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The Tomcat Legacy; 35+ years from Fleet Air Defender to Recce to Precision Strike


A4sForever said:
... the "Bossier City Bearcat" manning up .... Tonkin Gulf style

The moral of the story ??? ..... CAG flies .... always has -- always will. ;)

Speaking of manning up Tonkin Gulf style, another flying CAG, shot down on his 202nd Vietnam mission:

VADM James Bond Stockdale




KBayDog said:
Trying not to completely jack this thred...Google "Jill Edwards" and "Pappy Boyington" (in the same search, of course...)

Just to save some of you the trouble ... it all basically boils down to this:

..."the University of Washington, in response to a proposal to erect a monument for decorated WW2 Marine Pilot Col. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, decided that they didn't need "any more monuments to rich white men" .... and that they weren't too keen on the idea of putting up a monument that, you know, dealt with, like, war and killing and stuff .... "

That comes from the ASUW Student Senate .... I just heard this on the news tonight. Amazing. But that's what my Alma Mater has been like for .... a whole bunch of years. The U of W was one of the original 6 Navy ROTC schools ... how times change.

If you feel like sending them ... your "best" .... here's the place to start:



Brett327 said:
Maybe you Marines just aren't as tough as you think you are. ;)


**Slight threadjack/course correction here .... but if CAG and the F-14 won't mind, why would you ??? **;)

Marines aren't ... as tough??? Maybe ... maybe not .... and I've always loved the Marines' ability to believe a lot of their own propaganda. BUT lest anyone misunderstand me:

I LOVE THE USMC !!! Nearly became a Marine, 2nd LT, Infantry. It's just details .... and that's another story.....

BUT ... back to the point. "If" you have ever been in two or three "bar fights" over the years in the Far East :) --- the best thing you can have at your back is a bunch of US Navy sailors. They are really, really good with their hands and assorted "tools" .... :eek:

BELIEVE IT .......

**Threadjack ... OUT **


AllAmerican75 said:
By the way, what is the U.S. Navy's official stance on barfights?

By the way ??? Bar fights??? Hmmmmm .... but let's see ... Hollywood and John Wayne aside .... bloody noses ...... ummmm ..... broken heads ..... ahhhhh ....... :icon_boxi ......bar fights ...... teeth knocked out .... ummmmmm ... black eyes ..... ahhhhh .... Shore Patrol .... hmmmmm ...... nothing is coming ..... WAIT !!! O.K: I think I might have it.

Nope!! I don't think UNCLE considers a bar fight a career enhancing activity. :thumbdn_1


I do believe pillow fights are O.K. these days, however .....


Well-Known Member
A4sForever said:
BUT ... back to the point. "If" you have ever been in two or three "bar fights" over the years in the Far East :) --- the best thing you can have at your back is a bunch of US Navy sailors. They are really, really good with their hands and assorted "tools" .... :eek:

And, if you were a young Hispanic man living in Los Angeles in the spring of 1943, your worst enemies were a bunch of US Navy sailors - and other servicemen - for the very same reasons listed above.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
jarhead said:
CAG on a combat mission, hmm ... similar to the MEU CO that went on the Helo ride into Yugo to pull out O'Grady ... RHIP, i guess, gotta get the accolades, & it's great for morale

"O-6 shot down", press would have a hay-day

and what counts in end is how your bio reads ....


The MEU Commander on that TRAP mission was not an aviator. CAGs and DCAGs fly and lead from the cockpit. "Size" is not that kind of leader to jump into a hop for publicity. He's one of the good guys and nobody will begrudge him for flying the last combat mission.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
jarhead said:
i figured he flew (our MAG CO flies weekly) but not on combat missions. learn somethin everyday ... still pretty convenient that he flew "the last recovery of an F-14 Tomcat from a combat mission" though - good for the bio


My bet is is bio will not mention it. He's a pretty quiet guy in that regard and lets his deeds speak for him...one of better Topgun COs in that regard.


heyjoe said:
...... "Size" is not that kind of leader to jump into a hop for publicity. He's one of the good guys and nobody will begrudge him for flying the last combat mission.

I don't know whether or not CAG Sizemore's a good guy or otherwise --- I will take other's opinions on this. I just know that if I were CAG and it wouldn't bust anyone's balls or cause a break in the time-space continuum of life :

I'D TAKE THE LAST TOMCAT (or A4 or whatever ... ) COMBAT TRAP !!! R.H.I.P. :captain_1


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Come on now folks...do you really think it was just "coincidence" he got the last combat trap in the Tomcat?

Unless we can get an input from JO in Vf-31 or VF-213, I don't think we'll really know.


Hummer NFO
OK, HE'S THE CAG....It's his wing, his show. Whether they liked it or not, he says what goes. Come on, did any of you realisitically think that a JO was gonna take that last trap. Whether the CAG is a good guy or not, someone with leaves or birds on their shoulders was going to take that trap. Enough said.


Registered User
Tomcat Fly-In Summary

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Today, at approximately 12:10-12:15, the remaining 22 Tomcats, in a formation that will forever be remembered, came home.

I was located in a secure facility this morning (no cameras or video equipment allowed) that has ring side seats of Oceana and all air ops. After watching pretty much all of the Homecoming fly-ins today, I couldn't stand it anymore and drove over to "the spot." If you live or work anywhere near the Oceana area, you know exactly where I'm talking about. And wouldn't you know...MANY other Tomcat fans had the same idea. There was even a dude who had a walkie-talkie and was able to hear how many miles out the formation was. "40 miles out!" He yelled to anyone that could hear (the wind was incredibly strong!). "30 miles out!" You can tell everyone was getting excited. There were people that looked like they were in their 80's, all the way down to little kids. It was like a mini airshow and we were waiting for the final performance. And then, it happened...


With that announcement, we all looked up, and just above the tree line was the largest formation of aircraft I have ever seen. Friends, I thought there was nothing...nothing that compares to a Tomcat flyover. I was wrong. There is NOTHING that compares to a 22-bird Tomcat flyover.

They flew directly overhead at about 200ft. Slow as can be and as tight as they can hold due to the high winds. I knew I was experiencing something historic, but it didn't hit me until we were in the shadow of these glorious planes. Then, as they flew off into the distance, the first three on the port side peeled off as only swept-wing Tomcats can, and the cheering continued. Those first three came around and directly overhead again, but at about 100ft. to be the first to land. The Blacklions were the first to land their birds, followed by the Tomcatters, with the respective "show birds" (the ones with the legacy paint schemes) in the last four to land overall. After about 10-15 Tomcats flying directly overhead to land, I started to get used to this mini airshow. But just as fast as it all started, I realized that the final Tomcat was approaching. I took a deep breath and told myself "remember this...soak it in...this is history." She came, crawling slowly over all of us as if to say "get a good look", and while fighting the drastic cross-winds, slammed down in typical NAVAIR fashion.

It was over. And we all felt like we were treated to something we will remember forever. The families are united again. This was truly a historic cruise with many milestones accomplished. Welcome home guys and gals.

Because I came from a secure facility, I was unarmed with any type of photo or video equipment. I did make arrangements with the Virginian Pilot, our local paper, to have them send me photos from the Fly-In to post. Stay tuned for these.

Fly Navy

Here's video footage from a helo: