According to this document: there's 5 out of 30 or 10 out of 30, then start thinking about making some other accomodations. But let's look at the numbers here...
In 2001, the American military was 68% Christian, 21% Atheist/No Religion, and 11% Other/Unknown/Didn't Answer. That's 32% of the military that does not claim Christianity.... a non-negligible minority by any reasonable standard. The report also states: "In general, the armed forces show lower religious affiliation than the civilian population, even among civilians ages 20 to 39."
So I should stand up and say "under god" in the pledge and "so help me god" in the officer oath, even if I don't believe it. Don't you see how those phrases encourage people to make dishonest oaths? Maybe it's okay to swear to "support and defend the Constitution", even if you really don't mean it...Is it really that big of a deal to stand up and say it, or are people really that anal retentive that uttering the word "Under GOD" is like having someone $hit in their mouth and ruin their day.