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Webb Quote


TXHusker05 said:
I say we end the politically correct crap, that will solve all of the problems. Better funding, better training, less BS. And maybe make it a requirement for all civilian military leadership to have prior military experience, I know some of you poli sci guys will scream checks and balances and that crap... but how can some civilian make military and tactical decisions with no experience. I think that is how the problem started.

...and what's your military experience to make this statement?


TXHusker05 said:
Well I can tell you if they started making a plebe's life anymore hell than it already is, applications to the academies will slow to a trickle....
Sorry, young'un ... you could not be more wrong. Believe it ... :icon_rast ... but that doesn't make you a bad person.


Is it baseball season yet?
TXHusker05 said:
I say we end the politically correct crap, that will solve all of the problems. Better funding, better training, less BS. And maybe make it a requirement for all civilian military leadership to have prior military experience, I know some of you poli sci guys will scream checks and balances and that crap... but how can some civilian make military and tactical decisions with no experience. I think that is how the problem started.

I think you're wrong. If we ended all the "Politcally Correct" crap, the USNA is gonna be done with. Remember: taxpayers -- the American people -- are it's funding, it's "endowment" if you will.

And while I think PC has gone too far in some instances... there are others where it needs to be... if a guy from the south is gonna call some of my black shipmates "nigger" in a hateful way or way they aren't wanting or accepting of, then I think that guy needs to be disciplined.

What about females? Sure I don't think they belong in SEALS - but they aren't. Nonetheless, I think that females can make competent Pilots, NFO's, and SWO's. Should women be at the academy? I'd say they have their place there. What if a senior officer makes sexual comments or advances towards a female midshipman that makes her uncomfortable? I think that doesn't belong there either. USNA is in the business of making top of the line, professional Naval Officers. That doesn't belong in the environment USNA's mission strives to create: they are supposed to be "imbued with the highest ideals of duty, honor, and loyalty."

You should also note that alot of USNA's top educators are civilians... an aero engineer can be a great aero engineering teacher without having been in the military, etc. etc...
Well I can tell you if they started making a plebe's life anymore hell than it already is, applications to the academies will slow to a trickle. Who would want to deal with that when 4 years in a NROTC program puts you in the same place?

I would. I specifically chose the Naval Academy and the program I'm in to get me there because I wanted the challenge USNA would provide. This is true of many of my future shipmates, alot of us picked USNA because we had to prove to ourselves we could do it.


New Member

I would be interested to see if you have that same attitude about political correctness at the end of Plebe year...


Is it baseball season yet?
Re: BRM21o

Like I said, I think it (PC) has gone overboard many a place. But I still think it has it's place.

I think there are qualified women. That doesn't mean all at USNA are qualified. I assume this is what you were referring to. We'll see, maybe I will change.

If you were referring to my other example of being PC... I certainly hope I will never tolerate or allow myself to harbor racism.


DanMav1156 said:
Like I said, I think it has gone overboard many a place. But I still think it has it's place.

I think there are qualified women. That doesn't mean all at USNA are qualified. I assume this is what you were referring to. We'll see, maybe I will change.

If you were referring to my other example of being PC... I certainly hope I will never tolerate or allow myself to harbor racism.

Dan you are right, racism is just not right. I think there is a line somewhere between politically correct and completely bigoted and racist. Not sure where the line is, but it is there. In every example you made on the PC life, you are absolutely correct.

Also just so you know, I am not talking about civilians that work for the military, my grandfather was the highest ranking civilian at the Strategic Air Command, they do an important job. I was just referring to people like the Secretary of Defense and any position involving tactical military decision making (obviously not Rumsfeld, who was in the military) but people in that position that don't have defense experience. It just seems like you need a former member of the military to be an effective person in that position. An aero engineer may be great at teaching aero engineering, but would that same

Now that doesn't apply to everyone, I am quite sure there are a number of civilians that are well versed in tactics and make great leaders. Someone like SECDEF Harold Brown would be an example, no military experience but a Ph.D in Physics and worked as a civilian in the Air Force under McNamara.

