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Transferring from one pipeline to another


Well-Known Member
So what you're asking is if you're a rock star in P-3 advanced can you change to E2/C2. I've never heard of it. I think your only option is going the Masterbates route a few years down the road.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I knew 2 guys who were drafted during Maritime Advanced to go E-2/C-2. "Draft " being the key word since there was a need apparently. Nothing to count on.


Super Moderator
So what you're asking is if you're a rock star in P-3 advanced can you change to E2/C2. I've never heard of it. I think your only option is going the Masterbates route a few years down the road.

Uhhhhh.........no. Like Zab pointed out, there are a few exceptions every once in a blue moon (requesting a transfer and getting drafted for one are completely different by the way), but that type of transfer rarely happens.

I have actually known a few people who transferred pipelines before being winged but it was always being transferred from jets to E-2/C-2 or P-3 etc and not the other way around. Zab's buddies are the first I have heard of a P-3 guy going elsewhere, and I have known a lot of aviators.

The only pilot transfer from props to jets that I know of was a Hawaii ANG C-130 guy who rocked flight school and got F-15's instead. That was an internal ANG thing though. The only NFO transfers I know of were guys who went Strike/Fighter to Strike or VP and one Strike guy who got Strike/Fighter because a guy cheated (long story).

So, long story short.......it does nto normally happen, so don't bet on it......:eek:


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected by those with greater experience, apparently anything is possible if the planets are in the proper alignment and a butterfly flaps its wings in Asia:D I should have said I haven't heard of it happening in the last year during the time I've been in maritime advanced/RAG.


Registered User
thanks for the info, sounds like I'm locked into the P3 community, but that's cool with me, the mission sounds awesome, just really wanted to land on the boat though. I selected pretty recently and didn't exactly get my first choice so just curious if I had any options.

I highly doubt I'd ever apply for a transition years down the road. I think once I get to my fleet squadron I won't be lookin' back, as brett said. Also, from what I hear you have to go straight back to an operational squadron (no shore duty) if you transition. Is this what you'll be doing MB?


Well-Known Member
If you call 2 years in flight school with ZERO responsibilut besides being a student, no shore tour, then yes, back to back sea..