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Registered User
Is it a good idea to start training in boots prior to departure for Quantico? If so how soon before leaving should i begin training in them, and what model of boots should i be looking for?


Well-Known Member
If your going 1st Increment or combined this close to shipping I wouldnt. Break your boots in by walking around your general routine (class, errands, etc) but beating on your legs right now this soon to ship is only going to be that, beating on your legs.

2nd Increment, you could do it through May but take it easy with it. You will do a lot of boots and utes running at OCS but its not so bad you cant survive it if you didnt do it before hand.
Trev, you're going in October correct? If so, begin training in boots now.

Many people will say that it isn't necessary. They're right, it isn't. It will, however, be advantageous. Many people will say that training in boots will only lead to injury. They're wrong, it won't. The key is being smart about your training. Ease your way into running in them. DO NOT go out and run 5 miles the first day you get them. Start by running 1 mile in them once a week. After about 3 or 4 weeks, make it two miles. After another 3 or 4 weeks, make it three miles. For OCS, three miles will be good to go. Also, I would highly recommend going for a hike (30-50 lb. pack; in boots and utes) every 10 or 15 days. Training in boots now will allow your body to adapt gradually, thus avoiding injury. Furthermore, it will show you where your feet tend to develop blisters and you can figure out how to avoid them.

As far as what type of boots and where to purchase them, try http://www.quanticoboot.com Go ahead and get one of the official USMC pairs. I recommend either the Belleville jungles or the Bates Lites. For more information regarding boots check out http://www.marineocs.com and search for "boots." Boots have been discussed numerous times and in incredible detail.

Finally, while we're on the topic, I would recommend getting several good pair of boot socks. Thorlo and Fox River both make a "combat" boot sock that is very good. Black is good to go. Any further questions about boots or OCS in general let me know.


Registered User

Hey man appreciate the awesome advice, i'm not shipping out until Oct, so i figured it couldn't be a bad idea to get acclimated now to the world of boots. Are you indifferent between the belleville and bates or do you have a personal preference between the two? Also anybody download and print the pre-ocs workout and adhere to it, or has everyone kind of created their own...i seem to get lost when it comes to balancing my running, weightlifting, crosstraining, etc. I sure as hell don't want to burn out but since i have six months to go i can work hard now and tone it down in sept. THanks again.


I tried to get used to them by wearing Bates jungles around just doing my thing. Probably looked really dorky, also.

It didn't work, obviously, I got sent home with leg injuries within two weeks. I won't say it's because of the boots, but it's something to think about. I don't think it'll hurt, really, but they didn't help any, either.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
Its really up to you. I think that its one of those things that is different for each person. Some people make it through OCS never wearing boots before with little to no blisters. Some people HAVE to go get the bates lites and still get torn up. If you think that you could benefit from it then go for it. If you do, at least you'll know how they feel when running and climbing. When it comes down to stuff like maxing out pullups, or getting run time down...all that stuff will help. But dealing with factors such as your feet getting messed up, or injuries - its different for each person. OCS will suck whether youre used to boots or not. Its up to you.
I prefer the Bellevilles. The Bates just don't fit my feet as well. Another advantage of training in boots prior to OCS is knowing what type of boots you want to get during uniform issue. Speaking of which, make sure you get the correct size before you leave the building. The first time I went through the line I was given a pair of Belleville ICBs and a pair of Bates jungles. The ICBs fit great, but the Bates felt terrible. I went back up to exchange them and the Capt. that was in charge tried to get me to exchange sizes with another candidate. He had Bates as well so I told the Capt. that "the Bates do not fit this candidate's feet as well as the Bellevilles." She said okay and I went and got what I needed. Point of the story? Take your time when your trying on your boots and make sure you're good to go before you leave.

As far as balancing your training, I would highly recommend Crossfit.com plus a good running program. Crossfit's programs will build functional strength and endurance, but they don't do enough running to prepare you for OCS.


Registered User

Ya know i've meandered around crossfit.com do you only do the workout of the day each day or is there like a 10-week program or something like that. Re: boots, after doing a lot of reading i belleviews seem to be in higher regard then the bates, i've been hearing that OCC doesn't allow you to bring your own boots anymore? As long as their USMC cert, and sand color is it acceptable? Or should i take the ones they give, bring my own, and use one of the pairs for inspection?


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
...Re: boots, after doing a lot of reading i belleviews seem to be in higher regard then the bates, i've been hearing that OCC doesn't allow you to bring your own boots anymore? As long as their USMC cert, and sand color is it acceptable? Or should i take the ones they give, bring my own, and use one of the pairs for inspection?

Again, make sure that you like the belleviews. Take peoples advice, but make sure to try them both on yourself if at all possible. Where did you hear that you are no longer allowed to bring your own?

I brought a pair of lites. I used those plus one of the issue pair for OCS and kept the third pair (second issue pair) for inspection.


Registered User

That boot rumor was floating around the MarineOCS.com forum, though there was a lot of back and forth. What you did sounds like the best idea, break in a pair and get used to a pair before i ship use those at OCS along with one of the issued pairs, and use the second issued pair for inspection.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
Good deal. Worst case - get a pair, get used to running in a pair, if they "dont let you have them", they're not gonna throw them away. If they take shit from you, it will just be locked up in a locker. But chances are you will still be able to use them at OCS. I cant imagine why not.

I saved the least comfortable pair for the inspections - or if it really rained a lot and the other 2 pairs were soaked.

P.S. stuff newspaper in those bitches if they get wet. It will dry them in hours.


Internet killed the television star
Ya know i've meandered around crossfit.com do you only do the workout of the day each day or is there like a 10-week program or something like that...

I've been using the crossfit workouts for quite some time now. Their theory is on a full body fitness, not just a few set movements. I really enjoy it, especially because it has so much variety, plus, it works. Just jump into it and follow the workouts. The only thing is you may have to scale some of the workouts down based on your strength level. They have a message board on there too so you can get a good idea of it.

As for the running, I just do it on my own aside from the workouts. Sometimes the workouts are running, most of the time it's not, so if you wanna be ready for OCS I'd say do the running extra.


Registered User
Good deal. Worst case - get a pair, get used to running in a pair, if they "dont let you have them", they're not gonna throw them away. If they take shit from you, it will just be locked up in a locker. But chances are you will still be able to use them at OCS. I cant imagine why not.

I saved the least comfortable pair for the inspections - or if it really rained a lot and the other 2 pairs were soaked.

P.S. stuff newspaper in those bitches if they get wet. It will dry them in hours.

where did u get a newspaper? home?