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What kind of people survive ocs & flight school?

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Super *********
Super Moderator
Attriting should never enter one's mind. Set your goals and carry them out. Most of the problem children I saw as Student Control at VAW-120 didn't have the fire. Very few didn't have the skills. If you want it bad enough, it's yours. There will always be chose who end up being NPQ'ed for one reason or another and if you fall into that category, it sucks, but life will go on.

I took a different approach than Chuck going through the flight program. My motto has always been work hard, play harder. I drank, partied, worked out, drank some more, partied some more, and basically went balls to the wall during flight school. I'm not saying you guys have to drink to have fun, do whatever floats your boat but it's going to be one of the few times when all you do is fly with no ground job or being at the squadron from 0730 to 1700 to interfere. My flight school days were no kidding almost magical and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Thing is though, I knew when to party hard and when to tone it down. There are times when it's not appropriate and those are the times it would interfer with your studying and flying. Beyond that, enjoy it. It should be one of the best times of you life.



FERS and TSP contributor!
I could not agree more. Flight school was the best time in my life - absolutely.
I had a blast every day...

I only wish I took more pictures!


VFA 131
Maybe looking back I'll have fonder memories of flight school, but at this point it's still somewhat seared into my brain as oftentimes being a stressfull pain in the ass. Sure, the highs beat the lows and have definetly made it all worth it, but most everybody I can remember had very low moments, even many of the best guys. I think one of the keys to success is bouncing back. Everyone screws up, it's how you recover. In VT-7 they said there's those with down's and those who are going to get them. Do your best, have as much fun as you can and press.
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