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The wait for 185

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2ndLt Charlie Co TBS
I like New Balance running shoes, I've had a pair of 636's and now a pair of 764's with the shock sole...can definitely feel the difference in the two...a buddy of mine works in a sporting goods store and he said people are constantly bringing their Nike's back in because they fell apart too soon or they caused foot problems...The price differential for comparable NB's vs Nike is about $20-25 more for the Nike's too. But keep feeding the beast all you swooshies...lol...basically it depends on your foot. I have wider feet so NB's which are more neutral in width fit me better.


2ndLt Charlie Co TBS

That cracks me up...we call our game the "Turkey Bowl" too...not that its a stretch...we also are having an ice bowl when the guys come back for X-mas break.

As for injuries...I just don't go out there like ROMO and try to kill anyone or be a world beater...at the same time I don't think about playing soft because that's when you WILL get hurt...Like any sport, play hard and play smart and when you see someone bigger than you bearing down on you...RUN LIKE HELL the other way!!!


Registered User
Originally posted by TNWhiskey
I like New Balance running shoes, I've had a pair of 636's and now a pair of 764's with the shock sole...can definitely feel the difference in the two...a buddy of mine works in a sporting goods store and he said people are constantly bringing their Nike's back in because they fell apart too soon or they caused foot problems...The price differential for comparable NB's vs Nike is about $20-25 more for the Nike's too. But keep feeding the beast all you swooshies...lol...basically it depends on your foot. I have wider feet so NB's which are more neutral in width fit me better.

Hey, that extra $20-25 is well spent. It goes to paying for those cool commercials, multimillion dollar endorsements and big salary and stock options for Nike executives. Your'e not actually suppose to train in them, they're too expensive for that.


Registered User
I wear racing flats in my races. Track spikes without the spikes - light as air. http://www.brooksrunning.com/gear/fw_pdfs/Mach6Spikeless_Tech.pdf

I wear Nikes Pegasus, Adidas Adeprene, and Reebok Hydromove(?) for day to day and practices. Unless I'm on a date then I am wearing running shoes. You never know when you might have to run.

I'll get a new pair of shoes in the next week, I might go for NB's (made in America!) or another pair of these Reeboks.


Registered User
There are a couple things about the racing flats: 1) your feet get hammerred when you wear them and b)they wont last that long.
I have run 8 races and 2 PFT's in mine. Under 50 miles (about what I run in a week normally). They show significant tread wear already.

I never thought that they would last that long or give much support, I bought them because they are light and fast. Not for training.


Registered User
strictly new balances for me...made in the USA and good for flat wide feet.

the waiting is long here in LA but a price worth paying to escape flourescent lights. does anyone know when we'll start hearing? will this happen all at once or gradually?


Registered User
Good Question. The board for the West Coast district meets next Friday, on the 14th. That means that we will hear news the forthcoming week I assume. My office said it takes about a week to hear back after the 14th, but I think it comes back faster. I guess I should say I hope it comes back faster.


Registered User
Isn't the board physically located in SD? Maybe I should drive down and shamelessly self-promote.


OCC 186 Bound
I was told we'd hear from 2-3 weeks after the board meets (the 11th from what I'm told), but as an unofficial return. It won't become official until the General (which one, you may ask? who the hell knows anymore) signs off on it.


Registered User
So I ran another PFT last saturday. 10/15/03 I scored 299 and I tried to perfect it on 11/8/03. I was unable to improve the run and scored a 296.

I was at least 30 seconds slower. Maybe I came out too hard or the gusting winds slowed me down. Maybe I'm just lazy. I really wanted that 300. No matter. The 299 is submitted.

At least I am no longer afraid of a little 3 mile run. Now I have 2 months to take a minute off my time.

See you in January!


Registered User
I just reread this thread and see that we were talking about shoes.

I just bought a pair of NB 833's, they rock.


PLC Jrs 1st Inc. Kilo-3
Praxis, please tell me how to get my run time down!! I'd be happy just to be sub 21. I suck at it right now. I ran a half marathon in April, and now I'm struggling to just run 3 miles, let alone in a good time. Someone PLEASE HELP! I have to work harder on the Running than anything on my package. Thanks.


Registered User
i figure there are two schools of thought on how to decrease your run time -
1) work in some speed work - hit 400s in your goal time (1:30 if your shooting for an 18 min 3 mi) one fast, one slow; sprint up the hills, jog the down; fartlek runs; anything to get you sprinting and jogging
2) run like a man on fire for everyone of your runs, run faster towrd the end
both methods are employed by competitive runners with great success and see what works for you. personally i try to do a little of both. i think straight runs get a little boring so once a week i try to mix it up with something that will keep my interested and push me farther than im used to going.

either way, the idea is to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE

there are some great online resources on the subject. coolrunnings.com, runnersworld.com and a host of others. also, check out galloways book on running as it is widely considered an authority on the matter.

good luck


Registered User
tex is right. go to runnersworld.com

Run. Run 6 or 7 days a week. Maybe 50 miles a week. I usually run 10+ times a week. Morning and afternoon.

Mix it up. Speed drills: 12 X 400, 40 minute tempo runs, repeats: 6 X 1600, hill repeats, striders, plyometrics, and one long run a week.

Join a running club.


Registered User
I just got back from a run and was thinking about texag's method # 2^

The only problem that I see is that its difficult to gauge and quantify progess while doing this without turning it into repeats or a fartlek run (method #1).
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