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Vance/Primary help


Registered User
So for the maritime vance guys out there, i just started (did 4101 today) and well......you know how everyone tells you that you should be having fun.....well i am definitely not having fun. my personal goal is to leave work one day not feeling like absolute dogsh!t. I have requested to have extra sim time, but the flight commander says i can't till i solo. kind of counter-intuitive if you ask me. i really want to fly, but dude, I suck. I mean they are telling me i'm doing average, but it seems like i can't do anything right. My academic scores are always maxed and I study and chair fly all the time. The only reason I keep trying is because as a marine i refuse to quit. No one in my class seems to share the same degree of frustration as i do. Did/do any of you guys feel like this?


Registered User
ps...standup ep here is gay........why don't they commission me as an officer in the marine corps, send me to a six month school on leadership and provisional infantry and then tell me to act like a candidate at OCS while at primary...i'm pretty sure two of my three IPs want to slit my throat


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Moving this over to a new thread so it doesn't clog up an already semi-annoying thread. Please keep this thread somewhat helpful to balls. "Vance Sucks" has already been done to death.

@Balls, I'll let fellow Vancers chime in, but can you please stop calling it "Maritime services?" It's Naval Services. I choose not to be associated w/ container ships and P-3 bubbas. (Zing!)


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
All I have to say is good luck bro ... and it sounds like the AF is really gay ...


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should not post questions on Airwarriors that involve trying to rally the troops of guys who think they suck. You're frigain learing something completely new. So you no longer have the "I'm in Top Gun" mentality and are just trying to graduate, join the club, now you know where everyone else has came from.

On a lighter note, the Blues have a Marine diamond pilot, and the Narrator next years blah blah blah who both graduated from Vance. The training must doable, they finished.

In conclusion, just do it, don't gripe, don't whine, don't aplogize, unless your a complete cocky arse, none of the FAIPS or IP's hate you, I called the room attention on deck everytime I gave the weather/time hack, and everytime I got critiqued for it, other than that, it's called conforming to the system, cooperate to graduate.


it’s just malfeasance for malfeasance’s sake
I was the exact same way. It does get better. At least it did for me. In my case I was just a slow starter, but I caught up. I lost a lot of sleep over it at first. Just keep doing your thing, and you will probably catch up too. Things started looking up for me shortly before solo. Your instructors will get you ready. As far as the anti air force way of doing things stuff I probably agree, but its been beaten to death.


Registered User
well thanx for the responses....i wasn't "rallying" anyone...i seriously thought i had an original problem (not much air warriors experience). i always heard that flight school was the best years of most pilots lives, and thus my conclusion. apologize for the "maritime" adjective i have come to know here at vance (will correct) and thanks for the heads up.
ps: Don't go to Wild Child's for any reason (don't ask, I think I might need more PRK)


Registered User
hey, at least you're not the guy who quits week 2 because a standup is too stressfull... Keep your head in the game and use the support of the other guys in your flight and you'll do well. You're on the AF's time, so you'll play by the AF's rules. If you can show your IPs that you're motivated, then your problems will soon dissapear.


Internet killed the television star
RetreadRand said:
Vance sucks, but so does Whiting and Corpus...


I dunno about that, I'm at Whiting and I'm lovin' it. Not to stomp on balls' balls, but after hearing stories about Vance, that makes Whiting that much sweeter.


balls, don't worry about it man, like they said it's all part of playing the game. My opinion, stop worrying about the stuff quite as much, study of course, but don't stress, otherwise that'll just add to what the AF already adds on.

Oh, and I have this written on top of my kneeboard, seems to help me if I feel like I'm having a hard time...."Have fun Dickhead :icon_smil "
Couldn't be happier at Vance. It's what you make of your stay here; and we are all having fun. (not directed at you, balls)

Sounds like you're trying to do well and desire to do so. I might suggest it's not what/how long you are studying, but perhaps how. I know I was guilty (most all of us were) of chair flying the entire sortie, down to the detail. Instead, you may try breaking it down. Work on the portions of the sortie you have trouble with and fly those smaller pieces seperately(departure, or area work, or Dog, recovery, etc) in the chair a couple/several times (vice flying the whole thing once).

It can be a lot to digest immediately, but rest assured it WILL get better. Feel free to PM me with more specific questions if you like.



low bypass axial-flow turbofan with AB driver
Echo: Big picture bro. Hated first half of primary. Loved second half. Hated first half of advanced. Loved second half. Love the RAG. The rules will get more big boyish and if you work as hard as you say you do, you'll do well. Look for motivation is big and small places. Watch a video of carrier quals or bombs in Iraq, and then try to pick one thing that your IP will harp on and commit yourself to knocking it out of the park.
I know it sounds stupid, but one senior pilot told me that my "last 4" checklist prior to takeoff should be TITSMILE: 1) Taxi Light 2) IFF/squawk 3) Time check and 4) SMILE. If a TIT doesn't get you to smile, maybe telling yourself to smile because you have (or will have) the best job in the world will work.
I think you'll find that eventually they take the kid gloves off and let you start doing stuff where you have to pinch yourself to make sure it's real.


Registered User
update: you guys were right, it's starting to get better now that we're past the instruments test. anyone have any tips on passing the stan tests?