It sounds like you guys have plenty to keep you busy here. :icon_zbee

I'm watching the Olympics when I should be doing my reading for work. I wish I had TIVO.



AllAmerican - Hey looks like we share a bday. Except I'm a 70s baby :icon_wink . 420 makes for a great conversation starter nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
AllAmerican75 said:
And can anyone explain to me why there are advertisements for bread and breadmakers at the top of my screen? Honestly it makes no sense, this being a military forum and all.

It's just a friendly reminder of the food that you'll be limited to when you screw up on a boat ;)


Brett, I love bread, but the content on these pages has nothing to do with bread. I thought Google Ads were supposed to mimic the content on web pages, I guess I was wrong, or maybe KBay's on to something.

Zelda, you wouldn't believe how many times I've been asked if I smoke weed when people find out I was born on 4/20. It cracks me up every time, and they're incredulous I've never smoked out before. The stuff is disgusting and smells worse than cigarrettes. Yuck!


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
AllAmerican75 said:
Brett, I love bread, but the content on these pages has nothing to do with bread. I thought Google Ads were supposed to mimic the content on web pages, I guess I was wrong, or maybe KBay's on to something.

or you could sack up and donate 10 bucks to the site. no ads.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
AllAmerican75 said:
Brett, I love bread
That's what the advertisers are counting on. ;) Of course, if you contribute to the fiscal solvency of AW, then you don't have to bother with any adds. :D



Samsonite... I was WAY off!!

Back to the chair force... saw they have a new mission statement out and it makes so much more sense why they sit on their butts and e-mail all day.

The following is the end of their statement, "... to fly and fight in Air, Space, and Cyberspace."

So, they are actually fighting!! Makes so much more sense!


AllAmerican75 said:
Zelda, you wouldn't believe how many times I've been asked if I smoke weed when people find out I was born on 4/20. It cracks me up every time, and they're incredulous I've never smoked out before. The stuff is disgusting and smells worse than cigarrettes. Yuck!

2 dudes in high school practically bowed at me when they found out. Said it was "the coolest" birthday. Until then, the only other thing I knew about my birthday was that it was also Hitler's :eek: . Put that in your pipe.


Yeah I knew that. You don't know how many people keep telling me I have the same birthday as Hitler. It gets annoying.

And to the donate comments, I would except I am flat broke right now. Literally. I've barely got enough money to ride the bus. But as soon as I get some money, I'll see what I can do. But personally, I don't mind the ads. I was just wondering why there were ads for bread instead of say Airsoft or jobhunting agencies and what not.


Yeah, thanks Brett, like it doesn't suck enough that the places I've applied for a job haven't even contacted me back to say that they received my application.


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
AllAmerican75 said:
Yeah, thanks Brett, like it doesn't suck enough that the places I've applied for a job haven't even contacted me back to say that they received my application.
A good applicant does that himself. It's called a follow-up call. Shows initiative and responsibility. ;)

Back to bashing on the chair force, I found this and thought not only is it funny but it's true :eek:

And women aren't the only ones who can be dream killers. ;) The last guy I dated hated that I was going into the Marine Corps. He tried to talk me out of it, bash me down by saying I couldn't do, wouldn't make it, wouldn't be selected blah blah blah... So you know what I did? I KICKED HIM TO THE CURB! ;)

Maybe that's the difference between men and women we notice when people are trying to "kill our dreams" and get rid of them... men just complain after it's too late. :D