ThisGuy, my military experience is currently none but I am a poli sci major and my National Security final thesis was about the very subject of civilian leadership within the military. I may not be in the military, but you'd be surprised at what research can dig up. A4's, I know I may be wrong... it was only an opinion, but as a college student... I would have never applied to the Academy if I knew that it was equated to being like a POW and I don't know many people that would want to go through that. Sleeping naked on bed springs indefinitely isn't exactly a college experience. But thank you for your guidance on that, I definitely bow to your experience on this one.


Registered User
BRM21o said:
Personally, I think Plebe Summer should be a 6-week Bulldog/USMC type training led by a combination of Navy and Marine Corps drill instructors. For the upperclass leadership requirement, I would change it so they would be a CO of a sail boat cruise, YP, or a platoon commander during a leatherneck type program. During 3/C summer, you would do PROTRAMID for 3 weeks to learn about the different jobs, and then the next 3 week block you would be the one resposible for the job of Nav/Con/basic infantryman working for the upperclass. I would change service selection to the end of 2/C year that way during their 1/C summer, the firsties would have their leadership requirement similar to their selection. (Navy Air-sailing, SWO/Sub-YP, Marine-Platoon Commander). From what I've seen here, if they changed it to something mentioned above, with a better intial foundation of military indoctrination, this place would be a lot more efficient.

One of the BEST ideas I've heard with regards to academy training. When youre CNO, you better work to implement this!


Naval Aviator
Edit: Sorry, drunk post. Won't happen again, Zab.

Reality isn't in the brochure, and anyone who actually wants to DOR because the official standards are too low is just trying to sound impressive - if it's a ticket to the real Navy, take it, and try to change it later if you can. There's no sense in winning that ideological battle if the big-name politicians and donors are playing against you...last I checked, the oath is still about the Constitution, the commission is still for as long as they need you, and the airplanes still have steam gauges. I'll be damned if I'm going to feel guilt and shame for not graduating with a "real" Academy class, like 1964...they're great guys, I'm sure, but we don't make the rules, and any alumni who think otherwise should talk to Sen. McCain and the Board of Visitors. Me, I can shoot and do pushups and sort of fly a plane, and I could care less about the degree...it's a means to an end.

If your conscience will let you graduate from the Naval Academy, hit the minimums, and still have doubts as to whether you could "hold up under pressure" or get the enemy before he gets you, then good luck, but I don't envy you. I should never have gone to that school, but I did...short of building a time machine and enlisting under Leonidas of Sparta, my options are sort of limited. If your answer is "highly, you don't have the experience to say any of this", I'll bet a year of flight pay I'll feel the same way in six years.

edit by zab1001: I don't care if you heard it from your buddies or if you did it yourself, the next person to post details about SERE gets banned. If you don't think Big Brother monitors this board, you're on crack. The End.


Thisguy said:
This is coming from a guy who has asked if he would get to "carry a weapon with the troops" as an Navy Intel Officer. Nice research.


No, actually I asked if I could lead a Mobile Security Detachment... which was answered. That is what I needed. I also asked if anyone knew of intel officers leading VBSS teams... I have known a few people but asked all of you if you knew any. Anything else you'd like to flame me about because so far you haven't provided jack to the topic and only tried disproving my opinions. Give some of your own.


Naval Aviator
I hear ya, man, not that it's an issue of mine but there's a lot of contempt going around for people who'd like to be soldiers at some point (they call it "playing" soldier, I guess Marine infantry is the only real version - God forbid someone shoots at you doing a VBSS and validates your commission) and equal measures of the same for anyone who is just "support" personnel. I've heard of many diverse personnel leading combat groups, including intel officers - so don't sweat it, keep your head down, and never break eye contact if you're arguing with a foreign captain.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
A4sForever said:
Sorry, young'un ... you could not be more wrong. Believe it ... :icon_rast ... but that doesn't make you a bad person.
Concur. Application rate would actually go up, and at the very least, stay the same. Think about it. How many of you guys would care about your warfare pin (wings) as much as you do if it was as easy as SWO? Same concept applies to the academy. People naturally want what they can't have and want to be a part of the "elite." If the Academy suddenly only accepted the "elite," I personally think the number of applications would increase dramatically.